Chap 16. <3

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 * In the morning *

Jungwon's P.O.V

I am having breakfast with the members but all I can think of is Yeonie! I can't believe I like her! I can't believe I told her I liked her! I can't believe I kissed her! I can't believe I had my first kiss! I can't believe she was my first kiss! Ok I'll stop now. :)

"Hyung, what are you thinking about? I'm literally talking to you!" Ni-ki says, waving his hands in my face. I blink a couple times.

"Ni-ki, he's thinking about Yeonie, leave him alone." Sunghoon hyung says to Ni-ki. The other members start laughing while I glare at them.

"It's not funny." I say and Jay hyung pinches my cheek.

"Of course it's not funny, it's cute." Jay hyung says. I cross my arms.

"Yesterday, I had my first kiss with Yeonie. And I told her I like her." I say to them. Let's see how funny they think it is now. I keep eating my food while they all go silent. heheh.

"WHAT!!!!!" They all say in unison.

"Bro, how did you have your first kiss before me!!" Jake hyung whines.

"Aww, he has a little crush!!" Heeseung says. I roll my eyes.

"Hyung I don't know, I think it's more than a crush." Sunghoon hyung says.

"Hyung, be careful what you say to me, if you get lucky, I could introduce you to her friend." I say to take the attention off of me. They all turn to Sunghoon. 

"Hyung, do you like her friend?" Sunoo hyung asks.

"OOhhh! You like noona's friend!!" Ni-ki says and I giggle cause he called Yeonie 'noona' like I asked. Sunghoon shakes his head.

"No no no!! I don't like her! All I said is she was pretty! That's it!!" Sunghoon says to defend himself.

"Ohh yeah right!!" I say to tease him. Everyone starts laughing.

Yeonie's P.O.V

"Yeonie!! Wake up you lazy head!!!" In-ha eonni says as she shakes me.

"Hey!! Not nice, I was having a good dream!!" I whine with a raspy voice.

"Was it about jungwon?" She asks me. I nod my head while chucking. She hits my head, but not too hard.

"You're crazy. I made breakfast so go wash your stinky mouth!" In-ha says, leaving my room and going downstairs. I get up and brush my teeth. I go downstairs and eat breakfast with In-ha. Once we're done eating, we just go on our phones for a bit.

"Hey! You wanna go out and do something today?" In-ha eonni asks, looking excited.

"I don't know, it depends on what you wanna do." I say and she smiles.

"Let's go to the arcade!!" In-ha says. I nod my head in agreement and she smiles brightly.

"Ok then let's get ready!" In-ha eonni says. We go up to my room and she picks an outfit from her bag while I look through my closet.

I end up putting on loose jean shorts with a light brown graphic t-shirt and white sneakers. In-ha wears similar shorts with a light blue cropped top and white and blue sneakers. Once we're done changing, we head back downstairs.

"So, let's go to the arcade!!!" I say like a little kid.

"Wait, are we taking the bus, train, or a taxi?" In-ha asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"I guess we could take the bus, it's not the fastest but the train is slower and a taxi costs more." In-ha says. I nod my head in agreement. We head out the door and go to the bus stop. We sit and wait for our bus. I go on my phone and see a notification from Instagram. Jungwon texted me and the other members followed my instagram. NICE!! I go to our texts and see what Jungwon texted me.

'Hey! What are you doing today' Jungwon texted

'Oh I'm going to the arcade. Why?' I text back

'Can I go with you!! I miss you' He texted me. Oh My God. He misses me. njdbfdjfje

'Sorry but I'm going with In-ha eonni. You can't come.' I text him back.

'Aww. I wanted to see you today.' He texts back. My cheeks start feeling a little hot.

'Sorry. We can hang out when you're free!' I text him back.

'Yeah, I guess so :(:(:(' He texts back. I giggle at his text.

"Who are you texting? You're giggling? And blushing?!" In-ha eonni says to me. I look at her.

"No one! I'm looking at ENHYPEN's posts!" I say and she nods her head. I look back at my phone and see that Jungwon texted me again.

'Isn't it kind of annoying only texting on Instagram?' Jungwon texts.

'Yeah ig' I text him back.

'K. Here's my number *********' He texts me. My eyes widen a bit. Jungwon just gave me his number. What the heck.

'O-O. This is mine *********' I text him back. I put his number into my contacts and just name it '<3' because if someone saw 'Jungwon' in my contacts, they would ask a lot of questions. I then get a text from him.

'Hey! We can text from here now.' Jungwon texts me. I can't help but laugh a little. Then, out of nowhere, Jungwon calls me. I can't decline it so I answer it.

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