Chap 22. <3

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"You ok?" I ask her and she nods her head.

"That one wasn't that bad I guess." She says. We all laugh.

"You put on the biggest show just for that?" Jungwon says and she glares at him. I laugh at them.

"What time is it?" I say.

"7:00." Sunghoon says. I stand up from the couch and remember I'm still holding Jungwon's hand. He lifts his arm so he can keep our hands together.

"Ohhh! You guys were holding hands!!" In-ha says teasingly. I quickly let go of Jungwon's hand but he grabs it again, intertwining our fingers again. He pulls me so I sit down again. Sunghoon and In-ha laugh while Jungwon just looks at his phone with a smirk. I playfully slap his shoulder and he giggles.

"Just date already." Sunghoon says with a low voice.

"Wish I could but I'm, you know, an idol." Jungwon says sarcastically, or at least I think he was being sarcastic.

"I hope you were being sarcastic." Sunghoon says. Jungwon puts his pointer finger over his mouth.

I get up again and start to walk to the kitchen, dragging Jungwon with me.

"What are we doing here?" Jungwon asks.

"I'm getting something to drink. What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I didn't want to let go of your hand so I just followed you here." Jungwon says. I shake my head while chuckling at him. I let go of his hand to pour myself some juice. Once I have the amount I want, I put the cup on the counter to put the juice back. I go to get my cup when I see Jungwon drinking my juice.

"Hey! That's my juice!" I say and he stops drinking it and smiles. I take the cup from him. I drink the rest of what he left me.

"You do know I drank from it, right?" He says.

"Yeah! You drank like half of it!" I say to him.

"My saliva is on that." He says pointing at the cup with his eyebrows raised and a slight smile.

"And now mine is. I don't really care." I say, chuckle at him for thinking I would care. He shrugs his shoulders. I place the cup on the counter and we go back to the living room. We sit back on the couch.

"Eonni, are you staying at my house again?" I ask In-ha. She looks at me and nods.

"So we should go back now, it's getting dark." I say and she nods again.

"So do we just go home from here or what?" Sunghoon asks me.

"Do you guys wanna hang at my house for a little?" I ask and both the boys nod their heads quickly. Me and In-ha laugh at them.

"So, you wanna leave now?" In-ha asks me and I nod my head. We all get up and head for the door. We take the bus to my house. We've done a lot of back and forth today but it's ok. We get to my house and go to my room.

"Now what do we do?" Sunghoon asks. I was about to say I don't know but Someone's phone rings. I can tell it's Sunghoon's because I know Jungwon's, mine, and In-ha's ringtone. Sunghoon picks up the phone.

"Hello?" He says. We all pay attention to his phone call.

"Oh, we're at Yeonie's house." Sunghoon says.

"Sorry if we've been out for too long." Sunghoon says. We are just wondering what the other person is saying.

"Oh ok! Well see you later hyung. Bye!" He says and hangs up the phone.

"Was that Jake hyung?" Jungwon asks.

"Would I talk to Jake that nicely? It was Heeseung hyung." Sunghoon says. We all laugh at what he said.

"What time do you guys have practice tomorrow?" I ask the boys.

"Around 7:00 A.M." Sunghoon says. I sigh, knowing they're gonna have to go back to their dorm now.

"Sorry, I have to send you guys home." I say and Jungwon pouts. Jungwon gets up from the floor and throws himself on my bed.

"Yeah you heard her. Bye Sunghoon! Bye In-ha!" Jungwon says while wrapping a blanket around himself. We chuckle and I get up from the floor. I go and sit on my bed.

"You have to go too wonnie. In-ha is staying." I say. He wraps his arms around my waist.

"I don't want to gooooo!" Jungwon says. I feel my cheeks get a little hot but I look away.

"Are you guys sure you're not dating?" In-ha says. My eyes go wide and I push his arms off of me. He sits up next to me and pouts again.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they are." Sunghoon say, teasingly.

"We are not dating. We just like each other." I say.

"No. Jungwon just likes you. You, you more than like him." In-ha says. I glare at her.

"I-" She cuts me off.

"Have you seen her drawer dedicated to letters she writes to you?" In-ha says. Jungwon smiles and proudly nods his head.

"Eonni! Not funny." I say and they all laugh.

"It's ok. I think it's cute." Jungwon says.

"Really? Because if I found out my fan had half a drawer with love letters to me, I would feel a little creeped out." In-ha says, still teasing me. Now I feel embarrassed. Jungwon stopped laughing and looked at me.

"I was gonna burn them." I say with a low tone of voice, looking down at the floor.

I suddenly feel my eyes burn due to the tears forming in them. I try to hold them back but it's too late. I feel the warm tears fall slowly down my face. They all notice me and now I feel even more embarrassed.

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