4: Mistress of Castle Dimitrescu

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In the morning, you wake to distant voices in the other room. Two of the voices sound familiar. You spoke to them yesterday. Donna and Angie. Angie is happily giggling, trying to convince someone to play with her. Donna, of course, is trying to convince her that now is not the time.

"I am in the middle of a conversation, Angie." Donna exclaims. "Allow me to finish my conversation with Alcina, then we can discuss a play date. Until then, please go check on Y/N. She has been asleep for quite some time now."

Angie becomes giddy with excitement. "Yes, Donna! I am so excited to see my friend again!"

"Remember, Angie" An elegant voice begins. "Y/N and I won't being staying long after she wakes. I need to get her back to the castle so my maids and I can tend to her properly until she heals."

Angie sounds a little disappointed, but she accepts Alcina's words with understanding, "Yes, my lady."

Not a moment later, Angie comes stumbling into the room where you are, as she assumes, sleeping.

"Oh, how I just want to play with someone." Angie sounds defeated. Her hopes of playing with a friend and getting turned down, breaking her heart.

Does she even have a heart? She is a doll, not a human...

You can't help but feel a pang of guilt and sorrow for Angie. You remember the days where you wished you could just play with someone. As an only child, if you weren't helping mother, you often played alone. That of which, was not much fun.

"Angie..." You say, groggily. "Some day we will have a play date. And we can play to your hearts content."

Your sudden words seemed to startle Angie at first. Her wooded limbs jumped a little upon hearing your voice. Then, as the surprise subsided, she ran up to you, embracing you with a little hug.

"Really!?" Angie cried. "I would truly love that!"

The corners of your lips curled into a soft smile. A hug. It had been a log time since you had received a hug. Although, this hug was quite unusual, you welcomed it. Closing your eyes for a moment and enjoying the sincere embrace.

Angie is quite unusual. Unique. I have never met or seen anything or anyone like her. She is kind, excitable, and of course, playful. Maybe I have made a friend. Unexpected, but I like the idea of having a friend.

Angie lets you go and quickly toddles back to the other room to announce to Donna and Alcina that you are awake. Soon after, Angie comes waddling back, plopping herself on your lap as you sit up.

"Good morning, dear!" Donna greets you with a chipper tone as she enters the room. "How are you feeling Y/N?"

"I feel alright." You convince yourself, then realize that your body is still sore and your head is pounding. "In all honesty, my head hurts quite a bit. I feel fine, mostly. Just a bit of pain."

"That will subside, dear. I am so glad you were able to rest. And for quite a while." Donna smiles at you.

This is when you realize that you are seeing her face for the first time. She is beautiful. She has delicate features, a warm complexion, and a radiant smile. There seems to be some kind of wound on one side of her face, but it takes nothing away from her beauty. You smile back at her, gleaming.

"You were right, Donna. I do adore that smile. It sure can light up a room, don't you think?" These words come from a woman that you somehow didn't notice. She towers over you, much like the trees in the forest. You always thought you were tall, but this woman trumps the height of anyone you've ever met. She wears a vintage white dress that hugs her silhouette marvelously. Her hair is black, falling in neatly styled curls at her chin. A wide brimmed hat rests atop her head. You notice her sharp, yet graceful features. Fair skin, like yours. Her lips stand out in contrast to her complexion. Deep Blood Red. And her eyes, a golden amber.

Fair Maiden - Alcina x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now