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24th November 2021

It was raining.

That was for certain. I groaned as I finally arrived at Louis' house, droplets pelting across the car.

I got out and hurried to the door, opening it, I was met by Louis, in the background was Hal, Jake, Jake's girlfriend Freya and Hal's boyfriend JJ, Rory and Zach.

I smiled up at him and let him welcome me inside. "This is the perfect weather for a sleepover," Rory grinned, tucking herself in beside Zach.

"No, if it were sunny we could've gone for a picnic," JJ argued back. They bickered back and forth for a while before Freya decided to tell them to quit it.

Since I was the last to arrive, as soon as I walked in we headed to Louis' bedroom. Louis jumped onto the bed as I jumped onto him. I collided with his body. He let out a groan as I laughed. He rolled over so I was underneath him.

"Get off you big oaf!" I exclaimed, pushing him. He just lay there, adding in casually to the conversation.

"I am not a big oaf, but you wanna know what is big-" I cut him off by covering his mouth.

"Do not go there with me Mr." I scowled, he grinned as I removed my hand.

"So you agree? Because I was going to say my foot is big but if you're thinking of something else..." he trailed off, I glared in his direction and he sent me a smile back.

Little prick.

"Ow- Louis my arm," I cried out, he rolled off so quickly he should be in the olympics for it. "I'm so sorry," he said as he picked up my arm to check on it. I pulled it from his grip and cracked up laughing.

I'm a great actor.

He realised I was faking it and scoffed, hitting me with the pillow and getting up to turn off the lights. "What movie first?" He asked everyone who lay on 2 mattresses laid on the floor.

"Dune!" Rory cheered, already clicking the movie. No one complained so I tucked myself under Louis' covers whilst he sat down further away from me. I frowned but he turned to look at me and I saw the amused smile on his face.

He sat away from me on purpose.

I reluctantly got up and laying on my stomach beside him. "You're a dick," I muttered quietly so only he could hear me.

"If you wanted to see mine so bad you could've just asked." I shoved his shoulder and looked at the tv with a slight blush forming on my cheeks.

He snorted and pushed me slightly.

However I hadn't realised how close I was to the edge, I fell off, my head hitting the side of the bed slightly. I groaned and held my head where I knew a headache was starting. "That's gonna leave an egg," Rory laughed, holding her stomach.
"Shh I'm waiting for Zendaya," Hal shut everyone up.

"Come on love, let's get you an ice pack." Louis grabbed my hand and lead us to the kitchen. I scowling at him from behind.

"You have to be more careful Vera," he tsked, holding the cold brick to my head. I stay quiet and glared at him. "You can't be that angry right?" He asked, stepping towards me, I stepped back.

This continued until I was pressed against the counter. I took the ice pack away and placed on the bench as Louis placed his hands on either side of me. "Would you still be angry if I did this?" He leant down and kissed my shoulder.

"Or this?" He kissed my jaw.

"What about this?" He kissed the corner of my mouth. I kept glaring at him.

"Fucking tease," I grumbled before grabbing the collar of his hoodie and pulling him towards me, kissing him just like we had at prom.

He was slow to kiss back at first but then did it without hesitation. His hands snakes around my waist, pulling me flush against him.

My mind because hazy from how I felt. All I could feel was the warmth of Louis, the tingling sensation on my skin from where he touched.

I like kissing him.

We broke apart and looked at each other. His green eyes swirled with happiness, that pretty glint in them that I noticed was there when I call him handsome at prom.

"We kiss too much for friends," I finally whispered at last.

"Well would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked. I internally screamed and felt like kissing him all over again.

"No I don't think I would."

His smile faltered before I laughed and cupped his face in my hands. "Of course I would," he smiled once more and I got up on my tippy toes to kiss his lips once more.

God this man was addictive.


We lay back on the bed, a bowl of popcorn between us whilst the others shared a larger one.

"This is such a stupid movie!" Jake exasperated, throwing his arms up as well as some popcorn. I stifled a laugh.

"Jake, Cars 3 is not stupid!" Zach scolded him.
"Everyone shut up, JJ is trying to sleep," Hal said, very emotional. "I think you need sleep too," Rory mumbled under her breath, rather sleepily.

"Shut up Rory, you were legit asleep 3 seconds ago."
"Yeah and your loud mouth woke me up."

"Everyone shut up, this is the best bit."

Louis placed the popcorn bowl on the bench beside him as I shuffled pass the gap and to where Louis placed his arm around my shoulders. "Are you alright?" I asked him, he looked down at me and smiled. "Better."

"Is everything ok at school?" he seemed to hesitate at this question, so I reached a hand up and held onto the hand that dangled off my shoulder. I kept it there as he finally looked back at me.

"It's a lot better now that you've started talking to me more, however Charlie doesn't know how to shut his mouth." I knew what he was referring to. The day Charlie Scotney came into PE with a black eye. "Good job," I mumbled, turning my attention back to the movie playing.

So maybe everything could work out in the end.

Words: 1100

Date: 3/1/2022

I hope everyone has a fresh start in 2022, and don't forget to drop the negativity in your life starting now :)

Thank you for giving my other book 'Reef Knight' a chance as well, wishing everyone positivity and safe travels throughout this year❤️

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