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Finally Louis finished work and I was able to drive him back home. I followed him out of the cafe and into my car.

"Well how was that?" I asked, turning on the ignition. Louis just shrugged and slumped back in his seat. I frowned, turning towards him.

"What's wrong?" He just shrugged and put his arm on the window, lifting his hand to rest his forehead on it.

"Was it because I threw out your number?" It was supposed to be a joke.

He shook his head. So that obviously wasn't it.

"Louis tell me. What happened?" I had been doing homework the whole time whilst he did work, so I wasn't sure what had happened to him.

"Nothing," he muttered. I swear this man was bipolar.

"Louis you were so happy before? What happened," I pestered on, I know, annoying right? But I had 10 days left and if I want to save the boy I've started to fall for, I needed to help him first.

"I don't have to tell you everything Annaliese," he scowled, looking towards me while I kept my eyes on the road.

"Yes but when you're grumpy and won't tell me-" I paused, turning around the corner and clenching my jaw, "-then I'm going to worry." He looked back towards the window.

I sighed and turned towards him, only for a second before looking back at the road. "Louis, if you've gone to work happy as fuck and returned looking like someone just killed your dog, I need to know. What if someone said something offensive? I don't want you to dwell on those negative words for the rest of the night. I just want you to talk to me."

And with that, Louis snapped. He turned towards me so quickly I almost flinched. However I held it together as he opened his mouth, very obviously angry.

"Annaliese can you just fuck off? I don't need you entering my life for one project and fucking acting like you wanted to hate me one day and kiss me the next. You can't just keep pestering me on things I don't want to tell you. Fuck- I wished I never told you about anything." My heart dropped and I pulled over beside his house instead of parking in the driveway like I usually would.

"Get. Out."


"I said get out Louis," my hands tightened on the wheel.

"Gladly," he scoffed, slamming his door shut to show his anger. I frowned and held the tears back as I drove towards my house.

What was happening? Why did Louis all of a sudden start hating me again? Had I done something?

I didn't realise I had arrived home as I numbly pulled into the driveway.

Holy fuck my life was a mess.


21st November 2021

I arrived at school early and jumped out of the car. My goal today was to make things right with Louis. I understood now how annoying I must of been, continuously dragging it on. I felt bad for him, going through so much and then just some brunette barging her way into his life to figure out every little detail about him.

I sighed and let my eyes drag over to where he usually stood with Jake and Hal in the hallway. However I didn't expect my gaze to meet his as his eyesight trained on me.

I snapped my head away from him, smiling slightly when Rory skipped her way over. "Prom tomorrow!" She squealed, doing a little twirl. I nodded and walked with her towards our first class of the day.

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