61: Storm of Rage

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As Mary leads you down the long corridor, your mind buzzes with jumbled emotions and thoughts. The fact of never recovering your memories is no longer reality. What Mother Miranda stole from you can be returned. However, you're not entirely sure that's what you want. Although you don't entirely understand your new life, you're fearful of what will happen if you do.

Approaching two large double doors, Mary pulls a key from the pocket of her apron. The places it in the lock, turning it until a small click sounds from within the mechanism of the door. She returns the key to her pocket as she pushes one of the heavy doors open. She steps to the side, allowing you to enter first. As you step inside, you realize this is a room you have yet to see. An elegant sitting area surrounds a large fireplace. A shining grand piano rests at the other side of the room. Hanging above it is a gold framed painting of Alcina and her three daughters. The room is elegant and grand, yet cozy. Mary follows, closing the door behind her.

"Where are we?" You ask, observing the extravagant room.

"Lady Dimitrescu's lounge. This is the only place where we won't be disturbed." Mary exclaims. "Please, have a seat, dear."

Mary gestures to the vintage couch that sits in front of a slow burning fire. You follow Mary to the sitting area. As you sit yourself onto the plush cushion of the couch, Mary sits beside you. She slightly turns her body, allowing herself to face you.

"Mary, what would you choose?" You quietly ask, pulling your legs beneath you.

"I'm not sure, dear." Mary sighs. "I can't imagine being in your position. It's a hard choice to make. There's no telling the outcome of either choice."

"I want to remember, but I'm afraid." You tell her.

"What is it you're afraid of?" Mary asks.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to handle my past." You explain. "The pain. The sorrow."

"My dear, there's pain in every life. Sorrow that fills the gap between one moment to another." Mary begins. "You've experienced such things in this life, have you not?"

"I guess so." You utter, glancing down to the floor.

"Ignore your cautious thoughts for a moment, dear." Mary softly tells you. "What do you want to remember most?"

You think for a moment, fingers tracing a seam in your gown.

"I want to know who I was. Who I am. I don't want to see myself as this monster I was made into."

"I think you'd be rather proud of the woman you are, my dear." Mary softly coos, placing her wrinkled hand on yours.

Mary gives you a gentle smile.

"Do I have to remember everything?" You quietly ask.

"Not if you don't wish to." Mary replies, placing her hand back in her lap. "I can retrieve the memories that will help you better understand your current situation."

"What about Lady Dimitrescu?" You ask.

"What about her?" Mary questions.

"I don't want to disappoint her." You utter.

"Why do you think she would be disappointed?"

"She wants me to remember." You tell her. "But, I'm not sure if I want to."

Mary takes a deep breath before she speaks. Again, she places her hand atop yours.

"Y/N, Alcina only wants you to know the truth. Besides men, there's nothing more she hates than seeing her loved ones hurt." Mary explains. "She would do anything for you."

Fair Maiden - Alcina x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now