'Night Greenie'

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Billy is lying on the ground, not moving. Unconscious or dead. Clint, a med-jack, came running over when he realized Billy wouldn't be getting back up. "He's fine. He's alive. Just knocked out." Clint stated after doing a quick checkup of the boy. A breath of air was released from my lungs, a breath I did not know I was holding in. Two gladers offered to carry Billy to the med hut so he could rest. I stood there still silent watching them carry Billy away. A few other gladers had gone back to where they were sitting and continued their conversations. I just stood there in the circle. I did not know I had that sort of strength. Wowzers! 

"The slinthead had it coming." a voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Gally standing there. His big blue eyes locked on to mine. "I guess we all learned from tonight not to mess with you." He chuckled and patted me on the shoulder before he walked away, once again leaving me in silence. 

"That was shucking awesome greenie!" Minho exclaimed as he, Newt, Alby, Jeff, and Fry walked towards me. "You knocked him out cold!"

"Are you okay? You may not be knocked out but I can see the bruising beginning around your eye already. Not to mention the busted skin on your knuckles. Might want some ice on that." Jeff mentioned. 

"I'm fine." I simply replied. "I think I'm just going to go to bed." 

"I'll walk you to your hammock" Fry said and I nodded to accept his generous offer.

"I was thinking about asking Gally and the builders to build an edition on the homestead, so you could have your own room, since you're our first and only girl here in the glade I am sure you would like some privacy" Alby explained. I once again plainly nodded my head as Fry led me towards the hammocks that were under some trees at the edge of the forest. Some gladers chose to sleep in the homestead, but many chose to sleep in hammocks outside since it is cooler and not as smelly. At least that is why I chose to sleep outside. Fry appointed me to a hammock and I slowly slipped my boots off and rolled in the hammock.

"My hammock is right beside ya" Fry stated while pointing to a hammock to my left. "And that one is Newt's and the one there is Gally's" he said while pointing to two other hammocks. "You will be safe and sound while you sleep. Got the finest knights to protect you my lady" I giggled at Fry as he tossed a blanket towards me. 

"Thanks... Night Fry."

"Night Greenie" 

I heard Frypan's footsteps fade as he walked back to the bonfire. I layed on my back as the cold breeze blew between the surrounding trees. Laughter and talking in the distance. The crackling of the fire barely could be heard. The moonlight glistened in between the above leaves of the trees. I slowly closed my eyes. My left eye still throbbing from earlier and pain shoots through my knuckles when I move them. The regret of tonight is starting to settle in. Why did I have to go into that circle? If I didn't Billy would think I am even more weak than I actually am. I could have just shoved him out of the circle instead of knocking him out to an unconscious state. Gally is correct though, that slinthead did deserve it. All of these worrying thoughts crossed my mind. I then realized my mind literally never stops, there are always the constant questions!

Hundreds of more thoughts cross my mind as I ponder on one specifically. 'Don't hurt another glader, we need to trust one another' quoted by the one and only leader, Alby. I hurt Billy. I knocked him out. What will happen to me? What sort of punishment will I get? Will they kill me!? The fear of the gladers killing me faded as other fears came to mind. Will I ever remember my name? What do I even look like? I could be the ugliest shank in the world and I wouldn't know! Oh god, now I am talking in their horrible language. Tears began to form as I realized how clueless I am of what's going on and of the fact that I will be stuck here for God knows how long. Maybe the rest of my life! A single wet tear fell down along my dry cheek. Another, then another, and then another fell down after the first one. I quietly let out a sob, not wanting to alert any other gladers nearby that are at the bonfire that the weak girl is crying because she is an ugly shank. 

After a couple minutes that felt like hours the crying and sobbing did not die down. They were continuous like I was holding them in for years. Just then I heard footsteps coming my way. I panicked and wiped my tears with my sleeves and pretended I was sleeping. Trying to be quiet and hold in another sob. I layed there with my eyes closed and I listened to the sounds of the footsteps, they were gone. I let out a breath of relief and a sob came out with it. Which unleashed all the tears once again. 

"Greenie?" a familiar voice came from my right. I jumped up startled and fell out of my hammock. "Oh shuck! Are you okay?" 

The voice came closer at a jogging pace and helped me up and back into my hammock. I then recognized the big blue eyes to belong to Gally. Fantastic. Note the sarcasm. Through the dark I could still see his eyes staring into mine with a worrisome look. He took his hands and put them on either side of my cheeks and used the pad of his thumbs to gently wipe away the tears that were falling on my now reddened and soaked face. 

"Just breathe... it's okay" he whispered while his one hand moved down to my lower arm, his thumb continuing in a circular motion on my arm in an attempt to calm me down. "Hey, what's going on?" 

I took a deep breath and finally looked him in his eyes. "Nothing. I'm fine." I stated. 

He chuckled "Really? I don't remember much about girls, but I think when one is crying they are not 'fine'." he explained. Gally did not move his eyes from mine as he waited for a better explanation. 

"What happens when a glader hurts another glader?" I asked.

"Nothing is going to happen because you hit Billy." Gally answered. 

"I didn't just hit him. I knocked him out cold! He is lying unconscious in the med hut because of me, Gally! Alby said not to hurt another glader! I did a lot more than just hurt Billy!" I whisper-yelled between sobs.

"Hey. Hey, nothing is going to happen to you. I will make sure of that, okay? Plus, I don't think Alby is planning on giving any punishments. It was in the circle anyways. Guys get black eyes, broken noses, and loose teeth from going in the circle all the time. And once you left Alby was explaining how impressed he was by your punch. You have nothing to worry about she-bean, I promise." Gally explained. My sobs slowed down and I nodded my head, then the thought of not knowing my name nor what I look like came back to mind. 

I wiped my nose with my sleeve before asking the long awaited question. "What do I look like, Gally?" He seemed taken aback by my question. Unsure of how to answer it. Probably trying to find the best way to say 'you're an ugly shank'.

"What do you mean?" he asked. 

"I have no clue who I am. I have no idea of what I even look like. I was just wondering if I was an ugly shank or not" I replied. He chuckled at my use of words before continuing. 

"You are not an ugly shank. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen before" he stated matter of factly. I smiled at his reply before it hit me. 

"I am the only girl you've seen before!" We both laughed at his ridiculous analogy. 

"Seriously though. You are quite beautiful. You have wavy golden-like blonde hair. Freckles that cover your cheeks and green eyes, and a beauty mark just above your lips." He explained my different futures while pointing. "You have a very contagious smile. Probably, approximately 5"4 or 5"5... Is that a good enough description?" he continued. I nodded my head with reasurement that his description of me was good. Maybe I am not that ugly of a shank after all. "Also, you are very pretty when you cry," he added. His comment made me smile and lightly blush. I wiped my tears away with the end of my sleeve and took a deep breath before looking back into Gally's big blue eyes. 

"Thank-you Gally." 

"No problem. Now get to bed, she-bean. Big day tomorrow. If you need anything, I'm a hammock away."

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