A Painful Week

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I jolted awake from hearing a deafening scream. 

Finley. I thought when I heard the scream. But, I erased that thought when I remembered she is dead. It must have just been in a dream. Last night, my eyes closed at some point and I fell asleep. I was still in Finley's bed, in Finley's room, surrounded by Finley's things, and it all smelt like her. I slowly got up with a tearing pain in my heart knowing I will never see her again. I walked to my own room in the homestead and grabbed fresh clothes since I was still wearing the same ones from yesterday. 

I walked down the creaky halls and creaky stairs that Finley always said I should fix. She was right, certain boards did need repairs. 

"Wouldn't be surprised if one day someone just falls through" she stated. We both chuckled as we continued walking down the horribly built stairs. 

"That's what happens when I let Alec and Dan build stairs on their own." I replied with a grin. 

I thought of the memory as a slight smile appeared on my face. It was faint and quick to fade away. I headed to the showers to wash up quickly and clean my hands. The water stung through the open cuts on my knuckles but I didn't even much as flinch. No pain- physically, emotionally, or mentally- will ever be equal to how I am feeling right now, knowing she is gone. I continued to the dining hall for breakfast. Walking in the hall, I saw all the gladers eating, they all were acting back to their normal routine. Smiling, laughing, and having a good time. Even her closest friends; Fry, Winston, Jack, Clint, Alby, Newt, Minho, Jeff, Zart, and Ben. It was hard to forget, but I pushed myself to focus as if she never had been in the glade- as I did so the ache in my heart grew. I got a tray and sat down with the builders like normally. 

"Hey Gally!" one of the builders, Henry, said cheeringly. I looked at him with a dead cold glare that shut him right up. 

"Gally... you don't know yet do you?" another builder, Peter, asked. I sent a confusing look his way and before he could answer a loud screech came that silenced the whole dining hall. 


I got up and went to run out before Alby walked in front of me.

"Where are you going?" he asked. 

"Is that Finley?" I asked a question rather than answering him. I tried to pull out of his grasp, but he pushed me back to stand in front of him. 

"No one told you?" another question asked.

"What are you talking about?" 

"Finley... she made it out," he said. I couldn't believe it. She actually survived. A smile began to form on my face.

I began to run out, however Alby grabbed at my shoulder and pulled me back, I tried to run again and see her but Winston and Minho helped Alby hold me back. All three of their strength compared to mine was not easy to fight against. 

"Hold on, Gally... Hold on!" Alby attempted to pull me back again. 

"Gal!" Fry shouted, joining in on holding me back.

Another scream from Finley wiped off the small smile I had on my face, she sounded in pain. I froze- no longer fighting against the others grasp. "I should probably add that... she has been stung, Gally" my heart fell and shattered hearing Alby's words. Her dying was horrible and unbearable to think of, especially since that would mean living a life without her, but her having to go through all the pain of going through the changing was heart breaking. She didn't deserve it, no one did. Out of the two people who survived griever stings, they have never come back to their old self. I should know

"Can I go see her?" I asked, my heart aching once again in sorrow. Alby nodded and led me to the med jack hut. I instantly saw her laying on the table with restraints holding her down. She had her left arm wrapped up with bandages and there was a black vein on her neck. She was sweating, covered in dirt and blood. Her eyes fluttered as she laid unconscious. I slowly walked over to her and pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. Sweat thickly coated her forehead. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. I took a step back as precaution. Just before her eyes fully opened, she jumped forward in pain yelling bloody murder. 

"Hold her down" Clint instructed as Jeff and him raced over to hold her arms and legs down so she wouldn't break the restraints. She continued to scream as Alby joined in trying to hold her down. I couldn't move nor help, I stood there shocked. 

"THEO!" she yelled. 

Who the shuck is Theo? 

Tears began to pour down from her eyes as her shrieks of pain didn't die down either. Clint rushed over to get some sort of medicine and injected it into her causing her to fall back unconscious. 

"Will she be okay?" were the only words I could come up with. 

"Yes, she should be. Just going through the normal changing process" Jeff explained. I stood there another minute looking at her. I began to walk back to the dining hall to finish my breakfast. When I walked in, all eyes went on to me. Pity and sympathy glistened in their expressions. I hated it. I sat down and began to eat. 

For the next week it was the same thing everyday. Sleep in Finley's room, wake up, work, and get my heart ripped out of my chest each time I heard Finley cry out in pain. I didn't visit her much, I couldn't. I just hoped she one day would finally be better. 

I had a nightmare one night. I was walking around in the maze and I saw a griever- or what I think a griever would look like- and it ran toward me. I didn't move though. It ran right through me as if I wasn't there or if I was a ghost. The griever used its tale to grab someone's body and toss them to the ground and stung them in their side. When the griever ran away, I walked up to the body to see it was Finley. Dark, black veins spread over every inch of her body in seconds. She then jolts awake and begins attacking me. Stabbing me in the chest repeatedly. Over and over and over. 

The nightmares I had were nothing compared to what Finley must be going through. Because what she must be dreaming of was real. I just wish I could hold her tightly in my arms and tell her how much I loved her. 

It has been 8 full days of Finley in the changing. Yesterday was the most quiet. She must be getting better. During dinner today, I was eating with my head down. The room filled with conversations and laughs, but all of a sudden it went quiet. I looked around to see what the matter was and that's when I saw her, standing in the door frame. I quickly got up and ran over to her. She still looked pale and had healing cuts still on her face. A white bandage still wrapped around her left arm. The dirt and blood that once covered her body was gone, she must have washed up before coming here. 

"Finley," I said, whispering so she could only hear me. I raised both of my hands and gently set them on the sides of her cheeks. "God. You don't know how much I have missed you" A grin spread across her face as she stood on her tippy toes to kiss me on the lips. Once again, I felt at home. Our lips moved in sync like always. Like they were meant for each other. 

"Get a room!" one of the gladers hollered. 

"Gladly" I replied, turning back around to face Finley. "Hungry?" She nodded excitedly. We walked over to Fry and he gave her a plate full of biscuits, her favourite thing that Fry cooks. 

"It's good to see you back, Finley," Fry commented. 

"Thanks Fry! It's good to be back," She said with a huge smile, gratefully taking the plateful of biscuits. We walked to where we usually ate dinner. Not with the builders like I have been doing while she was in the changing, but with her friends. I never mind eating with her friends, they were less slintheads than the builders and plus, Finley is gone all day and she rarely sees anyone so eating dinner with them is tolerable to make her happy. 

After eating dinner, we headed up the creaky stairs of the homestead to her room. 

"I was gone for a week and you still didn't fix those stairs," she said with a smirk. 

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