Chap 28. <3

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"Well- Omg yeonie! Are you ok?!" Seoyeon says with concern. Hearing that sentence causes me to burst into tears. I shake my head as I cover my face with my hands.

"This can't actually be happening right now." In-ha says. Ree-a and Seoyeon are still very confused. I wipe my tears and look at In-ha.

"Maybe it's a mistake." I manage to say.

"Mistake? No, he was caught red handed." In-ha says.

"I'm not accepting the fact. There is no way he did all he did to- to turn up with a g-girlfriend." I say, tears reforming in my eyes.

"Did what? What did he do? Why are you crying?" Ree-a asks, still confused.

"But the proof is right there! Admit it Yeonie, he's an ass!" In-ha says, ignoring Ree-a.

"No!! Don't call him that! I'm sure there's an explanation for this!" I say, tears running down my face non-stop. I break down. I love him. This very moment, I realize it. I love him. Not as an idol, or a bias. I am in love with him. Everyone stays quiet, no one dares to speak. I just sit on In-ha's bed, crying my eyes out. Finally, Seoyeon asks.

"Can someone please explain what is going on." She says. I dry all my tears and look at the three girls looking back at me.

"Well, I promised I wouldn't say anything but, it's past that now." I say. I tell them everything. About my powers and about Jungwon. Their mouths were hung open the entire time.

"Wow- I- I can't even believe this right now." Ree-a says and I give a sad chuckle. It's been about an hour and The article is going viral. Yet, I have no text from Jungwon to clear things up.

"Yeah, that's how I felt when she told me." In-ha says.

"This is crazy!" Seoyeon says. I nod my head in agreement.

"So In-ha was right, Jungwon really is yours-" Ree-a stops herself. My slight smile completely drops from my face when the situation hits me once again. I suddenly grab my phone and go to my contacts. I call Jungwon. Wtf am I doing? I don't know. He picks up.

"Hey-" I cut him off.

"What the heck is that dispatch article?!" I kind of yell. I feel my emotions rush in as I realize this might actually be reality.

"That fucking article!" Jungwon curses. My eyes go wide since I've never heard him curse.

"Please, if we are gonna have any sort of relationship between us, don't ever believe what you see on social media, especially dispatch." Jungwon says.

"Why, because it exposes you? Your girlfriend?" I say, angrily.

"No actually, my sister. I went to visit my sister and dispatch took it and went with it." He says, making me feel like an idiot. For crying, feeling hurt, calling him, feeling sad. I just stay silent. My eyes burn again, indicating that I'm gonna start crying. I let the tears flow, sniffling due to my stuffy nose.

"Yeonie- are you?" He barely says. He knows that I'm crying now, great.

"Where are you?" He asks me.

"At I-In-ha's h-house." I say while crying.

"Ok, go to your house and bring me there. We need to talk ok." He says, sweetly.

"O-Ok." I say, hanging up the phone.

"What happened?" In-ha says.

"I'll be back, ok." I say and they nod. In the blink of an eye, I'm in my room, sitting on my bed. I hear footsteps walk to me.

"Yeonie." I hear Jungwon say. My tears get more aggressive as I soak in all the emotions I've been feeling. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I just let him hug me as I cry. Eventually, he breaks the hug, looking at me with a pout.

"Why are you crying? You're making me sad." Jungwon says. I just sniffle a little. He takes his two thumbs and wipes my cheeks dry of my tears.

"You know, seeing you like this hurts me, a lot." He says, pulling me in and hugging me tightly. I don't say anything.

"I-" He breaks the hug to hear me better.

"I feel so....... Stupid." I say, letting one single last tear fall from my eye. Jungwon wipes my cheek once more while shaking his head.

"No. You're not stupid. You have every right for your feelings. I'm sorry I didn't text or call you. I'm sorry I didn't clear things up." He says.

"I get it, you're an idol and you are busy-" He cuts me off.

"No, I could have texted or called, I just really wanted to focus." He says.

"See, I'm only a distraction!" I say, frustrated.

"No! You keep me motivated. You always make me go home on time so I can get more sleep. You always tell me not to text you while in practice so I can focus. You always cheer me on. I did it for you, so it would be even better when I saw you this weekend. But, unfortunately, that stupid article ruined it." He says. The only thing in my mind is 'I love you'. I don't want to overwhelm him with my feelings but I can't help myself.

"Jungwon." I say.

"Yes?" He says back.

"I- I love you." I say. Jungwon's lips suddenly spread into a smile. He leans in, connecting our lips. We kiss gently as he cups my cheeks with his hands. We break the kiss and stare at each other.

"This has made me realize that I love you too." Jungwon says, making me smile. This time, my eyes fill with tears not because I'm sad, but because I'm happy. Yet again, I burst into tears and hug Jungwon. He chuckles as he hugs me back. I wipe my tears as we break the hug. I laugh a little at the fact that I cried because he said he loves me back.

"Sorry, I just got a little emotional there." I say, making the both of us giggle.

"So, I've been trying to think of a way to do this or if I should even do this all week. But, why not. Can I be your boyfriend?" He asks and I nod my head with a smile.

"Yes, you can." I say with a smile, making Jungwon smile.

"Wait but aren't you not allowed to date?" I ask him.

"Who said the company was gonna find out?" Jungwon says, making my mouth go wide, then form into a smile.

"So we're gonna date in secret. Are you gonna tell the members?" I ask him.

"Not right away." He answers.

"Where will we even go on dates?" I ask.

"Can we think about it when the time comes? Let's just enjoy each other now." He says with a chuckle, making my cheeks turn pink. We lay down on my bed, cuddling for a while. 

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