Chap 1. <3

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"So you know how ENHYPEN's new album came out?" In-ha asks as she takes a big bite of her lunch.

"Yeah, you made me wait to listen to it! By the way, I still haven't listened to it!" I say while glaring at the older girl in front of me. She smiles at me and puts her hand on top of mine, resting on the lunch table.

"Dear friend, I have my reasons." She says, while I snatch my hand away from hers.

"Oh yeah? And what are they! Everyone in my class has been talking about Fever and I'm getting impatient!" I say while taking an angry bite of my food.

"Well, I've been seeing videos of girls going on album picnics where they buy a bunch of albums and go on a picnic, opening the albums together! I wanted to try it out but have it be a surprise for when we open them!" She says, taking a sip of her strawberry flavored juice

"What does that have to do with me listening to the songs?" I ask, taking more bites of my food.

"I have a CD player at home! After the picnic, we could go to my house and play it for the first time on my CD player, just for fun." She says, finishing up her food.

"I guess that's cool! But- Uhh" I say, a bit sad.

"What's up, Yeonie?" She asks with curiosity.

"I forgot that the person in front of me on the lunch line took that last watermelon juice so I had to take a strawberry flavored one!" I whine to my older friend.

"Why do you hate strawberries?" In-ha asks me with a frown.

"I don't hate strawberries, just hate strawberry flavored juice!" I say while putting my head down on my arm. "I just want watermelon juice!" I whine to my friend. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up to see a boy who looks my age, holding a juice in his hand.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I took a watermelon instead of a strawberry juice, and I hate watermelon juice. None of my friends want to trade with me. I didn't open it or anything!! Yeah, will you trade with me?" He asks, standing, nervously in front of me. I smile at the boy and nod.

"Sure, thanks for the juice!" I say as I exchange the juice with a smile on my face. The boy walks away and I look back at In-ha and her mouth is slightly open, staring at me with a blank face.

"You seriously have good luck!" She whines to me about the situation. I roll my eyes. "But really that's weird?" She says, in deep thought.

"Yeah, kind of." I say taking the last sips of my juice, happily.

"Well what do you say about today, after school?" In-ha asks, looking at me for an answer.

"Yeah, but I'd have to ask my mom first." I say with a frown . The bell suddenly rings, startling me and In-ha.

"Guess it's time to go. See you, cutie!" She says, side hugging me.

"See you, cutie!" I say, hugging her back and going to my next class. I have dance class so I go to change.

* After school *

"Yeah, I'm gonna call my mom right now!" I say to In-ha as we stand outside our school. My mom picks up the phone.

"Hay sweetie! You got out of school?" She asks, sweetly.

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask if I can go with In-ha to the mall to buy some stuff?" I ask, hoping she would say yes. "Please say yes! I hope she says yes!" I whisper to myself.

"Sure honey! Just be back by 5:00 cause that's when I have to head to work. Be safe! Bye!" Mom says.

"K! Thanks! Love you! Bye!" I say and hang up the phone. I look at In-ha and she has a bright smile. "Let's go!!" I say with excitement.

We take the bus to the mall. We actually go to the mall that her dad owns. We go into the K-pop store and look for the Enhypen shelf.

"Found it!!" In-ha says with excitement as we look at the different versions of the newest Enhypen albums.

"We're getting every version, right?" I ask, looking at the older one with a smile.

"Uh, duuhhh!!" She says. We grab the black, white, and blue album. "Wait, should we buy the last albums too?" She asks.

"Let me see if I have enough money-" She cuts me off.

"I can buy it for you!!" She says, happily. I shake my head.

"No, no, no! It's fine-" She cuts me off again.

"Fine, you can pay me back tomorrow!! Is that better?" She says and I slowly give in, nodding my head. We grab all of the albums and go to pay.

"We should get ice cream!" In-ha one says like a little kid. I nod in agreement.

"Yes!! Ice cream! Plus, it's only 4:00 so we have some time!" I say to her. We make our way to the ice cream shop. We order and enjoy our ice cream. Once we're done, we make our way to the bus stop.

"Today was fun! See you tomorrow at school!" In-ha says, ruffling my hair. I nod my head like a little kid.

"It sucks that the only class we have together is art and gym!!" I whine to her. She chuckles at my actions.

"It's ok! Well hang out this weekend, right! Oh this is your bus! Bye love you!" In-ha says to me while waving at me. I wave back and get on the bus. I get home and open the front door.

"I'm home!!" I yell, seeing my mom sitting at the sofa watching TV. She looks at me and smiles.

"Hi honey! How was school!" She says. Me and my mom have a nice relationship so I can basically talk to her like my friend.

"It was boring!! But something funny happened at lunch." I say, sitting down next to her on the sofa. She looks at me with curiosity.

"Really, what?" She asks.

"Well, the person in front of me on the lunch line took the last kind of juice I like. I was whining to In-ha about it, saying how I wanted that kind of juice. Then this kid suddenly came up to me saying he liked the kind of juice I had. He had the kind of juice I liked and wanted to switch. So I did, but it was like I asked and it just.. Happened! But whatever, anyways I have homework!! Bye! See you tomorrow!" I say to my mom. She says bye and walks out the front door to get to work.

Mom's P.O.V

Why does this sound familiar? This used to happen to me when I first started getting my powers. I would slowly gain them this way. Wait! Could she be getting hers now!! At this age!! No way, when I got mine, I was a little older! 18 yrs old! I guess we'll have to see. I just hope she realizes what is happening before the powers become so strong that it smacks her in the face.

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