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13 November 2021

"It was just a kiss Annaliese." His words keep running through my mind as I now sat in math class- the same boy only a few feet away. Were we not friends before that? At least he could've just rejected me and then stayed friends afterwards?

But no, he had to break my heart just like that. But I guess it really is my fault. I chose to get close to him, I chose to kiss back and I chose to save him.

So really I have no reason to be mad at him, it was my fault.

It was my decision-

"Hey, you look really pretty today."

I don't feel pretty.

"Thanks Max." I replied awkwardly, turning to look at the blond beside me.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go to the party at Kelly's house tonight with me? As like, a date?"

Not really. I thought. Kelly was famous for her parties she throws at least every Saturday. Where her parents are? I don't know.

However when I saw Louis practically throwing daggers our way with the cold glare he was looking at Max with, I wanted nothing more than to go to this party.

"I'd love to. Pick me up at 6?" He nodded and turned back around before handing me a note.

"Text me your address," he mouthed and I nodded, folding the piece of paper into my jacket pocket.

Louis, who had just watched the whole ordeal, got up from his seat and angrily pushed his way to the door, leaving the classroom with a slam and the teacher absolutely flabbergasted as their student left.

Well, I thought it was just a kiss?

I know I had to still keep him from killing himself, but anyways- a little revenge didn't do anyone any harm.

Well maybe just a tad if he's suicidal but I still have 17 days to make it up to him.


I texted Rory, letting her know I was going to a party and asking if she wanted to come to. She had to turn it down seeing as though she was at the beach for the day.

I groaned and got up, looking through my closet for a simple dress. I picked it out and it was a dark red silk dress that hugged my curves perfectly with spaghetti straps. I pulled my curly brunette hair into a half up half down situation and applied a little bit of make up. Well by a little bit, I mean a whole tube of mascara and red lipstick along with the other necessities of makeup.

I sighed and looked into the mirror. Maybe I really was crazy? Perhaps I had gone to far with that kiss. But why did I kiss back? Why after only 12 days of this 'mission' had I started liking him?

Usually it'd take a whole month for someone to start crushing. But here I was, starting to fall in love- no. No, I was not in love.

But maybe you are.

But no, no I wasn't and I won't ever.

Soulmates don't exist.

No matter what Lacey said, I wasn't in this because he's my soulmate it's because no one should commit suicide.

This was his second chance and I was helping him with it.

A notification on my phone lit up its screen and I saw Max's name along with a message.

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