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I didn't eat much of the breakfast. I felt numb inside, like everything I did was for nothing. I sighed and took a bite from the pancake, to make Louis' eyes fall off me but they didn't. I couldn't finish the rest and so pushed it away, refusing eye contact with Louis.

Soon swimming rolled around and I had slowly started to smile again after listening to all the jokes they cracked.

I smiled over at Louis as we all sat in the lounge room but he was frowning at me.

It should be the other way, me looking after him.

"Annaliese," he gestured for me to sit with him. I sat beside and looked up to meet his eyes.

"Yes Louis?"

"What's wrong?" He questioned, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Nothing." Apart from the fact I have 2 weeks to keep you from committing and according to Lacey I've gotten no where with it.

He gave me a look that said 'I don't believe you,' but I shrugged it off, turning back to the group.

"Are we ready to go swimming?" Loren asked, jumping up from her spot on the couch. There were a few grumbles from everyone but we decided it was better to go now then when the weather was supposed to get worse this afternoon.

The men all decided to stay behind to play some pool whilst Lucinda would stay behind with Violet and the other children.

Leaving us teens with Jasmine, Karol and Loren.

We packed up our towels, Rory went to change and so did Jasmine and Loren. They were done fairly quick and we all met by the front door.

"Towels?" Jasmine asked everyone. We nodded. "Swimmers?" Once again everyone nodded. She continued listing through a few more things and then we were ready to leave for the lake just behind the house.

I threw off my shorts and shirt and was first into the water, diving in and floating back up to the surface. "Holy shit it's cold!" I called out, already shivering. Warm hands wrapped their way around my waist and I was pulled into a chest. "Let me warm you up then," Louis' husky voice filled my ear. I laughed out loud and pushed away from him, swimming to Rory- completely rejecting his advances.

I didn't mean too.

Shut the fuck up-

Yes, I was arguing with myself.

"You can't outswim me love," Louis exclaimed, pulling me down under the water with him. I placed my hands on his chest as I tried pushing to the surface. We broke through the water and I started laughing once again. "You're cheesy," I smirked, laying my head on his shoulder.

"And you're pretty," he mumbled under his breath. "So I've been told," I smiled softly and kissed his shoulder before pulling away from his grip and met Rory half way again.

"Is there anything happening between you two?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head as she frowned. "You better not be lying," she scowled before leaving me to swim over to Zach. I twisted around in the water and saw Louis floating around on his back.

I smiled evilly and swam as quietly as one could swim in water- and went underneath him, I pushed upwards on his back and he flipped over. I started cracking up as he lifted his head up to glare at me. "Not funny." He said, shaking his head around, hitting me with droplets from his hair. "Yes it fucking was," I laughed harder, while trying to stay afloat.

"You're not even that funny," he crossed his arms, frowning at me.

"I really am," I finally calmed down. He gave me a boyish smile before swimming over and grabbing the back of my thighs, pulling me into his chest and keeping his hold on them.

"I don't see me laughing?" He asked, in only a voice I could hear. I tried to keep my heartbeat down as it threatened to beat straight out of chest from what Louis was making me feel.

"You're warm," I stated, wrapping my arms around his neck and stuffing my face into his neck to warm up faster.

"I know certain ways that warm people up pretty quickly," half of his quickly was muffled as I pulled my hand up, covering his mouth with my face still hidden in his neck.

"You're gross," I muttered. His chest rumbled beneath me before he stopped keeping us afloat and dragged me underwater with him, his hold on my hips tightening. I unwrapped my legs however and kicked for the surface, glaring at Louis who popped up after me.

"You little shit-head," I glowered, crossing my arms. He only grinned and opened his mouth to say something more.

After a bit more arguing, the others decided it had gotten too cold and the wind was starting to pick up, indicating a storm was coming along.

"Fuck." I whispered, looking up at the sky.

"Is Annaliese Vera Monet scared of storms?" Louis teased, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as his towel hung around his neck. I shook my head and scowled.

"I'm not fucking scared Gray," I poked his chest, resisting the urge to poke it again.

What? He has a six pack ladies!

He rolled his eyes and leant down, kissing my cheek before heading to the shower first since we had rather quickly gotten to the house. I sat on the mattress, waiting a couple minutes before he finished and I walked in after he left.


The wind slowly picked up again as I lay on the mattress, 10:36pm in bright letters across my phone screen. I sighed and turned over, trying to calm my breathing as I panicked over the storm slowly starting to form.

Yes, I am in fact scared of storms.

Obviously I was doing a terrible job at hiding my fastened breathing when Louis let out a loud sigh from above me.

"Come here," he called out tiredly, I shook my head in the darkness.

"Annaliese." He said sternly.

"No." I wasn't letting him know I was in fact scared of storms

But lightening lit up the room and I gasped, quickly grabbing my blanket and practically diving onto the couch beside Louis- shuffling over a bit to leave a gap between us so I was right on the edge.

"Fucking dumbass," he grumbled, pulling me into him as he wrapped both blankets around us.

"You get a bit cuddly at night Gray," I teased before yawning widely.

"Don't make me regret this love," he mumbled, pressing his head into the nook of my neck.

"You know I'm right." My voice came out small as butterflies flew inside of me from the small action.

"Shut up." His muffled voice came out before he pressed a soft kiss to my neck. "Now go to sleep before the storm gets louder and you can't fall asleep," he whispered out, tightening his grip on me. I nodded slightly and shut my eyes, falling asleep to the feeling of Louis' arm wrapped around my waist, just like the night before.


I think I have a small obsession with writing cuddling scenes 👍🥸

But I just want to thank you all for the supportive words in the last chapter. I truly appreciate you guys respecting my opinion and I'm so grateful to have such amazing people reading my book <3

Words: 1247

Date: 15/12/21

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