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I came to a screeching halt, briskly getting out and cautiously walking over to the figure. It was a woman, I was sure. Once I reached arms length of her - she grasped my shoulders in her hands. "Stop overthinking it Annaliese." I ignored her words as my eyes met hers. A blinding white stared back at me.

"No...no this has to be some joke," I exclaimed, trying to remove myself from her grasp.

She shook her head. "Look."

A golden tube surrounding both me and weird ghost lady. I lifted a hand and pushed against the barrier, I felt the cool breeze of the night brush against my fingers. I slowly started breathing faster as panic engulfed me, but I forced myself to stay calm so as to get out of this situation faster.

I pulled my hand back and looked up, we had started flying up the tube very fast, I couldn't feel it however yet I could see the night sky falling behind us before it all stopped. It was almost as if we had teleported to another dimension as my feet stumbled against the ground. It was obvious we had just passed through a portal into the past.

Looking around, I was at school. There I saw Lacey and my throat got caught in my mouth as my eyes widened.

Right there, in front of me, Lacey and younger me were chatting. I was now in the past. I didn't notice the cuts along her arm then but now I saw the scars. Stretched thin along the underside of her arm, some crisscrossing and I felt hot heavy tears start falling from my eyes.

She waved goodbye and the image blurred between us. To the moment we got the call.

My mum handed me the phone and I got so excited, thinking we were planning a sleepover. Completely missing the solemn expression set on my own mother's face.

That's when I was told what Lacey had done. She hung herself. In their basement. From their I had a letter pre-written to me by her. Her mum dropped it off the next day since I didn't want to go to school without her.

'Dear A.
You're my best friend and always will be. But I don't mind if you get a new one while I'm gone, I mean who says I won't replace you with my new best friend god.

I laughed lightly at her humour.

I'm so sorry to leave you so early. I'd list all the things I'd miss but I don't want you to cry. I love you to the moon and back Liese. Don't forget that.

You're always the moon to my sun and know this wasn't your fault.

I'm sure you're wondering why. And I couldn't take it anymore - my anxiety made me overthink things I shouldn't of but I can't turn back the time now. I'll always be with you Liese, you're the moon to my sun.'

From there she had given me a sun locket. With a picture of us inside. That's what I wore now with the small key attached as well.

Right then, miss scary girl ripped my key from my neck however not breaking the necklace. She then turned to a door that had suddenly appeared on our right and unlocked it with the key before handing it back to me.

"Who are you?" I called as I followed her through the door. That's when I saw the light red hair and flicker of light blue through the white that made me want to cry.

"Lacey?" A smile stretched wide along her face and she nodded. I went to move to hug her but I couldn't. She shook her head.

"Do not touch."

I sighed as she released me and I could finally walk. We made our way through the door to stand by a scene in my room. With Louis.

"I don't want you to be alone forever. Soulmates exist and he is yours." Her hoarse voice echoed. That's when future me and Louis leaned in and our lips met in heated passion. I gasped and looked away.

No? No that couldn't be right. But no this wasn't a dream either.

"Save him, please," Lacey pleaded until she faded into nothing.

I jerked awake with a start. Looking at the time, 9:35, only 5 minutes had passed since I left Louis' house and I had no memory of the vision before apart from Lacey's words of 'save him.'

And I would. If I couldn't save her, I'd save him. I'd notice what I didn't notice before and help him. Help him realise he does have a place on this earth and that he shouldn't leave.

Sorry the chapter is so short but the next few are longer.

Words: 706

Date: 14/11/21

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