Chap 9. <3

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"Omg is that the Yeonie girl!!" Heeseung says in shock. "So whenever you "Go out", you go to see her!!" He says. At this point, I have to tell them the truth.

"Guys, I have to tell you something." I say.

"She's your secret girlfriend??" Ni-ki asks.

"No, ......"

Yeonie's P.O.V

It's currently thursday and I haven't spoken to Jungwon. I think things are finally getting back to normal. If I get attention from him, I want it to be because he caused it, not me. I hear a ding come from my phone. Jungwon texted me on Instagram.

'Hey, don't be mad but, all the members know. It's not my fault tho, Ni-ki took my phone and they all went through it. I had to tell them'.

'Jungwon, what's on your phone that would make them suspect anything?' I text him.

'Pictures of you that I secretly took without you knowing? Maybe that?' He texts. Why was he taking pictures of me?

'Omg wtvr, you want me to bring them all here, right?' I text.

'Yeah, sorry again' He texts

I look up from my phone and seven boys are standing, confused in my room.

I smile, not like I can help it. Enhypen is in MY ROOM!

"Hi, I'm Yeonie! I already know all of you guys so no need for an introduction. Also, sorry I didn't say hi last time you were here Sunoo." I say to him and he smiles.

"It's fine. Guys, sorry but I already know all of this." Sunoo says, turning to the members. The rest just look super confused. I guess Jungwon really can't hide anything from his members. He comes up to me and sits next to me on my bed.

"I'm sorry, if you're gonna blame anyone, blame Ni-ki!!" He says and pointing at Ni-ki.

"Hey, hyung it's not my fault you took pictures of her! If it weren't for that, you wouldn't have to tell us!" Ni-ki says, defending himself.

"Ni-ki has a point, why did you take pictures of me?" I say.

"Cause, you looked kind of cute." He says, looking at the floor. My eyes go wide.

"J-jungwon, I find you cute but I was able to restrain myself from taking pictures of you." I say to him.

"It's cause he likes you." Sunghoon says, plainly. Jungwon's head shoots up.

"I do not!! No offence, Yeonie-ah." Jungwon says. I chuckle at their arguing.

"What's this?" Jake asks, holding up the pink envelope that was once on my desk. My eyes go wide.

"Don't look at that!!" Jungwon says before I can. He gets up and grabs it from Jake's hand then puts it in his pocket.

"Jungwon, give it to me." I say. He shakes his head cutely.

"No, it's mine. It has my name on it, so it's mine." He says. Why is he being difficult. UUGGHH.

"Whatever, I don't even know why you would want the love letter I wrote. You weren't even supposed to read it." I say, purposely.

"Love letter? Jungwon why do you want it-" Jay was cut off by their disappearance. All except Jungwon.

"You're welcome." I say to him as he sits back on my bed. He then gets a call.

"Yeah hyung. She brought you guys back. No, I'll be back soon. Bye." He says, hanging up the call.

"Well um you should go." I say and he shakes his head.

"Can I stay for a bit?" Jungwon asks. I nod my head. He grabs my phone that's next to me.

"I never realized you had a photocard of me in your phone case." He says with a smirk. I feel my cheeks get hot.

"Y-yeah whatever." I manage to say.

"Cute." He says plainly. Is he trying to kill me?

"Can you unlock it, I forgot the password." He says, also with a smirk. He knows the password. He's smirking cause he knows it's his birthday.

"Jungwon, you know the password, stop playing." I say.

"No really, I forgot!" He says.

"It's 0209, happy?" I ask and he nods cutely.

"At this point, I might as well put your finger to unlock my phone as well." I say, sarcastically.

"K." Jungwon plainly says. He goes to my settings. He then presses 'Touch ID and Passcode'.

"Wait, Jungwon, I was just kidding." I say with a chuckle. He shrugs his shoulders and continues putting his thumb into my phone. Once it's done analyzing his thumb, he names it 'Wonnie'. Why is he so effortlessly cute?

"Now I can open your phone whenever I want to!" He says with a bright smile.

"Ok then I should be able to open your phone whenever I want!" I say with my eyebrows raised. He starts laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask.

"That would be invasion of an idol's privacy." He says. My mouth goes wide.

"Are you kidding me?" I say with a smile, laughing at him. He really is unbelievable. 

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