Bonus Chapter 1: Zach's POV

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Read authors note at the bottom please, it talks about the ending.

Rory's funeral.

15th December 2021

It's been long. It's been a long 16 days since Rory's passing. I've been helping plan Rory's funeral along with her family and Annaliese. We're holding the event at the church, seeing as though she was a Christian. Annaliese and I will both prepare a speech and that's what I've been stuck doing the past few days. Everytime I start, I cry. Because it feels like I'm really saying goodbye to her officially.

But now I have the paper in my hand and I'm determined to write.

'We are here today to not mourn the death of Rory Catalano. But to celebrate her life. She was my best friend and girlfriend, the love of my life and soulmate. She'll stay in our hearts forever. Rory brought light to everyone's lives, a smile always on her face and always being there for others.

I remember this one story, that I'll repeat to anyone who asks for a memory of my girl. I had just found out my grandfathers passing. I got it over the phone because I was overseas with Rory in Europe on a tour.

At that time, Rory had just lost her necklace she had gotten passed down from generations of her family and was so sad about losing it. But as soon as I walked into that room with tears on my face, she completely dropped her needs and held me all night. Letting me know she was there even though she had other things to deal with.

Rory always put everyone first. When Violet was first welcomed into the family, she made sure Violet was comfortable in her own home.'

I had already checked with Violet to make sure she was ok with me mentioning it.

'No matter the circumstance, Rory was always willing to help. That's one trait of Rory to always remember. Her selflessness. She was the first one to say I love you. And even though I couldn't say it back to her that night, she told me she'll wait, and she did. It only took me that night to realise I was truly in love with the girl. I knew I loved her before that but she was my first love. My first kiss- my first everything. And I didn't know what love was until her.

That morning I called her over and as soon as that door was opened, I pulled her in and admitted my love for her. We were ecstatic to share the love with one another. And through every fight we had- she always made us talk it out. And we rarely had fights because of one rule we always kept. To not ignore each other and give time for the other to explain.

Our relationship was strong and healthy, and our time together will always hold a special place in my mind and heart. Because until the end, we are one.'

I let out a breath and leaned my forehead against the desk, my tears slipping onto the bare wood above the page I wrote.

I hated talking about her in past tense.

The had, was, loved.

All of it broke a piece of my heart off. The girl I love was truly gone and tomorrow, we'd be saying goodbye to her body. But not her memories.

She's my lover. My soulmate. And my partner. Until we meet again my love.


I wiped away a tear as I watched the last funeral car enter the car park, the large one with her casket tucked inside. Annaliese gripped onto my hand beside me, her grasp strong and bruising. I looked down at her to see tears streaming down her face already, her other hand tight in Louis'.

When I first met Annaliese as Rory's best friend, I knew I'd respect her. That were close, practically sisters. Anyone close to Rory earned my respect straight up. Rory's opinions on others affected my opinion on them.

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