71: Final Dance

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As the night goes on, the dread of Mother Miranda's appearance dissipates; overtaken by pure joy. The girls are in the best mood you've ever encountered, actually getting along without even a moment of bickering. They dance together in a huddled group, laughing at one another's absurd dance moves. They've been kind enough to keep Angie occupied while Donna continues to accompany a possible suitor. You currently sit with Alcina, Heisenberg, Moreau, and someone who goes by The Duke. Not just Duke, The Duke. To your surprise, even Alcina and Heisenberg are getting along. Of course, they are still taunting each other, but it's all in good fun.

You watch Alcina as you savor a glass of fine wine. The way she holds herself in that suit admittedly drives you wild. Her jacket is unbuttoned, pushed to the side by her crossed legs. Although she wears her normal leather gloves, the lack of her wide brimmed hat is a refreshing view. She pulls it off well, but you rather she keep it off. You can't begin to count how many times the rim has hit you in the nose when you went in for a kiss. Without it, her lips are far more accessible; you've taken advantage of that many times this evening. Oh her lips. You can't help but gulp down your wine when they slowly wrap around the end of her cigarette holder, leaving prints of their fullness behind. Alcina gives you a side eyed glance as she takes a drag of her cigarette. A smirk curls as she teases you by slowly releasing the haze into the air.

"Will you stop giving each other fuck me eyes." Heisenberg requests with a groan. "I'd rather not picture you two well dressed sasquatches going at it."

"No promises." Alcina coos, giving you a wink.

You blush and take another sip of wine. Something you've taken far too many off. A hiccup gives it away. Alcina takes the glass from your hand, setting it on the table beside her.

"Perhaps a break from the wine, darling?"

"Good idea." You hiccup between words.

Moreau hands a glass of water over to Alcina.

"Thank you, Salvatore." She chimes, passing the glass to you. "Far less satisfying, but it will help, dear."

You take it in your hands, immediately taking a sip. It's a refreshing difference from the dry wine you've been drinking all evening.

"Y/N!" Bela calls out to you with a wide smile.

"Come dance with us!" Cassandra requests.

You chuckle as shake your head, not sure if that's the best idea in this tipsy moment.

"Pleaaaassse." Daniela begs.

"Go ahead, draga mea. Maybe some movement will shake off the intoxication." Alcina exclaims.

"Why don't you come join me?" You ask with a silly grin.

"Maybe after a while, dear." Alcina giggles. "I'd like to enjoy the show first."

Alcina places a kiss on your cheek. Her lipstick is well worn, leaving no trace behind her touch. She helps you stand up, waiting until you steady yourself to let go. She gives you a little wink before you leave. As you stroll onto the dance floor, the girls instantly pull you into their huddle; urging you to dance. Alcina chuckles as you stumble a bit, but quickly regain your footing.

"You call that Lady material?" Heisenberg questions with a hardy laugh.

"You shush. I wouldn't exactly pin you for a lord if I saw you walking through the streets of the village." Alcina teases.

"Fair point." Heisenberg exclaims.

"May I join you?" Donna asks as she approaches the other lord's.

Fair Maiden - Alcina x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now