Chap 25. <3

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"Yeah. Just us, hanging out, together." She says and Ree-a laughs.

"What's with the bracelets?" Seoyeon asks us.

"Oh... well.." Is all that I managed to say.

"Yours is Jungwon and Yours is Sunghoon." Ree-a says. Me and In-ha don't know what to say.

"You put your biases on them?" Seoyeon asks.

"Isn't Sunghoon your bias?" Ree-a asks and In-ha nods her head.

"So why do you have eachothers biases on the bracelets?" Seoyeon asks us. We shrug.

"Wait. Jungwon is your bias, right Yeonie?" Ree-a asks and I nod.

"Yeonie, I didn't know you're Jungwon biased!" Ree-a eonni says.

"Yeah. He's the cutest. Especially in real life." I say and In-ha hits my arm.

"Ouch! Eonni what was that for?" I say and she looks at me.

"That's right, you guys went to the fansign! How was it?" Ree-a says.

"Ohhh! Right the fansign. Sorry Yeonie. The fansign was sooo fun! I did the thing." In-ha says to them.

"Right, the boyfriend mirror thing that Yeonie made up." Seoyeon says.

"Oh she told you." In-ha says and I laugh.

"You thought you could take credit for it hahaha!" I say and they all laugh.

"What did he say though?" Ree-a asks. In-ha didn't actually tell me what he said.

"All he said was cute and patted my head." In-ha says. The girls freak out.

"He, like, touched your hair?!?" Seoyeon says. And In-ha nods her head. They squeal, like, a lot.

"Wait! Didn't you do it too Yeonie?" Ree-a asks me and I nod.

"What did Jungwon say?" Seoeyeon asks. They all put their attention on me.

"Well, I said 'I actually came with my boyfriend'. And he started looking around and said 'You have a boyfriend? Where?'. I took out the mirror and put it up to his face and said 'Here.'. He smiled at me and said 'Oh ok! Good.'." I say and their mouths hang wide open. I giggle at their reactions.

"What?" I ask them innocently.

"He said g-good?" Seoyeon asks, dramatically. I nod my head and laugh at them.

"Omg maybe he thought you were cute and decided to be bold." Ree-a says.

"I'll say." In-ha says while rolling her eyes. I shove her lightly and she giggles. We finish our lunch and just chill till we have to go back to class. I finish the rest of my classes and go home. I shower and change into something comfortable. I eat a snack and finish my homework. Once I'm done with my homework, I go on my phone. I suddenly get a call from Jungwon. I pick up the call and talk into the phone.

"Hey! What's up?" I ask him.

"Nothing. We're taking a break so I thought I should call you." He says.

"Cute. So are you guys gonna do a V live today?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Yes, we will do it around 9:00 I think." He says and I smile.

"Nice!" I say to him.

"Did you do your homework?" He asks me and I giggle.

"Yes, I did my homework." I say.

"Ok, just making sure. Aren't finals, like, around the corner?" He says.

"No. We had ours in April. Right before you dropped your album." I say.

"Oh! Well at least you got them over with!" He says and I hum in response. I try not to laugh but I giggle.

"What?" Jungwon asks

"Ahh nothing you- you just." I say but giggle a little more.

"What is it?" He asks with a chuckle.

"You're acting like you're my boyfriend." I say and chuckle.

"What's wrong with that? I kind of like it." Jungwon says. I feel my cheeks get hot.

"W-well you're not, so yeah." I say and he chuckles.

"But I will be, eventually." He says. My eyes go wide and I press my lips together. Then a smile appears on my face.

"W-well I'll make sure to join the V live!" I say and he laughs at me.

"Ok then. Text me when you get into it so I know you're watching. Tell In-ha to join as well. Sunghoon will be happy to hear that she's watching." Jungwon says with a giggle and I hum in response.

"Hey! Shut up Wonnie!!!" I hear Sunghoon from the other line. I laugh even harder when I hear Sunghoon.

"I'm sure In-ha eonni will join without me having to remind her. Anyways, I'm sure you have to go now, Right?" I say with a smile.

"Yeah, you're right. So bye!! Talk to you later." He says.

"Bye!" I say and he hangs up. I lay on my bed and watch a show for a little while. After a while, I get a call from In-ha eonni.

"What's up-" She cuts me off.

"ENHYPEN just started their live! Hurry up!!" She says and hangs up immediately. 

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