"Come on Rory, pick up," I drove as quickly as I could, driving down the road to the school, looking for anything. All the while trying to call her.

Finally someone picked up and I let a sigh of relief out. "Rory where-" I was cut off by the sound of sirens on the other side of the phone.

"Rory?" I whispered, turning left.

"Hi ma'am. This is the emergency services. Your friend has been in a serious crash and we are admitting her to the hospital right now."

"I'll be there soon." I answered, whether they cared to know or not. I quickly hung up- trying to remember which road Rory usually took to get to her house. There were multiple streets that lead to her home but there is one she loves driving past because of the view. Our town was on a hill, so on one side, you're able to see the other houses that light up the small town below us.

Everything finally started working around in my head. What Mischief had said- about a soul for a soul. Maybe he felt bad and let her live? Maybe he had a change of heart? She had to be alive still, she had to. She still had her whole life ahead of her.

To marry Zach, become an amazing actress, celebrate their anniversary tomorrow, have dinner with him tonight. Rory still had so much going for her, graduation next week! She was so excited-

No is so excited.

Present tense because she'll survive through this. Lacey would stop Mischief- surely someone would've locked him up after nearly killing me.

Rory could not be dead. This was one huge nightmare I'd wake up from. I couldn't lose her.

I came into view of the ambulances surrounding a scene and I saw a person being rolled into the ambulance. Not paying attention to anything else, I swerved into a park and jumped out of my car- running to said vehicles.

"Hello?" I yelled out, trying to catch someone's attention. A woman turned around, acknowledging my presence. Dressed in the usual paramedic attire, her black hair tied into a neat bun and hazel eyes wondering over my face.

"I think that's my best friend, Rory Catalano?" The woman nodded, I felt the tears falling already.

"Can I please see her?" I asked, desperate to see my best friend.

"Sorry ma'am that ambulance is leaving now. You'll have to follow it to the hospital." I barely got to say thank you before my body was running for my car. Getting in, I buckled my seatbelt and moved back into the lane, only pausing shortly to look at the mess of Rory's car. Not having long to look at it, I pulled out my phone and took a photo, I put the device back down. I noticed the white van not to far in front of me and started driving after it, going through each twist and turn to arrive at our city's hospital.

I searched around the parking lot, looking for a free spot, trying to quiet the frantic voices all talking about what could be happening to Rory right now.

My mind was all over the place as I tried parking rather carefully into the spot. However it was hard as my gaze turned blurry from unshed tears.

"She's alright, she'll be fine." I muttered over and over again. As if forcing myself to believe Mischief would let her live. I was foolish to believe I could save Louis without consequences.

I paced my walk fast as I entered through the hospital doors, finding myself walking for the front desk.

"Hi, I'm just wondering if Rory Catalano has arrived yet?" I asked, anxiously as my hand tapped on the marble bench.

The stern woman in front of me tapped away on her computer before look back up at me through her glasses.

"She just got here, may I ask who you are to her?" I nodded and tried to find the words to get out.

Falling For The ImpossibleWhere stories live. Discover now