22: The Dungeon

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You've been in the dungeon for days. At least...you think it's been days. Time escapes you in here. There's nothing but solid walls and a locked cell door. The rough concrete floor is where you sleep. Sleeping would be nice, if you could avoid the nightmares. Every time you close your eyes, violent images haunt you. And when you open them, reality haunts you as well.

Mother Miranda came to take your blood hours after you were thrown into your cell. The mark where the needle stole your blood is still visible on your arm. She told you it was for 'Research.' Whatever the hell that meant. Most likely, seeing if you're a viable host for Eva, her dead daughter. Mother Miranda also told you that you would be put through a draining process. Fifty percent of your blood was to be drained daily, then you were to eat/drink nothing other than the fresh blood from a human. This was necessary in order for you to receive the cure she was creating. She told you that if you helped her, she would give you the cure for your mutations. You didn't agree to her terms, but you didn't disagree either. You wanted this thing out of your body.

After all, it's the reason you're here, alone in the dark freezing dungeon. Bela told you that they needed to keep you here until your draining process was complete. This was supposed to lessen the creatures hold on you. Slowly eliminating it's parasitic existence as your blood poured out. Thankfully, it didn't hurt. Bela was in charge of this task, and she always made sure to make it as painless as possible. She would gently cut a slit in each of your wrists, allowing the blood to flow from their canyons of flesh. As you laid there, she would tell you about the happenings within the castle.

For as long as you've been in the dungeon, Alcina hasn't left her chambers. She's locked everyone out, vowing silence to the world. Bela said she's sent in a fly or two to rest on the walls, observing her mother's days. They report back to her every so often. Alcina's either passed out drunk from too much wine, or vigorously writing in her Diary. She's a wreck. Damaged by her own doing.

However, you can't help but feel your shattered heart beat for her. Craving her presence with each pound against your hallow chest. You feel utterly empty without your mistress. Often, you call out to her in your thoughts, praying you get a response. But nothing comes. Radio static.

So you sit here, alone. Wishing that if you had to be locked away, that you were at least with Alcina. And if you couldn't be, you rather be drained of your blood entirely, allowing you to slip away from this cruel world.

You hear the dungeon door open, and then slam shut. Heavy footsteps make their way down the stairs, step by step, inching closer to your cell. Your heart races as they echo off the walls. There's no telling who it could be. The darkness didn't allow from much vision in front of you either, even if they were directly in front of you - you couldn't see them.

A light begins to flicker against the stone walls leading to the stairs. As the footsteps get louder, the light gets brighter. Slowly, the pitch black dungeon grows a little less harsh. The rumble of footsteps fade to a slow and lite clack. As though whoever they belong to is contemplating their arrival. You stand and make your way to the cell door, trying to catch a glimpse of who it might be. As they finally reach the entrance to the dungeon, a warm light fills the space in front of you, pushing the darkness to the corners of the room. Your eyes take a moment to adjust after seeing nothing more than black shadows for days. When your vision finally clears, you see her.

Crouching through the doorway, a towering woman in a white gown rises to her full mesmerizing height. Pools of amber honey stare back at you - Catching a glimpse of your stunned face. She's just as beautiful of you remember.

"Alcina..." Her name slips from your mouth in a hushed whisper.

The two of you stand there, staring into one another's eyes. Trapped in their gaze. Alcina's cold expression slips from her face, melting into a flood of relief at the sight of you in front of her. She takes a step forward, hesitantly. She observes your reaction to this. Seeing that you don't flee from her motion, she takes another step forward. Then another, and another. Soon, see stands directly in front of you. There's silence for a long moment. Just the two of you taking in each other's presence.

Fair Maiden - Alcina x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now