Bonus chapter 4: Aurora

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Again, I've never been through pregnancy so this is all based off my own knowledge and what google has told me!!

Please correct me if I've gotten something wrong.
15th April 2030

"Just push Annaliese," Louis encouraged me from beside my bed and holding my hand.

"I am fucking pushing," I swore, squeezing my eye shut.

"You're doing great," Louis chuckled, swiping the hair away from my sweaty forehead.

A baby's wail echoed around the walls and I realised finally what had happened as Louis' breath caught beside me.

The baby fell on the floor.

Turns out I was wrong as the nurse lifted something up from the bed.

"Would you like to cut the umbilical cord Mr Gray?" She asked politely, Louis visibly paled and I snorted from beside him. That hurt my body though and I winced from the movement.

"You can clean my nose bleed but can't cut your daughters umbilical cord?" I raised an eyebrow. Well I tried to raise an eyebrow. I was exhausted after pushing a fucking living being out of my vagina.

Sorry, too much information?

They did their measurements such as weight and height before coming around with my child cleaned up and wrapped up in a blanket.

"Would you like to hold her sir?" A different nurse asked Louis. He looked down at me before shaking his head and letting go of my hand.

"I think you should hold her first," he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and helping me move up a little better.

The nurse slowly set the small child in my arms and I smiled, looking around her tiny features. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her head took on a darker shade to show the black hair she'd maintain as she got older. She was gorgeous.

"Do we have a name Mrs and Mr Gray?" A woman came over, clipboard in hand. Louis had his arms crossed, looking down at our child and I with a soft look in his eyes, a small smile on his features.

"Yeah, I was thinking Aurora Leigh Gray," I said and looked back down at our child to see her opening her eyes.

Her Iris' were a dark shade of green, like a forest sort of green. A few tears slipped down my face and I looked back over at Louis. "Do you want to hold her?" I sniffled, he nodded and sat on the side of my bed, I slowly lifted Aurora out of my hands and handed her to Louis who delicately placed her head on his upper arm.

"Why Aurora?"

"Her nickname can be Rory."  Louis smiled down at the little girl in his arms and leaned down, pressing a small kiss to the tip of her nose.

"Any reason for Leigh?"

"You said your brothers name was Leo right? But you liked calling him Lee." Louis' eyes widened once he realised. Leigh was just another spelling for Lee.

"You're amazing, I'd kiss you right now- but I can't," I laughed but it was only small.

"Go to sleep love, I'll sort everything else out."

He didn't have to tell me twice as I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes, slowly drifting asleep to Louis cooing at our child.


"What do I do?" Louis exclaimed, holding Aura in front of him by under her armpits.

"Change her diaper," I complained from the couch, trying to get sleep in. Having a new born was hard. I don't recommend it.

Maybe I do. I don't know. I'll wait for her to get older. Train her to be badass like me.

"How?" He panicked, the baby crying in his grip.

"Take the nappy off, throw it away, get a new one, clean her with baby wipes first, and then chuck on the new one," I explained, scrolling through Instagram.

"Can you do it?" He asked, still holding her at arms length.

"No. You need to learn babe," he still hates pet names, my next one to try is sweet cheeks.

"Explain it again?" Oh my God this man.

"Nappy, bin, clean child with baby wipes, new nappy, put on," I stated once more. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a mother.

Which idiot out of us decided to not wear a condom?

It's not my fault they didn't have any in my size! I'm massive and still growing.

72 inches. Louis is insecure but he tries to hide it. Every time I whip it out he gets upset.

I know he wishes his was as long as mine.

I don't know when I started making dick jokes. It kind of just occurred. I blame it on Louis though. Speaking of him, he came back out from the baby room, is it called a nursery? With a happy child on his hip.

"I'm a dilf now," he grinned, sitting down next to me and placing the 3 month old on the play mat right in front of us.

"I've always been a milf since we got Kora," I stated, referring to our puppy. She is our Australian Shepherd and I love her to bits. She's 1 now. And growing big. She was just running in the backyard as of now.

"You're my milf," Louis curled a hand around my waist, pulling me into his side.

"I am." I agreed, kissing his cheek and resting my head on his shoulder.

Aurora Leigh Gray, welcome to our family.

Words: 930

Date: 1/2/22

I'm sorry the chapter is short, I don't like writing baby chapters, but I just thought Annaliese and Louis deserved this so I wanted to write it.

But that is officially the end to Falling For The Impossible. Thank you for reading this far, it's truly appreciated <3

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