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7th November 2021

I sat in class, bored out of my mind when the teacher grabbed our exam results we had completed around 2 weeks ago and started handing them out. I looked up and I made eye contact with Louis.

Blue met green as our eyes danced in a fight for who would look away first. He dark green eyes had specks of hazel I now noticed and there was not a freckles on his face. His eyelashes were jet black and quite long, which I was highly jealous of and his dark brown hair just covering his forehead and falling to touch his eyebrows.

I was snapped from my trance when my mark was handed back to me.

With a large 32% scribbled over it. My expression dropped and I felt tears spring to my eyes. This had to be a mistake. I thrived off of academic validation. So please refrain from calling me sensitive.

But you are-

Fuck off.

I worked hard on these tests to not only beat Louis but to gain some appreciation from my parents. Maybe if I got a 100% one day they'd like to celebrate it by glinting out to dinner. Any other percent just wasn't enough. If I got 99% my parents would just ask where my 1% went.

Where'd my 68% go?

I quickly shot up from my desk, and headed to the teacher.

"May I please go to the bathroom?" I asked, hiding the assignment behind my back.
"Be quick," she replied, distracted with another students work. I rushed out of the class room, ignoring Louis' probing eyes.

I went into the very last stall, putting a hand over my mouth to silence myself. Sobs racked through my body, my shoulders shaking as I tried to hold in the loud breaths I was trying to take.

They were going to hate me, Louis was going to make fun of me. I was going to be an embarrassment to everyone.

My mind kept running over everything. Why me? What the fuck did I do wrong. Why did this happen to me? First I'm out with the pressure to keep Louis alive and I don't even know if that's some practical joke or what the fuck was happening. It hurt. I was confused and the anxiety was eating me. I had never gotten a grade below 90% until now. I studied hard for the exam did I not?

I told myself not to worry about it as I calmed myself, taking deep breaths. Once I had fully calmed down, I put on able bright smile, preparing to make myself happy.

I repeated the cycle of breathing and smiling until I was finally ready to leave the stall. I cringed at my reflecting in the mirror. My eyes were red and swollen and everything else about me had gone pale. Clearly showing I had been crying.

I slapped my exam on the bench and turned the tap on, cupping my hands under the water and splashing it on my face.

I pat it dry and looked back up, I looked much better. I let out another smile before grabbing the stupid sheet of paper and stomping out of the bathroom, only for my wrist to be gripped and pulled over to someone.

"What do you want?" I sneered, hiding the paper behind my back once again.
"Your mark Monet."
"Now's not the time to ask," I hissed, moving to get away from him. Instead he put his free hand against my shoulder, pushing it gently to the wall that surprisingly was behind me.

"Somethings wrong. What did you get Annaliese?" He rarely used my first name so I knew he was serious.

"I just- I got a bad mark." I muttered, ashamed how much this affected me.

"Show me," he whispered gently, letting go of my shoulder and push a brown curl behind my ear. I shoved the piece of paper to his chest and cross my arms, looking anywhere but him.

But when I heard a deep laugh from him I felt angry and sad all again. "Annaliese." I still didn't look at him.
"This can't be yours." Those words fucked me over, I turned away from looking at the wall and back towards him.
"Huh?" I asked, he sighed and flipped through the pages.
"This hand writing is way to messy, I know yours and you're very neat. She's obviously mixed up the work." I raised an eyebrow up in question. He sighed again and showed me a page.

He was correct, this hand writing looked nothing like mine. "Come on, let's fix this," he said calmly, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to the classroom. I ignored the light butterflies that flew free in my stomach at his touch.

We entered the classroom and went over to the teachers desk. Louis handed back my exam and I turned to Mrs Johnston. "Miss I think you've given me the wrong exam," I said quietly, flipping to a random page and showing her, "the hand writing looks nothing like mine and you know my paragraphs are more organised than this." Mrs Johnston sighed, rubbing her temples and taking the paper from me.

"All of that I do know, I know you wouldn't get a 32% on a test you clearly would've studied for. I apologise Annaliese." I nodded as she searched through the names on her laptop.

"Cleo!" She called out, Cleo Hayes came to stand beside us.
"Yes Miss?" The brunette asked.

"I'm sorry Miss Hayes but it appears I've mixed your and Annaliese's marks up. This one is yours and that exam over on Cleo's desk should be yours." Cleo groaned and rolled her eyes.
"I knew it was to good to be true." I took that as a good sign as I grasped the other piece of paper in my hand. Flipping it over, a large 100% stood out. I grinned and looked up at Louis, showing him.

"Dang it, I only got 98%," he grinned back, showing me his paper with the numbers scrawled out in red ink.

"Need me to tutor you Gray?" I teased lightly. He chuckled and wrapped me in a hug, catching me by surprise. "Friends hug Monet, relax a little." He mumbled, I sighed and relaxed my body, returning his hug - obviously shocking a few students in the room who recognised our feud.

But I ignored them as I thrived in the comfort of Louis' arms.

Surprise chapter

Words: 1088

Date: 15/11/21

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