Chap 24. <3

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The kiss didn't last long, but it was still enjoyable. Imagine actually being his girlfriend. I mean, he did say he likes me, but, I don't even know.

Jungwon's P.O.V

We break the kiss and look at each other, both of us caught in our own thoughts. I don't know why, but my mind just traveled to Yeonie possibly being my girlfriend. I like her, probably a lot more than I think. I know she likes me, so I should just ask her, or is it too soon? I don't know what I should do so I'll probably ask one of the guys. We've only been friends for a couple weeks so it is probably too soon.

I notice that Yeonie is now laying on her bed, watching something on her phone. I lay next to her and look at her phone. She's watching our drunk-dazed performance. She's so cute sometimes. She keeps replaying my verse in the song. Now she's watching my fever fan cam. She's watching Heeseung hyungs Fever fan cam. Oh, now she's squealing.

"You didn't squeal when you watched my fan cam." I say and she jumps a little. I burst out laughing and she glares at me.

"I-i'm s-sorry. I d-didn't think you'd get t-this scared!" I barely say because I can't stop laughing. She sits up and hits my shoulder. I cover my shoulder, still letting out a couple of giggles.

"That wasn't funny. You scared the crap out of me omg!!" She whines cutely. I hug her and rub her back.

"I'm sorry." I say with a chuckle she giggles a little so I guess she's not mad anymore. We break the hug and she sits up against her bed. I move closer to her. She goes back on her phone and goes to tik tok. Her for you page is filled with k-pop edits and content. She looks at me and smiles.

"Can I see some videos of us?" I ask and she nods. She scrolls and there's a video of me. It shows edited pictures of me with longer hair. I actually look pretty good with long hair. I might have to try that.

"Wonnie, can you please grow out your hair? You would look so good." Yeonie says and I chuckle.

"Maybe, we'll see what the company says." I say and she smiles.

We look back at her phone and watch some funny videos of me and the boys. We see some embarrassing stuff and some actually good edits. There are some inappropriate sounds and in some of the comments of some videos, people are fighting over me and the guys. Funny, I only belong to Yeonie. Some videos say stuff like 'Before I get serious with this guy, do you guys know him' and it'll show pictures of the members and I. Engenes have big imaginations. And the Ni-ki stans are just delusional. Sorry engene hehe. Before we know it, it's already 9:00 so I really should get to the dorm but I don't want to.

"I kind of feel bad for exposing engene." Yeonie says and I giggle.

"I guess you can say they are pretty creative." I say and she nods. I ruffle her hair and she turns to me, smiling with her eyes closed and chin up. I chuckle at her cuteness.

"Why are you so cute?" I ask and her cheeks turn pink. She shyly shrugs her shoulders and looks away. I grab her hand and hold it in mine. I like this feeling, holding her hand.

Yeonie's P.O.V

Jungwon suddenly grabs my hand and holds it safely. He makes me feel so safe with him, like he's been put on this earth to protect me. I know his life doesn't revolve around me, but sometimes it feels like that because of the way he acts with me. I see a side of him that you don't see online or even when he's with the people he's comfortable with. It's cute and it makes me feel special.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungwon asks while looking at me innocently.

"Just, you. You're constantly on my mind." I say and he smiles.

"Good." He says and I smile back at him. I suddenly yawn, interrupting my smile. I put my head back with my eyes closed.

"You tired?" Jungwon asks and I hum in response. He gently places my head to rest on his shoulder. I don't resist and just stay there. I slowly feel myself drift off to sleep due to how comfortable I feel.

The Morning

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm. I look around, remembering what happened yesterday. Jungwon isn't here though. I guess he left after I fell asleep. It's 7:00 so I get ready for another day of highschool. Once I'm done with everything, I head out the door. As I'm waiting for the bus, I get a phone call. It's from jungwon.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" Jungwon happily says. I chuckle at what he said.

"Hi. How did you sleep?" I ask him.

"I slept well. How did you sleep? Did you dream of me?" Jungwon cutely asks. I giggle at his question.

"Yes! How did you know?!?!" I say sarcastically.

"Just a guess! Well that's good to hear. I got to get to practice so I'll call you later. Have fun at school!" He says to me. I smile at his voice.

"K, I'll try. Bye!" I say and we hang up the phone. He's so cute omg. It's like he's my boyfriend but he's not, unfortunately. I get on the bus and head to school. I see In-ha walking into the gates so I run to catch up with her.

"Hey eonni!" I say and she smiles at me.

"Hey little one." She says and I smile. She likes teasing me so I just let her. We walk into school and head to our classes. My classes go the same as every day. I head to lunch and sit with In-ha. Ree-a and Seoyeon wanted to sit with us so they did.

"So, what did you guys do this weekend?" Ree-a asks us.

"You will NEVER believe-" I cut her off.

"We hung out together, just us. Right, eonni?" I say and her eyes go wide. She then nods her head rapidly.

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