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I'm a sensitive person so when you guys all replied to my author's note/rant at the end of the last chapter it made me cry. Thank you guys so much, so here's chapter 22 :)

20th November 2021

10 fucking days left.

Holy shit I'm panicking. I don't know what to do. It's 10 days until Louis lives or dies.

"Hey, Annaliese," Louis walked back into the room in nothing but sweatpants.

"The pink shirt with these sweatpants or the blue one." He showed me 2.

Definitely the blue.

"The blue one," I grinned, getting up from the bed as he threw the shirt on. I slowly made my way over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He was very surprised.

"Are you always this cuddly in the morning?" He smirked, however wrapping his arms around me too.

"No, I just like your hugs." And I do, I love the way he wraps his arms around me every time, the way he pulls me closer and if I try to leave he hugs me tighter. I just love everything about it.

We stood there a bit longer before we decided it was probably a good time to go to school.

I didn't have anything to wear but Bailey still had some clothes that fit me so I just borrowed those and promised to bring them back later.

We both got in my car and started driving to school, Louis turned up the music and started humming along.

"You know Justin Bieber?" I snorted. He glared at me but I just kept laughing. "Shut up," he grumbled, looking out the window.

"Shhh, it's ok to listen to Justin Bieber," I teased, turning into the school. He rolled his eyes and slumped back in his seat. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm still friends with you," he frowned, undoing his seatbelt. I scoffed and got out of the car, locking it on my way to the front gates.

"Sensitive much," I swear he just giggled.

"No you're just a pain in my ass," I held up the middle finger for him to see as extra emphasis on the pain in my ass.

He just laughed it off and walked up beside me, throwing an arm around my shoulder. We came to a stop when Rory stood in front of us. "So are you guys going to prom together?" She asked, a knowing smirk on her face.

"No," Louis replied, no expression on his face. I shook my head as well. She scowled and folded her arms.

"We've already spoken about this on Friday," I reminded her, it didn't change her face though.

"But you'd look so cute in a purple gown, wait no actually orange would match your tan complexion." She frowned, I was certain she was just imagining me in a bunch of dresses.

"What about blue to bring out her eyes," Louis replied sarcastically. But Rory didn't take it as a joke as she brought her hand to her chin.

"Yes yes but what about pink to point out her dark skin." That made no sense.

But this is Rory we're talking to.

I just shrugged and started moving away, however Louis' arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me back to him.

"Well Rory, how about green so the tie matches my eyes." I scoffed and slapped his chest, crossing my arms like Rory had mere moments ago.

"Yes, that does sound nice Louis," Rory nodded, her eyes set on us with so much focus. "I'm sorry Rory and Louis but I will not be attending Prom," I unwrapped Louis' arm from around my waist, missing his warmth immediately and started off for first period, hearing Louis sadly cracking up at my departure already.


"Pleaseeee," Rory begged, as we sat in period 3, I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "It's still a no Rory."

"But whyyyy?" She whined, bringing out the puppy eyes.

"Because prom just isn't my thing. Plus if I did go, I'd have to witness you and Zach making out every 5 seconds." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh sorry, every 10 seconds."

"Not if you go with Louis," she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. I frowned.

"No thanks."

Yes please.

Fuck off.

Stop arguing with yourself.

"You look constipated," I gasped and slapped Rory lightly.

"It's not funny," I exasperated, looking away from her face.

"You looked like you were really trying to shit," she laughed quietly, falling back in her chair.

"Ladies if you don't quit talking in my class I will send you out."

That shut us up.


The bell rung at exactly 3 o'clock and I bolted from my desk, completely ignoring the green eyes that met me at my locker.

"Not right now Louis, I am so excited to see my car."

"Why?" I turned around to see an amused smirk on his face.

"Because it means I'm leaving!" I exaggerated, pulling out my math book and throwing it into my bag, practically leaping for the exit.

"You're taking us to Kathy's you know?" I nodded and did a little twirl.

"Even more to be excited for. I'm so grateful to see Harley again - you know I miss her a lot," I turned to Louis, speaking matter of factly. He nodded seriously, "oh I know, she misses you too." I grinned and yanked my car door open, throwing the bag into the back.

"Who could ever be this happy after finishing school," I heard his mutter under his breath as he put his seatbelt on.

"It's the end of the day Louis," I reminded him, parking in a free spot. "Now get out, you have coffees to make." He rolled his eyes at my statement and followed me inside.

"Harley!" I grinned, waving at her. She frowned however I saw the small smile tugging at her lips.

See guys, character development.

She turned back to work and I couldn't help but turn and wink at Louis. "She'll warm up to me." He just chuckled and headed around the back. I pulled my laptop out and moved to my favourite booth at the back.

"And what can I get for you young lady?"

That wasn't Louis.

Looking up, I was met with a park of dark brown eyes, reminding me of dark chocolate. "I'll just keep choosing," I lied, I wanted Louis to come over like he said he would.

"Not even a phone number," he winked at me and I internally gagged. I smiled innocently up at him, "no thanks." He sighed and turned back to the front counter.

It only took a few minutes as I worked on my math and Louis was heading my way. "Just the usual Annaliese," I nodded and waited for him to return. However before walking off, he turned back around, "it's 19.78," he grinned.

I worked it out only a few seconds later and realised he was right. I raised my eyes to meet his that were already on me and glared, discreetly showing him my middle finger.

Louis returned back to my table with my latte in hand and an extra donut with his number on the bag. "Call me," he grinned, blowing a kiss. I ripped the number off the bag and rolled it up into a ball, throwing it in the bin not to far away from me as he watched. He frowned and turned back to work.

Words: 1239

Date: 20/12/21


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