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12 November 2021

It had now reached Monday and I had to work on the project with Louis this afternoon. I was worried about it too. I didn't want to stuff up the whole situation and our friendship.

After our kiss, I was hoping something between us would change. I'm not sure why. I hate him don't I? Obviously not if I kissed him and obviously not if I suggested being friends.

And obviously not if I'm willing to save him.

I slowly entered the cafeteria, looking over at Louis with his 2 friends. Jake and Marshall. He was laughing with them and didn't even pass over one glance like he used to.

I felt my chest tightened and I turned back to Rory as we sat at our own table. I hadn't mentioned anything to her about the kiss yet but she somehow knew something was up.

"What's wrong A?" She asked, stealing a fry from my tray.

"I kissed Louis on Saturday," I rushed out. Hoping she wouldn't understand everything I said. But when it hit her, her eyes widened in surprise.

"The same one you've hated for the past year and a half?" She asked, I nodded.

"Holy shit-" I laughed at her reaction even if the tightness in my chest didn't lessen.

"Well I guess you guys have been hanging out a lot but to kiss? Fuck Annaliese. Maybe you do get attached to easily."

Ok that's offensive.

"Sorry- sorry that came out wrong. But what does that have anything to do why you're down in the dumps?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well I went to his cafe on Sunday and Harley even said hello, but he didn't. And then he was really moody and told me to leave if all I was going to do was pester him. And now today he won't even look at me." I explained, letting it all out.

Rory nodded slowly; trying to figure out what to say to all that.

"Well you are working on the project this afternoon right?"

I nodded.

"See if his attitude has changed by then, if it hasn't then let him go."

Even the three years?

"Even the 3 years." She said, as if reading my mind.


The bell rang and I slowly left the table, waving a goodbye to Rory. I may tell her a lot but that doesn't mean she knows the extent of my feelings towards Louis.

I don't know how I felt for him. It's only been 12 days, barely 2 weeks. I guess maybe we still had some type of feelings for each other after our rivalry and friendship.

Sighing, I closed my locker and was met with the devil himself.

Louis Ezra Gray.

"My house tonight for the project or yours?" He asked, barely paying attention to me as he waved to Jake walking past.

"Mine will do." I replied, trying to not let any emotion into my voice for him to know how he affects me. He nodded and walked off, already fleeing to Marshall on the other side of the lockers. I sighed and relaxed my body, realising how tense I was.


3pm rolled around fast and I was quick to sprint out of the school doors, my parents were home.

I smiled happily, completely forgetting my Louis situation as I pulled up outside my house. Running inside- I fell into my mothers arms. "A week too long," I muttered, as she kissed my forehead and feeling my fathers arms encircle us too.

"Hey Goose," my father said his nickname for me and it made this moment all the more sensitive. I sighed in contempt but it was ruined with the reason why mum pulled away from the hug.

"Look Goosey, we're really sorry to do this but your father and I have an important dinner meeting tonight. We'll be leaving in an hour- there's money on the bench for pizza and we'll be home around 10 tonight. No sneaking out," she tried joking in the end but my heart had already fallen apart.

It's barely been 10 minutes.

They weren't wrong when they said they'd leave in an hour, they took off around 4 and I was left alone again. I tried holding back the tears but let a few slide before I was fall on bawling my eyes out.

I tried breathing in and out but failed miserably. I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. Mascara smudged my cheeks and my nose was a rosy pink. My usual blue eyes shaded to a grey and I looked overall horrific. Remind me to never cry in front of anyone.

I was a really ugly cryer.

I washed my face with cold water and smiled at the mirror a few times. Once I felt ok to leave the bathroom, I walked back downstairs to be met with loud knocks.

I opened the door to see Louis and gave a small smile, hoping maybe he'd be a tad bit happier now. Yet he still didn't even look at me as walked over to my couch.

I didn't say anything as I followed him and pulled out my laptop, him doing the same. I went to the last slide I was working on whilst he looked for references. I slowly started typing whilst he watched me intently.

"Go back to that last sentence."

I did as he said.

"Put that on our third slide."

Those are the first words he's said to me and it was only to change my work?

"No, it looks better here," I argued back, he grabbed my laptop from my hands and started changing my work.

"What's your problem Gray? You come in here all angry and feel like you have the right to just change my work?" I yelled, getting mad.

"My problem? What's your problem?" He argued back, handing me my laptop with the changes but I quickly clicked the undo button, watching a scowl form on his face.

"It was only a kiss Annaliese. It shouldn't of happened. Neither should our friendship of."

He knew; he knew that was what had been bothering me and still dragged it on. With those words I felt my heart drop and my breathing pick up. But I let my face stay the same and didn't say anything as we worked in silence.

Words: 1065

Date: 24/11/21

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