46: Lies and Deceit

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"It's time to wake up, maiden."

A strong voice echoes into your mind, pulling you from your slumber. Your eyes flick open, revealing the darkness that surrounds you. Your body is stiff, confused and frightened of the unseen voice drifting throughout the space around you.

"Don't be scared." The voice calls out again.

You slowly sit up, looking around the room. Alcina is fast asleep next to you. There's nobody else that you can see.. You realize you're in the bedchamber. You don't recall ever leaving the hidden room. The last thing you remember is being with Donna. The two of you were talking as you drank some tea. Donna had been acting strange, but before you could get an answer as to why, everything became hazy.

"You have a visitor. I suggest you don't keep him waiting." The voice hisses. "He's waited a long time to see you."

You toss the covers from your body and slowly slide from the bed. Your body feels strange as your feet hit the ground. You glance around the room once more, determined to find the source of the voice.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" You demand in a hushed tone.

"Quiet!" The voice warns.

Your mouth shuts, preventing you from speaking. You feel your body flood with panic.

"Go to the dungeon. There, you will find the answers you've been seeking."

Seemingly reacting to the voices request, your feet begin to move forward. You try to stop yourself, but you barely have any control.

"Resisting will only make this harder for you, maiden."

You give in, allowing your legs to carry you forward. You slowly pull the door open, careful not to make a sound. Closing it, you glance at Alcina. She's fast asleep, finally recovering from her restless exhaustion. You urge yourself to call out to her, but not a single sound escapes you. Your heart begins to race with urgent pounding. You hold the door cracked as long as possible, savoring the sight of Alcina resting peacefully. You have no idea what's happening, but your heart and mind tell you that something is terribly wrong. Unable to keep the door open any longer, you pull it shut. Your legs continue moving, bare feet slapping against the floor. You journey through the hallway and down the stairs. Anxiety rises within you. As you reach the dungeon door, you pray that the sisters will appear and pull you from this strange puppet like state. The eerie silence tells you there is no hope of being discovered. You enter the stairwell, slowly lowering yourself into the depths of the castle. The dungeon is dark, candles flickering lightly as their wicks burn on their last leg. Chains dangle from the ceiling, large hooks gleaming in faint light. A large pool of blood crusts the stone floor. Your breath quickens, chest heaving as your body surges with fear of the unknown. You feel the strange feeling that overtook your body begin to subside. The voice in your head remains silent, but a different voice fills the space around you.

"It really is you." A low male voice calls out to you.

You spin around, looking in the direction in which it came from. All you see is overwhelming darkness, but you feel eyes on you. Peering within the shadows.

"Don't be afraid." He calls out again. "I just want to talk."

A man steps forward from the shadows, blocking the stairwell. Your eyes widen as you recognize the figure standing before you. Ethan Winters takes a cautious step forward, watching you closely.

"How are you free?" You ask with urgent panic.

"Nevermind that. We need to talk." He exclaims.

"I have nothing to say to you!" You yell.

Fair Maiden - Alcina x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now