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It was meant to be but there is a chapter 35 so please don't stop reading.

"I'll never forget you Ro," I muttered, holding her hand in my own beside her bed. Jasmine and Peter had been in here for about an hour and Zach was here before that. My parents stood outside with Rory's and last I heard Zach had to go to the waiting room again after punching a wall.

"I know I promised to come to you with my problems. But I didn't want you to get caught up in all of it, and now look where we are," I gripped Rory's hand in mine, leaning my forehead against it.

"I'm sorry I did this to you. I know who did it, they said the car and person got away but how is it a coincidence that every camera in that area goes out at once? How is it that no one else was on the road at that time? The time where everyone is leaving school? Rory I'm so sorry," I sobbed, letting out everything I knew.

"I can't do this without you," My voice cracked, some of the words slightly not said due to my voice forcing out the words at this point, laying my forehead against her side.

"Please come back, please please please. I need you," I pleaded, shaking as my lips trembled and tears soaked up her clothing.

'I love you' it was a ghost of a whisper but it was still there. My eyes widened and I looked up, onto Ro's face. It was still pale, unmoving. I sighed and looked over towards the window only to see a barely visible outline of a shadow across from me on the other side of the bed.

I could see the smile on her face before the sun disappeared behind the curtain and the shadow and white fog of the figure disappeared. I knew it had been Rory by her voice.

"I'm sorry," I whispered again before my voice completely stopped working with every word I tried saying being hushed by my cries.

I got up, not being able to bare the sight of my best friend looking pale and cold on her bed.

"You'll always my best friend. That'll never change Ro," I wiped my eyes and left the room, being engulfed in my mothers arms.


1st December 2021

I didn't sleep that night. Not even noticing the pain in my wrist as the 1 hour mark hit. I picked up my phone and dialled a number, not caring to look at the 3:40am beside me on the clock.

"Love?" His tired voice asked through the phone. I sniffled slightly and took a deep breath in, trying to not let my voice waver.

"Louis please come over." He knew nothing about it yet. And I don't think I'll be able to look at him after knowing I did this.

The knock on the door broke me from my thoughts and I got up, trying to ignore the dizziness in my head. It only felt like seconds ago we were told Rory had passed. I opened the door and looked up at him. Seeing his face made me break down again and fall into his arms, holding onto his shirt as if it were my lifeline.

"She's gone," I croaked, not leaving my face from his chest.

"What?" He paused his hand which had been moving around my back in circular motions.

I moved from his grasp and looked up at him, taking a deep breath to calm myself.

"Rory died in a car crash yesterday afternoon."

Yesterday afternoon. That felt so weird saying it out loud.

"Fuck Annaliese," he muttered, wrapping his arms around me and setting his head in the crook of my neck.

"My love," he pulled away to check over my face. My mascara smudged down to my cheeks and my hair in a birds nest.

"Come here," he picked me up effortlessly and shut the door behind him as he headed up to my room. My parents were still at the hospital with Rory's. They would drive them home since they were in no shape to do so.

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