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11 November 2021

When I woke up the next day, my wrist then read 19 days. And after my little chat with Lacey, I believed the whole situation better now. I groaned and threw my head back into my pillow. I had no homework, I had handed in my first assignment Friday and had no more to complete until this project.

Deciding I should probably clean the house before my parents got home, I grabbed the vacuum from the closet and got to work, getting into every corner of the house. This gave me time to think.

I had to talk to Louis. To understand what was going on in his life that made him kill himself in 19 days.

And maybe, just maybe this kiss could lead to something. I'm not sure what I'm hoping for but I know I had to figure out what was happening with Louis and try and help him in his situation. Because now that I'm realising maybe we could actually be friends instead of rivals, maybe helping him wasn't too bad.

Ok hang on, let me re-word that. Even if we weren't friends I'd still decide to save him, but now that we're closer - it's given me more of an advantage in this situation and more motivation to spend the next 19 days figuring out what is going on in Louis Gray's mind.

And today I would start. I packed the vacuum away and checked the time, only 12:30. Sighing, I changed out of my pyjamas- which yes, I had cleaned in and put on just a casual outfit to suit the windy day. Leaving the house, I felt the breeze kiss my cheeks and flush them a scarlet red.

I slowly made my way down the road and to the familiar coffee shop I started visiting so much. Seeing as though it was a Sunday, they weren't very busy.

"Hey Harley, Louis," I grinned, stepping to the counter. However I received no greeting.

"Hello?" I said again, frowning when all I got was a mumble from Harley. Nothing from Louis. I sighed in defeat and slumped over at my stool, reaching for my money. "Can I please get one black coffee?" If I were to clean my house, I needed more energy than what I had now.

I tossed the coins onto the counter and watched as Louis monotonously made my coffee.

What went up his ass this morning?

Finally, he finished making it and slid it to me, not a single emotion on his face as he wiped down the area. "Louis. Talk to me." I pleaded. What if this was the start of him planning his suicide? What if that's why he was moody. Maybe today something happened.

"Hello." He replied sarcastically, a glare on his face as he continued wiping down nothing.

"I think your table is clean now," I said, referring to the table he had wiped down about 20 times now, waiting for him to turn around and he finally did. "What's wrong?" I asked, taking one more sip of my coffee.

If this turns into an argument, I need the caffeine right now.

"Absolutely nothing. I'm at work right now, please let me do my job," he answered, turning back to clean the coffee machine.

"Louis something is up," I pushed further.

Bad idea.

"Look, if you're here just to pester the kitchen staff please leave. Leave my cafe now," he scowled- turning towards me once again.

I tried not letting emotion on my face as I stared into his eyes. What's going on in your head Louis Gray. I only nodded and got up, throwing my empty coffee cup in the bin on the way past.

I knew he had things going on at home but that didn't mean he had to be such a dick about it.

It only took 10 minutes and I was finally home. I pulled out the duster from the closet and got to work on the roof of my house. Collecting all the dust and spiderwebs there while I worked.

During this time, it gave me a moment to think.

What was I doing? I only had 19 days left, the obvious number on my wrist proved this was all real and Lacey- my dead best friend, was the one to warn me about it all.

She said he was my soulmate? But how. Fucking how? Soulmates belong in those stupid wattpad stories you find on the internet, not in a real life scenario.

But then again you don't expect to see the dead and see the future whilst being given a chance to save a boy.

The impossible was just made even more complicated. How was I going to do this now? Louis was going to kill himself on the 1st of December and that was only 19 days away. And I hate to admit it but I haven't made any progress, he seems to still hate me even after the kiss.

Maybe I was going too fast? I was sure of it. First we were friends for a few years, turned to enemies, then friends and now maybe lovers. But I think I had it all wrong. Maybe we were never friends in the first place. What if I had been a dare.

What if I've been injected with some type of substance and it's making me hallucinate all this?

Nah that was a wild thought. But it was a possibility. Just to be sure I kept chanting in my head, "wake up, wake up, wake up."

Oh to imagine the relief when I wake up in a bed, no numbers on my wrist and Louis alive and well on the 2nd of December.

To bad that's not what happened.

2 minutes later and nothing had changed so I gave up on that chant. I sighed in annoyance and set the duster down. I was so worried. Maybe he had started his plan to kill himself? Maybe something happened at home- making him grumpy and moody. Making his want to disappear.

I'll find out whatever it is that's bothering you Louis Gray. Just you wait.

Words: 1031

Date: 21/11/21

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