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"Annaliese?" Louis questioned, I was shivering at this pointed as rain pelted against my skin and teeth clattered together. He got rid of his shock and pulled me inside, taking off his hoodie he wore, he pushed it over my head, ignoring the sleeves.

"What are you doing here at- 8 o'clock at night love?" He paused, checking the time.
"Can we go to your room first?" I asked, ashamed of how weak I sounded at the moment. He nodded and followed me up the stairs. I slowly sat at the edge of his bed and pushed my arms through the sleeves of his hoodie.

"Explain." He said sternly, worry creased into his features.

"I went to Kelly's party with Max and-" finally the events caught up to me and my voice caught in my throat. I tenderly put my hand against my neck and could still feel the heat there from Max's lips.

"What did he do." He frowned, jaw clenching.

"He forcefully started kissing my neck and gave me a hickey, he would've done more before 'Lance' came into the kitchen." Tears started falling down my face but I looked down, hiding them.

"I'm going to kill him," the tone in his voice made me think maybe he wasn't exaggerating. And when he got up from beside me, I realised he probably wasn't.

"No- please stay," I asked, looking up at him. He noticed the visible tears on my face and sighed, laying against the headboard of his bed and grabbing my waist, pulling me to his lap.

He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly as my head rested against his chest, my arms encircling his torso. I sighed lightly and wiped away a single tear that fell before getting up, "would your sister have any make up wipes anywhere?" I asked and he nodded. Louis got up from the bed and went down the hall, returning later with with the packet in his hands.

I went to reach for it but he stopped me.

"Let me," he whispered gently. I nodded and followed him into the bathroom. He sat me on the counter and nudged my legs open as he walked between them.

"Relax love," he said, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. I didn't realise how tense I was until I relaxed my shoulders. He reached up and I slightly flinched, he frowned at my movement but gently gripped my jaw in his hand whilst the other got to work on removing my makeup.

What did you do to me Max?

Louis finally finished and walked back to his room, I was about to follow but when he came back in, he had clothes. "I'm not driving you home in that," he gestured to the storm raging outside. I raised an eyebrow at him but nodded.

I took the shirt and sweats from him before shutting the door and starting the shower.

I scrubbed as hard as I could at the skin, trying to remove his touch.

Max's that is, I like Louis's touch.

I kept going until my neck was raw and red, I touched the skin and hissed lightly at the sting. I scrubbed everywhere else his hands had been and finally finished, turning off the water. I was red and sore.

I feel disgusting.

I put on his white shirt he gave me as well as the hoodie on top. Then I put on the sweats and turned to the mirror.

Am I a slut?

I did just have a guy all over me and now I'm dressed in another's clothes.

No, no it wasn't my fault.

But you dressed like a hoe.

I covered my face in my hands when I heard a knock on the door. "Yes?" I called out, my voice a little muffled.

"Can I come in?" Louis asked, I nodded and then realised he couldn't see me.


He slowly opened the door, as if expecting me still to be naked.

However here I was, my head in my hands too ashamed to even look at myself.

"You're beautiful," Louis whispered, as if knowing what I was thinking.

I looked back at the mirror and to Louis who stood next to me, brushing his teeth. I shook my head slightly and left the bathroom, grabbing a pillow to sleep on the floor.

"Uh uh, you're on the bed I'm on the floor." Louis argued, finishing brushing his teeth. I looked over at the double bed and back at him.

"There's room for 2," however I didn't realise he'd take that seriously.

"Alright then," he smirked, climbing into the bed. I sighed and got under the covers, facing towards him.

"Why'd you do it?" I asked.

"Do what?" But I think he knew what I meant.

"Why'd you kiss me?" He sighed and turned to face me.

"Because I like you Annaliese, I like you a lot. Since we were friends and all through the time that we 'hated' each other." My heart fluttered at that and I let a small smile creep onto my features.

"So why'd you say it didn't mean anything," he was hesitant to answer this question but sat up so I followed him.

"I just didn't want you to get caught up in my shit."

The fuck-

"My parents, as you know, haven't been around since I was 12. That was 6 years ago. That's because they were convicted of my brothers murder. I was the one who watched my mother kill him. My father then helped her make up a story to tell us kids but they never knew that I saw. But I used the camera surveillance to show my teacher who was a former policeman what they did to him. They stabbed my brother. I was too late when I saw them. I had just gotten home and was at the front door as my parents took the knife out. I sprinted from the house. And hid. I think the reason Courtney and Bailey are never around is because they blame me for taking their parents away from them at such a young age."

My mouth was agape at this point. "You mean that Florence and Alexander Gray are your parents?"

He nodded. I sighed and rested my forehead against his. "It's good they're gone. They're bad people. But it's not your fault. It will never be your fault for doing the right thing and bringing justice to your brothers death."

He kissed my forehead lightly as a silent thank you and let us fall back on the bed to fall asleep.

I don't like the ending but I don't know what to add to fix it.

Words: 1120

Date: 3.12.21

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