Chap 8. <3

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"Thank you eonni!!!" I say, going over to her seat, which is across from me, and hugging her. She hugs me back and I go sit back in my seat. They all laugh at my reaction.

* This is based in present time but, no covid *

Then, it hit me, I would have to see Jungwon. Even if it's for a minute. I'm not complaining, given my feelings for him, but I've kind of been avoiding him. Do you know how awkward that's gonna be! Hella awkward, and I don't know how he will react. Also, that day Sunoo was in my room, I didn't even acknowledge him! He's my bias wrecker and everything, but all I was focused on was Jungwon. Like, Sunoo was in MY ROOM!!!!-

"Hello!!!! Yeonie!! You're spacing out again!" Seoyeon says, waving her hand in my face. I blink a couple times, then smile at her.

"Still can't believe it, huh?" In-ha says with a smile and I nod my head. We continue to eat our ice cream and we all take some pictures to post on Instagram. Once we're done, we go home. I do my homework, shower, and have a snack. I throw myself on my bed.

"Wow, I still can't believe it. This is gonna be interesting." I say to myself.

I get my TV remote from my night stand and turn on the TV. I go to Netflix and press play on my drama. I'm still trying to avoid him and so far, it's working. He hasn't magically appeared where I am since he asked me to bring him and Sunoo. I suddenly hear a 'ding' from my phone. I look to see a  notification from Instagram. I go to Instagram and it says 'j_04_won' liked your post. Then I get a message on Instagram. He texted me.

* ' ' is texting, " " is talking *

'Wow, you lasted a whole day!!'. I roll my eyes at his text.

'Yeah, hope it can stay this way'. I text back.

'Wym? Don't you like my company?:):)'. Not gonna lie, that text made me smile.

'I like you better as my idol'. This whole situation is still kind of weird to me.

'Oh come onnn! You love me, literally!!'. Wow, he's bold for that one!

'Bye :/'. I press send and turn off my phone. I hear three dings so I check it again.

'Wait no!'.

'Ok, I'm sorry'.

'I shouldn't have said that! Don't be mad!'. I'm trying to get things back to normal but, OMG, he's making it ssoooo hard.

'What'. I text him.

'Are you avoiding me? I have a feeling'. He texts me.

'Oh really? Well tell that feeling it's right!'. I sarcastically text him back. Would I rather have my idol (who I'm in love with, eww) be mad at me for being mean to him, or have my idol try to be nice and possibly start a friendship. I don't know but I somehow feel like I forced it. Whithought my powers, he would still not know I existed. Now we might argue on my birthday! UUGGHH.

'Don't be mean!! I don't like it when people are sarcastic.' He texts me. Oh now he really is mad!! Damn it, well umm.

'Sorry, I'm just not in the best mood'. I text him.

'Oh ok, then I'll leave you alone :/'. He texts.

'K, bye.' I text him, then turn off my phone. I guess I won't tell him it's my birthday.

Jungwon's P.O.V

"Jungwon hyung!!! HELP!!!!" Ni-ki yells, running to the living room as Jake hyung chases him. He jumps onto me.

"Oww!!" I yell because he hurt me

"Sorry hyung but-" Jake cuts him off

"Ni-ki! Give. It. Back!!" Jake hyung says while standing with his hands on his hips.

"What did you take, Ni-ki?" I ask him.

"His phone! Ahahaha!" Ni-ki laughs eveily, then out of nowhere, snaches my phone right from my hand. He then jolts away after giving Jake his phone back. I get up and run to him. I knew I should have never put their fingers to unlock my phone!

"Ni-ki!!! Give it back!!" I yell, running into the room we all share. All the other members are in the room.

"Let's see, ooh! Instagram!!" Ni-ki says, going through my phone. I sit on my bed in defeat.

"Hyung, who's Yeonie?" He asks, looking at me with a smile. Now the other members are interested in what's in my phone. They all look through my phone together. Even though Sunoo hyung already knows.

"Oh you text her?" Jay hyung says with a smirk.

"Wonnie, do you like her?" Jake hyung says.

"NO! Of course not why would I! I just talk to her sometimes! That doesn't mean I like her! You guys are weird! Like her, pft-" I was cut of.

"Dude, calm down! You are getting WAY too defensive! No is enough." Heeseung tells me.

"Ohh let's go to his camera roll!" Sunoo hyung suggests. He doesn't know about the picture of our pinky promise. Or the multiple pictures I snuck of her. Damn it!! Why did I do that!

"What's this picture of your pinky? And who's pinky is locked with yours?" Jay hyung asks. I shrug my shoulders. I've been silently accepting defeat.

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