Griever Pancake... yum!

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Clint and Jeff got some gladers to help carry the new girl out of the box and to the med hut-which there were many willing volunteers. Thomas, Newt, and Minho followed to go see her. I, on the other hand, needed to discuss some complaints with Mr. Gally. And, that's where I am heading now. He stood not too far away with some other builders. 

"Gally?" I spoke, he stood with his back facing away from me. He turned around at the sound of my voice and a warm smile took over his asshole facade. "Can I speak to you?" 

"Of course." He replies. He followed me and the walk was silent. Not an uncomfortable silence though. I led him to the best option I knew for a private conversation. We walked through the forest until I found the spot I was looking for. I sat down on the log beside the red rose that was still planted beside the same log. "The rose." I nodded in confirmation. 

"So... what was the deal with you in the council hall?" I asked. He seemed taken aback by my question and took him a second to reply. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean... you were sort of harsh towards Thomas." I explained. 

"You mean the greenie?" 

"Yeah... Thomas. Technically he isn't really the greenie anymore, Teresa is." 

"I guess I was a little harsh, but he deserved it. He broke a rule and..." He cut himself off, a look of confusion took over his face. 

"What?" I asked, "Gally... are you okay?" His gaze slowly dragged over to meet my eyes. "Gally?" I repeated, a little afraid now. 



"You said 'technically he isn't really the greenie anymore, Teresa is,' How did you know her name?" He explained. 

"I-" I paused, realization that I had in fact said the name Teresa when referring to the new girl. I remember thinking about recognizing her, but her name? I didn't know her name, did I? 

"Are you one of them?" He asked.

"One of who?" 

"One of the creators?!" I could see the anger beginning to bubble in him.

"No!" I matched his tone, "why the shuck would you think that?" I lowered my voice again, my voice held sadness and I couldn't help but be offended. 

Why would he ever ask a question like that? I asked myself. 

'Cause he is an asshole, A voice replied. 

"Because I think Thomas and the new girl are, okay?! And why would you know the new girl's name unless you are one of them too!" His eyebrows raised with frustration. 

"Gally... I am not one of them. Neither are Thomas and the new girl-" He cut me off. 

"Defending them now?! Wow!" He rolled his eyes and stood from his spot on the log.

"Gally! What has been wrong with you lately?! In the council hall, during the meeting all you did was being rude and negative towards Thomas! Yes, he broke a rule, but he saved Alby! He saved me! I froze when I saw the griever, alright?! It was only inches away from me and Thomas saved me! If anything we should be thanking him not throwing him into the pit! And for you to ask or even- even think of me being apart of those assholes that put us in this maze, you must be out of your mind!

"I would never want to be apart of them! Ever! They are the reason we're here! They are the reason so many of us have died! They are the reason that Ben is dead! BEN IS DEAD BECAUSE OF THEM! I would rather kill myself than ever be working for them!" I yelled, I was standing up in front of Gally by the end of my rant. My throat beginning to feel dry from all of my shouting. Tears were on the brim of falling from all the emotions I was feeling in the last minute. I have never yelled so much at Gally. Or any other glader for that matter since I have arrived in the glade. It was new. It was stress relieving. 

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