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October 31st 2021
Louis grinned up at me, his dark green eyes hiding amusement within the hazel specks that glittered his iris. "Want my number Monet?" He smirked, reaching up and twirling a piece of hair around his finger. I jerked back, pulling my curl away from his ring clad fingers. His dark brown hair curling slightly upwards from his eyes and his tan complexion really bringing his look all together. But I'd never admit to myself or anyone that he was hot.

Ever since I topped his grades in all his subjects, he had done nothing but try to up me every time. Sure he had been successful quite a few times, but not once had we ever achieved the same mark surprisingly enough.

I don't know what I thought of Louis Gray. I had known him for years now, sadly being friends with him for 3 of those before we became too competitive for each other. Our jokes turned into pranks and our pranks turned into arguments.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I kind of missed our close relationship but that doesn't mean I'd back down from an A+. Oh no. I had to beat Louis at everything. He won a swimming comp, I'd win a volleyball match, he'd get a 94% and I'd aim for a 95%. There's was no backing down from Louis Gray.

I studied hard every night, wasting precious hours on getting good grades. It made it work it in the end when I beat him however I did spend some nights contemplating my life when he won.

There were those moments in life where if I looked at him, I'd start wanting to cry. Wanting to be friends again with him and have his sarcastic humour brought around everywhere. But that was mainly on the days I had my period.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Louis reached into his pocket and brought out his phone, handing it to me with a contact open.

After we exchanged numbers (with a little more grumbling from me) I went on with my day, now completely ruined by some boy I didn't really care about.

Complete lie, he did mean at least something to me. One doesn't forget about 3 years just like that.

I stuffed a brown curl behind my ear and continued on to History, with the same boy who haunts my mind.

I bumped his shoulder on the way in and I could feel his glare on the back of my head. "Take a picture if you want - it'll last longer," weird comeback, I know, but the kid just couldn't keep his eyes off me.

"Fuck off Annaliese," I heard him mutter. I rolled my eyes at his immaturity and took a seat by my friend, Rory Catalano. Her hair ran in jet black natural waves and her bright azure blue eyes were hidden behind her glasses. Despite the stereotype we must be nerds, we didn't hold a group within the school.

We weren't hated, we weren't popular, we weren't ugly yet we weren't what the boys looked for. We just stood amongst everyone as people who went to a normal school and didn't fit into any clique.

This was alright with us, Rory had her own boyfriend. Zach Howard. School's golden boy quarterback. And even though their relationship was out in the open, it didn't change our social status within the school.

"I heard what went down in English. Looks like you got partnered up with pretty boy over there," she whispered, nodding her in the direction of Louis. I nodded but kept silent, knowing I'd glow red in anger if I even muttered a word about the project.

"Layla told me," I rolled my eyes at the mention of her name. Layla Stuart, class president and school popular girl. Fairly intelligent with goddess looks. Only thing wrong about her was her attitude.

History finished quickly and I was on my way to my locker. Ready to be over with this boring day.

However things got exciting when I got to my free period of the day and stopped by the library. I opened my book, watching a note slip out from between the thin white pages, I eyed it suspiciously - picking it up and looking over the little words printed onto it in cursive.

30 more days before he goes -
Only you can be his rose -
It's pretty red to match your passion -
No one can defy your attraction -
But be careful, for a rose has thorns -
And you shall be the reason they mourn.

What the fuck.

I clutched the white poem in my hand as I slammed my book shut. No one touched this book but me. How had this gotten in there. I owned it since I was 7. And this white crumpled piece of paper looked new.

Ignoring my heart pounding in my heart, I chose to ignore the powerful words and went on with my day, not realising how much this impacted my life.

The only issue I came across after finding that poem, was falling asleep that night and waking up on the 1st of December, completely oblivious to the 30 days subsequently passing after being sent 30 days into the future, and learning about the death of a particular student.

Words: 885

Date: 6/11/21

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