Chap 15. <3

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"Mmh, I would say.......... Heeseung or Sunghoon. Yeah!" I say with my pointer finger on my bottom lip. He looks shocked, but then glares at me. I try not to laugh.

"What?" I ask, innocently. He lets out a quick breath and smirks.

"Really?" He says and I smile. I nod my head. He leans closer to me and stares into my soul. I start feeling a little nervous.

"Are you sure I didn't look the best? I am your bias, right?" He says with a smirk. Ok not a joke anymore :(

"Fine, I guess you looked the best." I say, looking away from him. He backs up and has a satisfied look on his face. I look back at him and chuckle.

"You're annoying, you know that?" I say and he chuckles slightly, smiling.

"So annoying that you fell for me?" He asks and my eyes go wide. I hit him lightly on the arm.

"Not funny!" I say and he giggles.

"Whatever, you just don't want to admit it, it's ok!" He teases. I cross my arm.

"Just like you didn't admit that you liked me back?" I ask with a smile, batting my eyelashes. He sucks his teeth and laughs. I laugh with him. I then lay down on my bed. He suddenly grabs my arms and pulls me back up.

"I didn't forget, you have to dance!" He says. Damn it, I thought he forgot!!! UUGGHH

"Oh." I say.

"Why can't you dance for me since I can't dance at all?" I suggest and he nods his head.

"K! I'll dance to 'Not For Sale'!" He says as he plays the song from his phone. The music starts playing and I take the chance to secretly record him. He starts dancing but not seriously, so he's goofing around. The whole time, I couldn't stop laughing at him because he kept messing up steps and slipping while dancing. When he was done, he finally noticed that I was recording him.

"Hey!! Were you recording me that WHOLE TIME!!" He shouts. I nod my head while laughing at his reaction. He goes up to me and sits next to me.

"Please don't show anyone this video!" He whines. I giggle at him.

"Who would I show this to? I'll just keep it for myself." I say happily. He nods his head and then bursts out laughing. We laugh together but suddenly hear the doorbell ring.

"Who's at the door?" Jungwon asks with curiosity. I shrug my shoulders.

"Both my parents are on a business trip so, no one should be here." I say. I get up from my bed to go downstairs but Jungwon grabs my hand.

"Wait, be careful. I'll go with you ok." He says with concern. I guess I am also kind of scared because it's night time and no one should be coming to my house right now. We make our way downstairs and head towards the door. I check the peephole and see In-ha eonni in front of my house with bags in her hand. I sigh, mostly because I was having a lot of fun with Jungwon and now he has to leave. I turn to Jungwon.

"It's In-ha eonni. You have to leave. She can't see you here." I say and he sighs, nodding his head. He crosses his arms and pouts.

"WHy now tho!!! We were having so much fun!!" He whines while I just giggle at his behavior.

"I know but you have to leave, like, now!! I can't keep her waiting too long. It's night time and she'll scold me!" I say and he nods his head. I turn around to check if she's still there and she is. I suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. My eyes go wide and my cheeks get hot. I turn around and Jungwon lets go of the hug. He smiles at me.

"Bye!! Talk to you tomorrow!!" He says, waving his hand at me. I hug him and he hugs me back. We let go and, just like that, he's back at the dorm. I quickly open the door and let In-ha eonni in.

"Finally!!! What took so- OOhhhh!!! What is that smell! Was a boy over?" She asks me. My eyes go wide and she laughs.

"It smells like cologne, but not too strong! Well, if a boy WAS over, he's good at choosing cologne!" She says, sitting on the couch. I have no clue how she could smell Jungwon's cologne, I just now realized that he was wearing it. I walk over to the couch and sit next to her.

"Sorry, I didn't hear the doorbell because I was in the bathroom upstairs." I say and she nods her head.

"Yeah ok, I never thought you would like a boy other than Jungwon." She says with a smile. What nonsense is she saying now!!

"What?!?" I say to her. She giggles.

"You obviously had someone over and you didn't answer the door fast enough because you were sneaking them back out the house. Duhh! I've done this too, I know your tactics already!" She says while laughing at my reaction. Oh she's good.

"So, that's it, you're finally over Jungwon?" She asks. Oh if only she new.

"Umm, first of all, any boy other than Jungwon is a no for me. Second of all, that's my dad's cologne and I sprayed some in the entryway because who the hell comes to someone's house at 8:30 in the night! I thought it might come in handy if someone was trying to break in or something like that. Third of all, what boy do I know would be at my house this late on a saturday?" I say to her. I am a pretty good liar when the opportunity passes me. lol.

"Ohh! Ok then never mind. And come on, get over him! He's a K-pop idol. He's not gonna randomly see you in the streat and fall in love with you!" She says, rolling her eyes. Heheheh about that.

"You have a point, but, I don't care hehehe!!" I say getting up and running away because she started chasing me. 

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