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After the bonfire I went to my room to go to sleep since I had a big day of running tomorrow. Everyone said goodnight to one another as they headed to their hammocks or rooms. However, there was something different about going to sleep than usual. Someone joined me. Someone slept beside me. In my bed. In my sheets. Beside me! Gally had asked if he could sleep in my room. Of course, I said he could, but when we got there the air was thick of awkwardness, it was obvious that we were nervous. He even went to lay on the floor. 

"Hey, Gal," I said to grab his attention. 


"You can sleep in the bed with me. There is plenty of room." I offered.

 "Are you sure?" I nod as I move over to the other side of the bed to make more room. He hesitantly slipped under the sheets and laid on his side facing towards me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He leaned over and gave a soft kiss on the top of my forehead before pulling back, "night Finley."

"Night Gal," He wrapped his arm gently around my waist and slowly pulled me closer to him as if he was scared that I would push him away. I wasn't planning to push him away and with all honesty I wanted to be as close to him as possible. I moved closer to the point where there were mere centimeters between our bodies, I laid my head in the crook of his neck. His hands rests on my lower back as he gently rubs in a circular motion that puts me right to sleep. 

I had never slept better in the whole time I had lived in the glade. 

Sadly, I am woken up the next morning from the sun's rays beginning to shine through the thin pieces of fabric covering my window. I look over to see Gally still asleep. Laying on his back with my head resting on his bare chest, he must have taken his shirt off during the night though, his arm still wrapped around my waist. I smile to myself realizing how at peace Gally looks as he sleeps. I slowly slip out from his grasp and from under the sheets making sure to not wake him, replacing myself with a pillow. Leaving the warm bed, my feet touch the cold hardwood and bring an instant wave of coolness causing the hair on my arms to stand. I quietly get dressed and head out the creaky halls of the homestead. After getting my breakfast and packing my lunch, I head to the mapping room to meet Minho and the other runners. 

Today the box is coming with new supplies. The box arrives weekly with supplies and monthly a new greenie joins. I had to go into the maze to run so I will most likely miss out on the box coming, but I am super excited for its arrival. I had asked for some new clothes. I have been here only for four months and my clothes are already dirty, worn out, and quite a few shirts have some decent sized holes. 

After chatting with the runners we head to the maze doors, preparing to leave. Final goodbyes and wishes of good luck to one another are shared before entering the maze- some think it's terrifying, however I find it to be beautiful in its own ways. Ben, Minho, and I take a left turn as the others go right. We continue to jog at a steady pace until we come to the point of us dividing. The corridor divides itself in three different directions, straight, left, or right. 

"Good luck ya ugly shanks!" I holler as I salute to the two and descend down the narrow corridor. They salute back and continue running their own ways. Running in the maze today was nothing exciting, I just ran along the dimmed halls while mapping the paths I took. The ivy strun from the huge walls are gorgeous like always and before I even know it, I am heading back to the glade as the sun begins its departure in the blue sky. Upon my arrival to the familiar green fields, I receive countless kind smiles and waves from the other gladers, I return the generous actions and head to the map room and begin drawing my route of the maze before it leaves my mind blank. 

I head to my bedroom in the homestead to see a box crate in the middle of the wooden room. Excitement immediately acquired itself upon me. My new shirts! Quickly, I crack open the wooden box to find an assortment of different coloured fabrics piled tighty against one another, almost bursting out at me when I open it. I pulled each piece of clothing out one at a time to admire the beauty before putting it away in its belonging drawer in my dresser. I had blue, purple, green, black, grey, red shirts. All the colours you could imagine. Some were tank-tops, others were long-sleeves, and more than a few were short sleeved. The creators must have been very generous this week as I got a new bra and socks and panties, along with a new pair of black cargo pants. Maybe next week I could ask for a new pair of runners!

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