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Groaning, I slowly stood up from my bed and checked the time. 3:30. I had 30 minutes to get ready and drive to Louis' and seeing he lived 20 minutes away, this wasn't a good sign.

Sighing sadly, I picked up a shirt I had thrown somewhere on the floor and picked up jeans to go with it, I messaged my mum to let her know I was leaving the house.

I looked at the address Louis had messaged me last night and put it into my Bluetooth - letting Siri talk to me through the car.

Pulling left, I saw a small house and grinned at the homey sight of it.

I parked outside the house and got out, bringing my laptop and book with me. I was going to become his friend, I was going to give him a reason to stay on this earth and find out why he wants to leave.

I sounded horrible saying all this but it physically hurt my heart repeating the principles words over and over in my head and watch the weeping woman at Louis' grave.

I knocked at the door and heard rustling about inside before a girl, about 2 years older than me opened the door. She looked fairly familiar but I couldn't put my finger on where I knew her from. "Hello?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hi, I'm here to work on a project with Louis." I replied, gripping my bag tightly.

"Louis!" The girl yelled into the background. I heard footsteps pound against the ground when a certain brunet came to stand by the door. He wore grey sweats and a blue hoodie.

"Oh, hi Annaliese." He opened the door wider and allowed me to step inside. I bit back a snarky comment and followed him through the house.

We stopped at his bedroom and I decided I'd do the same thing he did to me.

I threw myself onto his bed and made myself comfortable.

"Holy shit your bed is comfy."

I watched the corners of his lips curve upwards and I internally cheered at the fact I made him smile.

We got to work on completing the last few slides. And having 2 very smart brains work together - we were done in mere moments. That's until I was checking through the task and realised we missed 2 very crucial slides needed in the presentation.

"Fucking hell," I muttered, slapping my forehead. Louis snickered at me and shut his laptop.
"It's fine Annaliese. We still have a week, it's due on Monday." I sighed and nodded, closing my laptop along with his. No matter how much I hated this boy, I needed to get close to him to understand what he was thinking.

"Would you perhaps like to come to the park with me?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers. Louis raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed and threw my head back. "I don't want to suffer the next few times we work on the project together. Can we at least get past the point of hating each other?" Louis finally sighed in return and nodded, getting up from his bed.

"Well? Are you coming?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and got up.
"Well, are you coming?" I mimicked him in a high pitched voice.

Bad idea.

That's how I found myself trapped between the wall and Louis. Both his arms on either side of my head with my back to the wall, his body positioned in front of me. I could feel his minty breath against my lips at he glared at me.

"Do not copy me again Monet, you have no idea how worked up I can get over simple things like that." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes however my words got caught in my throat as his eyes flickered to my lips for just a second. The way it made me feel made me ashamed of myself. Knowing butterflies were flying around - doing tumbles as I nodded meekly.

Louis pushed away from me and pulled me with him to his front door. He didn't bother saying goodbye as we marched outside and over to the park only a few blocks down. It was abandoned as we made our way to the swing sets. I sat down on one while he sat down on the other.
"What's your middle name?" I was the first to ask. He looked over at me and I gave him the stare that told him to just answer.
"Ezra. What's yours?" Ezra? Oh my fucking god that's hot. Louis Ezra Gray. Shit that's a good fucking name.

Excuse my language.

"Annaliese Vera Monet?"

We continued asking questions to the point we were just doing it - not to become friends. "Louis, what do you think will happen after the project?"
"We get another assignment."
"No, between us."
"What do you mean Vera."
"Annaliese and I mean, will we just go back to arguing."
"We still do argue."
"No but- ugh forget it."
He sent a small smile my way and I knew he knew what I meant.

"Want to get ice-cream?" I asked, getting up from my swing. Louis kept quiet but nodded. "What's wrong with you?" I asked, nudging his shoulder.

Fucking hell Annaliese, he's going to commit suicide in 25 days and you just asked what's wrong with him.

I internally cringed at my question and raised my hand up, "don't answer that." He looked down and I saw a small smile placed on his lips.

I stopped suddenly and turned to him. Lifting my hand, I looked him in the eye. "Friends?" I asked, quirking up an eyebrow. He sighed and raised his hand too. "Friends." I'm sure my grin reach ear to ear as we shook hands.

I turned back around and Louis must of noticed I had a bit of bounce in my step. "What's got you so excited," he snorted, walking with me.
"We're friends now," I shrugged, and maybe, just maybe, I was really happy about this. Maybe I really did want to be friends with him. But I'd never admit that to myself or anyone else.

"You're weird," he replied shaking his head. I just laughed and continued walking with him to the ice-cream place.

Arriving, we slowly entered through the pink and green door and came to stand by the display case of ice-creams. "Hey there, what can I get for you my lovelies," a cheery woman asked, smiling happily.

"I'll get 2 scoops of vanilla in a waffle cone thanks." Louis replied.
"One scoop of cookies and cream in a cup please," I smiled back at her. She nodded and started preparing our ice-creams. Louis made no move to pay so I grabbed out my card and tapped it on the machine. She nodded goodbye and we picked our ice-creams up and left.

By the time we made it back to his house, we had finished our ice-creams and it was 9:30. "Thank you Louis for coming with me. I'll see you tomorrow," I said quietly, heading to my car. Looking back, Louis had already gone inside without a whisper of goodbye. I groaned and started the car - pulling out of his drive way. He made this so much harder.

And anyways? Maybe this was all a prank. What's the bet this was just some stupid joke. The old man was probably hired to give me the key. Those 2 other pieces of paper just had to placed there by someone else.

This had to of been some practical joke.

However I was proven wrong when I started driving and nearly ran over someone.

Words: 1274

Date: 13/11/21

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