78: The Ceremony

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You stand at Alcina's side, holding your composure the best you can. Cassandra, Bela and Daniela stand at her other side. Mary, Donna and Heisenberg stand at yours. The grand hall is dead silent, nothing to be heard besides anxious breaths. Nobody has the courage to speak. There's nothing that can be said to ease the heaviness in the air.

It's a waiting game now, and every last one of you is playing. Mother Miranda is taking her time, toying with each of your minds. Although the grand hall is filled with dreadful silence, the space inside your head is a different story. Your thoughts run rampant. Bouncing from one thing to the next. Your heart races in your chest, urgently trying to rip from your body. That haunting feeling only increases when you hear the sharp howls of lycan's pierce the air outside.

Without looking, Alcina's hand finds yours. Her leather gloves barcade her warmth. Right now, you could use her tender touch to ease the chill creeping inside you. You tighten your grip as the castle doors swing open. A gust of cold air pours into the grand hall. The three sisters step back, tucking themselves behind you and Alcina to block the frigid air. Devil dog steps through the doorway, head held high and body rigid. When his eyes meet yours, they tell you everything you need to know.

"She's here." You utter.

One by one, crows begin to brush past devil dog, swarming into a black mass. Their taunting caws break the silence. They circle to the ground in a raven cyclone. As quickly as they appeared, they vanish. Leaving behind the scrawny cloaked body of Mother Miranda. Her artic grey eyes instantly meet yours from behind her golden beaked mask. A malevolent grin curls on her lips.

"My, my. Why all the glum faces?" Miranda questions. "This is a celebration, my children. Not a funeral."

"This is no celebration." Alcina exclaims.

"Why of course it is." Miranda coos, stepping forward. "Today, is a very special day. My dear Eva will be brought back from death. All thanks to your precious maiden."

Alcina's jaw clenches.

"Spare the dramatics, Miranda." You utter, voice firm.

"Oh, I do apologize, dear." Miranda sarcastically remarks. "I know this day is dreadful enough for you. Getting ripped away from the woman you love. Never being able to see her again. If you think about it, it's all rather dramatic as is."

"Enough." Alcina growls.

"Eager to start, Alcina?" Miranda questions.

"There's no point in dragging this out longer than need be." Alcina exclaims. "Get it over with."

"I find it rather strange that you be so insistent on the ceremony commencing." Miranda's eyes narrow to Alcina. "Or is that just because you're aware that you have nothing to worry about?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Alcina murmurs.

"There's no point in lying, child. " Miranda coos, placing herself in front of you. "I know you're well aware of the deal your maiden made with me."

Her taloned claw lifts your chin.

"So selfless and loyal." She utters. "It's a shame her loyalty now lies elsewhere."

You wince as her talon pulls away from your skin, leaving behind a shallow cut. Mother Miranda turns, pacing to the center of the grand hall. Her hands lift, fire burning from her palms. She turns around to face you once again.

"If you want the ceremony to commence, then it shall." She grins.

The flames pour from her hands down to the ground. Instead of the normal warm hues, the fire burns blue. Heat so intense it could burn through an entire forest in mere seconds. Hellfire.

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