Chap 13. <3

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Jungwon's P.O.V

"I am happy I got to meet you!" I say, staring into her eyes. I've always found her pretty but, specifically right now, she looks really pretty. Her eyes are very deep, almost like you get trapped in them if you look too long. Exactly what is happening to me right now.

Maybe the members were right. I think I like her, and not as a friend. I see how red her cheeks are and I finally notice how close our faces are to each other. We are just stuck staring, neither of us want to look away. Suddenly, my face is getting closer and closer to hers until, by nature, my eyes close and I tilt my head a little.

Yeonie's P.O.V

We are stuck in this staring contest and it's dead silent. Suddenly, his face starts moving closer to mine. I close my eyes and tilt my head, preparing myself to feel lips on mine. I then feel his soft lips touch mine. He then softly places his hand on my cheek so I do the same. We are deep in the kiss until we hear a phone ring. I recognize the ringtone and it's my phone. We break the kiss and stare in each other's eyes for a bit before I grab my phone off the coffee table. I check the ID caller and it's my mom. Really mom, right now!!!!

"H-hello, mom." I say.

"Hey honey! I just wanted to check up on you! Is everything ok?" She asks. I look at Jungwon and back at the blank TV.

"Yeah I'm fine, just listening to music." I say and she sighs.

"Good to hear. Well I got to get back, my boss is calling me. I love you and see you sometime next week." She says to me.

"K see you bye!!." I say, hanging up the phone. I let out a deep breath. I look at Jungwon who is staring at me.

"So- um." I manage to let out. I wouldn't say it's awkward but it's just, what do we do?

"We can watch the movie now I guess." Jungwon says, fixing himself on the couch. I sit forward and we turn on the TV. I go to netflix and look for a movie. We decide on a movie and play it. The whole time we were watching the movie, I couldn't stop thinking about how I kissed Jungwon.

Technically, he kissed me, so that means he wanted to kiss me. Omg!! The movie finally ends and I turn my head to look at Jungwon. I see him peacefully sleeping with his lips slightly parted. I go closer to him to see him better. He looks so cute sleeping!! I push some of the hair out of his face but he starts moving.

His eyes slowly open and I just freeze. I am really close to him and now he's staring at me. What the actual heck. I feel his hand tuck some of my hair behind my ear, then land on my cheek. He slightly smiles. He gives me a quick peck and gets up, running upstairs with little giggles. It takes me some time to realize what just happened, but when I do, I get up and run after him.

"Yah!! YANG JUNGWON!!" I yell while running up the stairs. I hear his loud laugh come from my room. I open the door to my room and fake fall. He stops laughing and runs to me.

"Yeonie!! You ok?!" He asks with concern. I shake my head, holding my knee.

"You hurt your knee?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Then where?" Jungwon asks me.

"Here!!" I say tackling him and tickling him. He starts laughing loudly, kicking his feet in the air. I keep on tickling his stomach.

"OK!! O-OK!!! S-SORRY!! I-I'M S-SORRY!!!" He yells in between his laughter.

I stop tickling him and he catches his breath. Once his breathing is regular, I notice his cheeks get really red. Then I realize I'm on top of him with my hands on the floor. I try to get up but before I can, Jungwon stops me and pulls me closer to him.

"I tried to deny it whenever the members said it but, I like you Yeonie." He says to me while we are just laying on the floor. I literally can not process what has happened over the past hour. In response to his confession, I smile at him. He smiles back.

"So, you like me, huh?" I ask with a teasing smirk. He lets out a breathy chuckle and smirks.

"Yeah, and what about it?" He asks. I giggle at his response.

"Nothing! Just asking!" I say. I take the opportunity to give him a quick peck and get up from on top of him. I run to my bed and throw myself on it.

"Hehe now we're even!" I say as he gets up and sits on the bed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever!" He says in defeat. I look for my phone but realize I left it downstairs.

"Ugghh!" I huff out.

"What happened?" Jungwon asks, putting his hand on top of mine.

"I left my phone downstairs!! I don't wanna get it!!" I whine to him. He giggles at my behaviour.

"Here, just use mine." He says, handing me his phone. I take it happily and open it. He moves on the bed so he's sitting next to me, backs against the backboard of the bed. I'm playing games on his phone when he suddenly lays his head on my lap. I'm shocked so I just sit still.

"Play with my hair please!!" He asks me. I'm still a little frozen because of his actions, but I just do what he asks. I run my fingers through his soft hair. It's actually kind of relaxing. I watch tik toks in one hand and play with his hair with the other. He starts humming to some music and we are just chilling. Then, he gets a call and the ID caller says 'Heeseung hyung' so I pick it up.

"Yes?" I say. He doesn't say anything for a little.

"Oh Yeonie? Hi!" He says.

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