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14 November 21

16 days.

16 days until Louis may die.

16 days until my 'mission' is over.

16 days written on my wrist.

16 days I have to figure out how to save Louis.

Now that I knew his situation, it made this whole ordeal easier. I looked at the time beside on the clock that read 7am. I need to pee.

I tried getting up but was held down by a strong grip, looking over my shoulder, I saw Louis' head laying on my back as his arms wrapped tightly around me.

I never saw him as the cuddling type.

I poked his cheek and he lifted one eye open. "Can you let go, I need to pee," I started wriggling around as a point. However I realised that was a bad idea.

"Fuck," he murmured and I stopped.

"What?" I asked innocently, why was he acting weird. And then I noticing something prodding at my butt.

"Are you always this hard in the morning?" I teased, flipping over in his arms.

"Only when a pretty girl is practically grinding on my dick," he winked and I made a gagging face. He rolled his eyes and kissed my forehead, releasing me from his grip. I headed for the bathroom to do my lady business.

So much had changed in one night. And I guess it was for the better.

Now I had an advantage. And I was going to use it because I think I was falling for this man.

"Louis can you drop me off at my house?" I asked, answering my parents messages about where I was last night. They weren't too pleased when I didn't return home. But I mean half the time they don't even get home until the morning.

"Sure, I don't think I have any girls clothes in my closet from when I usually have a chick over," he winked at me. I threw a glare at him from over my shoulder. And sent him the finger.

"That's not how you thank someone for letting you stay the night," he called out, I rolled my eyes and turned to him.

I stopped in front of him and leant down, capturing his lips in a slow kiss. I pulled away quickly. His jaw left open. I pushed it back up, a smirk set on my face. "It was only a kiss," I whispered, heading towards the front door.

"Now hurry up and take me home. We only have 30 minutes until school starts!" He told me, Courtney and Bailey were at their boyfriends houses for the week so I didn't need to worry about waking anyone with my shouting.

Apart from the neighbours.

We finally got in the car and he started the engine, putting his arm on the back of my chair and leaning back, reversing out of the driveway.

I'll be honest, the way he did it was hot.

It only took 15 minutes and we arrived, I rushed inside and unclothed myself, throwing Louis' clothes into the hamper and changing into some more appropriate attire. I grabbed my laptop and bag as well as a quick brush of my teeth before charging back downstairs, shouting a bye to my parents who were preparing to leave for work and got into Louis' car again.

"Took you a while," he said sarcastically, with a playful roll of his eyes. I slapped the back of his head. "Just drive."


As I wondered into the cafeteria, I looked around and saw Louis sitting by himself. I told Rory I'd see her later and went over and sat with Louis.

"Hello," I exclaimed, sliding my tray in with me.

"Why are you here?" He asked, stealing a fry from my tray.

Why does everyone keep stealing my food?

"Can't I see my new friend?" I grinned, leaning forward.

"But do friends kiss each other?" He grinned, leaning forward to me too. I sighed and leaned back, Louis doing the same.

"So, are we good now?" I asked, picking up my sandwich and taking a bite from it. Louis nodded and continued happily munching on my chips.

"We have our presentation next, so I'll see you then," I exclaimed, standing up and leaving the tray for Louis, I waved goodbye as he did too.


I saw them.

The thin white lines dotted around his wrist. Layering all the way up his forearm. I hadn't noticed them with Lacey but after that mistake, I've learnt to watch out for people.

And I saw his. How was I going to bring this up with him? I obviously was going to, if I didn't say nothing, he'd continue and if I did say something, if I tried something maybe, with the small possibility he'd stop.

It was a huge deal, if I decided to speak out, he'd either get angry and tell me off or let me help him. Which would be big to help him figure out what's going on in his life.


Finally our presentation rolled around. And I'd like to think we aced. We sat down at our desks and I leant my head against his shoulder, sighing in relief that it was over.

"To think we just spent 2 weeks together on that- that's gross," Louis chuckled, I shoved his shoulder playfully.

"I'm just joking Annaliese, I'm glad it took us only that project to become friends again," he grinned, I smiled at him and pecked his cheek.

"Thanks for being my partner," I whispered, turning my attention to focus on the person now.

"Anytime love, what time is your volleyball match tonight?"

Oh shit, I'd completely forgotten all about that game. I sighed and wracked my brain, trying to remember off the top of my head.

"It's at 6:30. Are able to make it?" I asked hopefully, I'm pretty sure it was in the school gym against Charleville Vipers, so it wasn't a long drive. I'd probably end up driving him there anyway.

"Yeah, are you picking me up though?" Louis questioned me, leaning over to start putting his laptop away when the clock got closer to ending the lesson.

"Why not," I shrugged, also copying his actions.

"Are you excited?" Louis was in the front seat, driving whilst I tucked my legs into the knee pads. I sat up straight after tying my shoe lace and looked over to gaze at Louis. He had his eyes set on the road but they flickered over to me when he realised I was staring at him.

"Kind of. The Vipers aren't the strongest team in the league so we have a good chance at beating them." Louis nodded and pulled into our schools parking lot, I saw coach gathering our players over by the front door and got out- Louis tagging along behind me.

"Good luck pretty girl," he muttered as he wrapped an arm around my waist, tugging me into his chest where his lips met the top of my head in a kiss. His lips grazed there just a second before he looked down at me to speak again.

"You'll do amazing."

Words: 1191

Date: 4.12.21

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