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I've fixed up chapter 2, I've changed the ending so go reread if you like :)

18th November 2021

The small numbers embroided into my skin now read 12 days, it really scared me how close we were getting to the 30th of November.

Today was Sunday and we'd be heading back home. I packed all my clothes into one suitcase, before heading into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once that was done, I checked the time, only 9am. I unplugged my phone from the charger and felt my heart drop at the message.

Hello my love, we're very sorry to do this again but we will be gone for another medical trip to Africa for a study in a new medicine your father is analysing. We'll be back next Sunday xx

Of course. What did I expect? They were never home.

I mean they were loving parents, yes, but I'd appreciate it if they were home for at least longer than 4 days at once.

I hadn't noticed it but hot heavy tears were falling from my face as I sobbed, my body shook and I was so numb I didn't feel Louis sit beside me, pulling my body into his.

"Shhh, Vera, you're all right my love." He whispered soothingly, he noticed the rest of the family coming over to say goodbye and so grabbed my hand- pulling me up.

"Thank you for having us," he spoke for the two of us. I nodded silently, keeping my head down. The second time I've cried this weekend in the morning.

What a joy.

I feel pathetic. Why was I crying? People had it so much fucking worse. I mean take Louis for example. Poor guy had so much taken away from him and here I was crying over the fact my parents were gone for a week. I honestly hated myself at this moment.

I'm so fucking selfish.

Or maybe it's the fact I started my period 3 days ago.

No- that doesn't give me a reason to be self absorbed.

We slowly filed into Rory's car as the rest of the goodbyes were said. Louis let me put my head on his lap as he brushed his fingers through my hair comfortingly, I slowly started calming down from the tears falling gently from my face and closed my eyes- already tired.

It was stupid really, no one should cry this fucking often. No judging to anyone who does, I'm just not a crier. I was fine before.

(Guys I'm not having a go at anyone who does because I myself in fact cry at least 50 times per month so don't take this the wrong way :))

Louis what have you done to me?

I think I love this boy. The things he does for me. I felt a small smile grace my face as I thought about him. His fingers all of a sudden stopped, however his hand instead now interlaced with my own as I looked up at him to see him staring out the window. I closed my eyes again and fell asleep whilst Zach and Rory bickered in the front of what music is best- Taylor Swift or P!NK.


Waking up, I realised Rory had already dropped Zach and Louis off- which somehow they must've done so without waking me up- and was now parked in my driveway.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I mumbled, slowly getting up and rubbing my eyes.

"I needed to talk to you," she said gently. I nodded and undid my seatbelt, getting out of the car and grabbing my suitcase, leading Rory up to my bedroom. Chucking the bag across the room, I sat cross-legged beside Rory on the floor.

"What do you need to ask?" I inquired. She placed a hand on my knee.

Oh shit.

"Why have you been so sad? This morning you were upset as well as yesterday. And you haven't spoken to anyone about it," she explained. I sighed and looked down.

"I've just been going through things at the moment." Oh you know, saving my crush from killing himself.

"But mainly it's because my parents haven't been around and I just really miss them," I answered half-truthfully. She nodded slowly.

"There's more isn't there?" I nodded to answer her question.

"I'm just not ready to you that yet," I let out quietly, holding back the tears. Rory nodded and pulled me in for a hug before leaning back.

"I'm always here for you Annaliese?" She said it as a question, as if making sure I knew that. I nodded and pulled her up from my bed.

"Thank you for checking in on me," I smiled, heading for the front door with her behind me.

"You're my best friend, it's my job." She grinned, making me crack a small smile.

Once she was gone, I sighed and slid against the door, putting my head in my hands again.

I needed to figure this all out.

I questioned myself first; why was I sad?

Because you're parents are never home.

But was that really it? There had to be more and I knew that.

The real reason truly was because I was panicking, I was running out of time. I had 12 days left and I think I was doing a terrible job at it. But by Tuesday I'll find out whether he talked to his sisters or not. Maybe that will fix some things.

Guys I have the best idea ever. You'll love it. But it's towards the end of the book which is like quite a few chapters away so you'll have to wait. But it's an eye for an eye kind of situation :) so you'll get something good out of it.

Words: 941 (small chapter, I know)

Date: 16/12/21

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