Chap 33. <3

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"Oh gosh, That wasn't even that good." I say, thinking he's overreacting.

"I'm serious, you're, like, good at everything!" He says, walking to me.

"Ok, I guess so since you said it, you know, the best dancer I know!" I say.

"Sure. So, you're learning fever." He says, demandingly.

"Oh really?" I ask him with a slightly lifted brow.

"Yeah, I'll teach you my part and then you can do the dance in my place with the guys. It'll be fun!" He says with a smile. I kinda like the idea so I'll agree.

"Fine. But only because it sounds fun." I say with a smile. He brings his phone over to me so I can go over the dance. I watch it, paying attention to the way Jungwon moves. It finishes and I have to show Jungwon what I picked up on. He plays the music and I dance to what I remember. Getting a lot of the moves right but the execution wrong.

"Ok, that was good." Jungwon says. "Ok, now, I'm sorry if I'm a bad teacher, I've just never taught anyone a dance." He says and I giggle.

"It's ok." I say as he starts to show me all the moves.

* Three Hours Later *

"Ok, first of all, how the hell do you think you're bad?" Jungwon asks me, staring at me with a smile.

"I don't know, I just always find something I can fix or improve." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm the same way. There's always something that needs to be improved. But you have to know your worth, don't doubt yourself." He says, giving me a sincere smile.

"You should really take your own advice." I say with a smirk, starting the music again. He gives me a flash of a smile, leaning against the mirror as I play the music from the beginning. I center myself in front of the mirror and get in the starting position.

I do the dance as I learned it. I remember all the steps, doing them exactly how my body remembers. I did practice it over and over for like three hours. Once I'm done, I look at Jungwon, sweat forming on my forehead and neck. My breathing has become heavy and you can hear me breathing. He just looks at me with an unreadable face.

"What?" I ask. "What did you think? How was it?" I ask, wondering what he was thinking.

"It was really good. I don't know how the guys will react honestly." He says.

"What do you mean?" I instantly have a flash of a memory of when I watched the fever dance practice for the first time.

* Flashback *

"Eonni, I don't think I'm ready." I say as she's about to press play on the Fever music video.

"It's ok, we won't die." She says. Four minutes later and we almost passed out, as you can tell.

"We need to watch the dance practice!" I say as she's laying on her bed.

"I won't ever be able to recover from the music video, what makes you think I'm in any position to watch the dance practice?!" She says, dramatically.

"Oh come one, it can't be that bad." I say, rolling my eyes and pulling her to sit back up. We press play and the whole time, I can't stop thinking about how mature the dance is. Like, imagine Sunoo's personality, but the complete opposite. Sunoo is pure, this dance, however, is not. My jaw was on the floor the whole time.

"Are you ok?" In-ha eonni asks.

"No." I say. "I- that was so- I have no words." I barely say.

"Honestly that was hot." In-ha says.

"Eonni!" I say. She basically said what I was thinking.

"I'm not wrong though." She says, shrugging her shoulders.

"You're not." I say, shrugging my shoulders before we both burst burst into laughter.

* End of Flashback *

"Ohh, I get it." I say with a smirk.

"What do you get? Is there something missing here?" He asks, him now being the one who's confused.

"You're afraid the members will find me attractive, for lack of better words." I say, the smirk remaining plastered on my face. His eyes go wide for a second, he looks at the ground then back at me.

"No." He says after clearing his throat.

Jungwon's P.O.V

Do I think they'll find her attractive? Yes. Mostly because she is but this dance, as much as it is hard for some, if executed correctly, it does stuff to people. Why do you think so many girls liked the dance? Because we looked good doing it. Yeonie looks really good doing it.

"No." I say after clearing my throat.

"Ok, sure." She says, teasingly while looking around the room.

"You're all confident now but when it's time for you to actually dance with the guy's, we'll see where your confidence goes." I say, smiling at her. Her slight smirk drops, her remembering that she'll actually dance 'Fever' with the guys.

"That's if they actually agree to it!" She says confidently. I take out my phone and call Heeseung hyung.

"Hello?" Heeseung hyung says.

"Yeah, hyung? Can you put me on speaker and get all the guys to be wherever you are." I say and Yeonie starts to look kinda nervous.

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