'Girl Talk'

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I was sitting at my usual log during our nightly fire. It has been a few days since the greenie bonfire. Alby allowed Gally to make his special piss drink for this fire. Usually we don't have Gally's drinks at the weekly fires, only the greenie bonfires. Guess tonight was our lucky night. I got up from my log and grabbed a jar of the piss drink. I sat back down and held the usual conversations with Fry and Winston, my two closest friends.

"I'm going to be right back, I'm gonna grab another drink" I said once finishing my first glass while standing up.

"No!" A shout came from across the fire. I looked over the fire to see Alby standing up and rushing over to me. "No! One drink is your limit" he stated firmly. Other gladers around snickered.


"What! That's not fair. It's just two drinks" I stated, trying to persuade him.

"One drink is your limit after what happened last time." the gladers began chuckling at their fond memories of seeing me being drunk for the first time.

Again, Bastards.

"That's not fair" I whined.

"I'm sorry, I don't think anyone is ready for that again." he stated, referring to a bonfire from a couple months ago. I looked over at the gladers, all who were laughing like mad men... mad boys. I still don't know.

I sat back down on my stump I originally was sitting on, my arms crossed with frustration. All these gladers think I am some sort of child?! Alby went back to his seat on the other side of the bonfire to continue his conversations.

"Hey, Finley," Winston whispered quietly from my side. I turned my head to see him slowly moving his jar towards me. "Take a quick sip before anyone sees" My grin came back instantly as I slowly took the drink from his hand and took a sip.

"Thanks, Winnie." I replied more thankful than ever for the amazing friends I have in the glade.

"I saw that Winston!" Alby hollered from his seat.

"Oh! We have been caught!" Winston shouted back "make a run for it when you still have the chance, Finley!" Everyone laughed. It was rare times like this that made all the worries of being stuck in this place fade away. We were actually teens, having fun and hanging out- like we should be.

"Finley... Can I talk to you?" Newt walked over and asked innocently "...Privately"

"Yeah sure." I said getting up from my spot. We headed away from the fire and sat on a patch of grass in the middle of the glade. "What's up, Newt?" I asked.

"I don't know how to explain this, but if I was to talk to any other gladers they would just make fun of me." he explained sadly.

"Yeah, I understand that. Those dudes sometimes don't have a filter and do not know when a joke ends" I said, agreeing with his statement.

"Okay, so, this is like... 'a girl talk'. Nothing I say can be repeated unless I say so," he firmly demanded for me to understand.

"Yes sir." I replied with my well-known salute. "I have always wanted to have 'a girl talk'!"

"Well... I'm just gonna say it... I think I'm gay" he said. My jaw hit the floor.

"Oh. my. God." I said in a slow tone. My jaw reconnected to my face and moved into a grin. "Who is the most attractive dude here!?" I asked, "Well, that's if you find anyone here attractive, not too many good options."

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