A Brother?

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It's been a week since the terrible night in the forest happened. I spend a few days with each job. Today was another long day of trying to find a job that I could do or like. Once I finally found my hammock, I quickly laid down and pulled the blanket over my tired body. The tears began to come again like all the other nights, I tried to hold them back and was unable to do so. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. The sounds of crickets were heard and the fire was still going. The moonlight shone through the trees and hit my face. 

'She's weak!' Billy's words from the other night kept ringing through my head. 

I wasn't alone for long though a twig snapped from behind me. I quickly sat up and looked to find Gally walking towards me. He sat on his hammock that was beside mine. Nervously playing with his hands, he moved his gaze to me. His blue eyes softened. A single tear then fell down his cheek. I was surprised to see Gally like this. He was tough and strong all the time when around the other gladers, they listened to him and they looked up to him. They were scared of Gally. I could never imagine seeing him cry. 

I slowly sat up and walked over to him and sat beside him in his hammock. "What's wrong, Gally," I asked. 

"I shouldn't have left you in the forest that night. If I had just stayed and did as Alby asked... Billy wouldn't have... he wouldn't-" He said in between silent sobs, trying to form sentences. Hearing Gally's words caused more tears to fall down my cheeks. I lightly grabbed his chin and forced him to move his gaze back to me. 

"Gally. It's okay. It's not your fault. I told you to go back with the others. If anything it's my fault. I was too weak to get him off of me." I explained. His eyebrows furrowed. 

"Weak? You aren't weak and you shouldn't be blaming yourself..." 

"You shouldn't be blaming yourself either" I cut him off. "With all honesty, it's neither of our faults. Billy is just a shuck face, who doesn't understand what 'no' means." 

"I am so sorry, Finley." he wraps his arm around me, pulling me into a hug. We stayed silent for a few minutes just holding one another until we both stopped crying. 

"I better go to bed" I finally said, breaking us out of the peaceful and comfortable silence. 

"Okay, night Finley" Gally replied. "I'm sorry," he said again. 

"You don't have to keep saying sorry, okay? Night Gal," I got up and walked to my own hammock and laid down, once again pulling the blanket over my body to keep me warm on this chilly night. I heard Gally move around into a comfortable position in his own hammock. I was laying on my side as another tear slowly fell. I stopped myself from anymore and forced myself to sleep. 

Sleep took over my body and a dream began to play in my head. 

I was walking down a hallway. The colour white painted everywhere, giving a clean and fresh feel to a place that gave me shivers. What was this place? Where am I? 

"Finley!" a voice came from behind me. It was a boy, possibly twelve or thirteen years old. He had short dark brown hair and big brown eyes. 

"What Thomas?" I replied. 

"They are taking your brother to the maze!" Thomas replied. 

"Ben!?" I asked, already knowing the answer. I began to sprint down the hall, going the opposite way I was originally walking in. I kept running down hundreds of halls. Thomas was not far behind me trying to keep up. I burst through a door that was at the end of a hall. There sat a young boy with blonde hair. Tears dried on his cheek. He had some sort of headset on. "Noo!" I yelled as a woman in a white lab coat pushed a big blue button on the screen. The young boy's eyes began to flutter shut. I tried to run to him, however a guard came running in and dragged me out. 

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