Chap 23. <3

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I quickly get up and go to my desk. I open the drawer and take out every letter in there. I go to the door and go downstairs to the kitchen. I get the lighter and go to the back door. I hear them call me, telling me to stop but I ignore them. I open the back door and go to the fire pit in my backyard.

I still feel some tears fall. I throw all the letters in the fire pit and try to turn on the lighter. As I'm trying to turn on the lighter, I hear them coming outside and running towards me. I finally turn it on and throw it in the pit with the letters, burning them. Jungwon comes from behind me and throws water on the fire. With the fire out, he reaches into the pit and takes out what's left of the letter. I'm just sitting in a chair in front of the fire, crying. I still feel embarrassed and now, upset. I wish they would all just leave.

Just like that, Jungwon is no longer in front of me, and Sunghoon and In-ha are not running behind me. I start to cry harder. I'm even more angry because I'm crying about it. I let myself sink into the chair and just.... cry. I didn't actually want Jungwon to go, just In-ha and Sunghoon. I suddenly feel a hand push the hair out of my face and behind my ear. I open my eyes to see Jungwon kneeling in front of me. He wipes the tears off my face.

"Why are you crying?" He asks with a soft, sweet voice.

"I- I just f-feel embarrassed." I managed to get out.

"Hey! It's ok! Come here." Jungwon says, bringing me into his embrace. I take in his smell and sit there for a while. All that is heard is my sniffling. Eventually, he gets up and sits on one of the chairs by the fire pit and sits me on his lap. I just stay there, enjoying his affection. I realize he has to go home so I break the hug.

"What's up? Do you feel better now? You wanna go inside?" Jungwon says with concern.

"You should go home now." I say to him and he holds me in his arms.

"I won't go until I know that you're ok." He says, not giving in.

"I'm fine. Don't worry, ok." I lie to him. I still feel upset at the whole situation but he has to get up really early for practice and it would be selfish to ask him to stay. He shakes his head. He stands up and grabs my hand, dragging me into the house. I stop him in the kitchen.

"What's up?" Jungwon asks.

"You have to go home-" He cuts me off. 

"You are clearly not ok. You were crying a minute ago. And bring In-ha back here." He says, turning back around and dragging me to my room. I sit on my bed and just do what he says. In-ha is now sitting on my bed.

"Oh, you brought me back." In-ha says plainly. Jungwon sits next to me and grabs my hand to hold it.

"Hey, Yeonie, I'm sorry. I didn't think you would feel that hurt but, now that I think about it, I did go kind of overboard. I really am sorry and didn't mean to upset you." In-ha says. I nod my head and hug her. I'm not really mad anymore. It was pretty embarrassing, but everyone didn't really find it embarrassing, just me. I kind of overreacted.

"And just know, you didn't overreact, it deserved that kind of reaction." Jungwon says. I chuckle lightly because it was almost like he read my mind.

"It's ok In-ha. I'm not mad or anything. You just went a little too far." I say and she nods. She then lifts her hand, and ruffles my hair. I giggle at her actions.

"I guess I'll get my stuff and go home." In-ha says.

"You can stay another day or two if you want." I say and she shakes her head.

"I- uhh h-have some homework? Yeah! Homework that I need to do, yeah. Well see you, bye!" She says and I shrug my shoulders. She quickly grabs her bags and stuff and I send her home. Jungwon laughs a little at her as well. I then turn to Jungwon and look at him.

"You know you have to go home, right?" I say and he shakes his head. I nod my head.

"You have practice early in the-" He cuts me off.

"I don't care. I want to be with you." He says and I let out a sigh.

"I can just send you home, you know that right?" I say and he pouts.

"Fine. See you tomorrow." He says as he crosses his arms. I giggle at him.

"Bye, cutie." I say to him as I pinch his cheeks. He pushes my hands away from his face and glares at me. I laugh at his face.

"What?" I say with a chuckle.

"I'm not a baby, if anything, I should be pinching your cheeks." He says and I continue to laugh a little.

"Ok well, you're too cute! I can't help myself." I say, pinching his cheek again. He covers his cheek with his hand and looks at me, this time with a pout.

"See, you're so cute when you pout." I say and I see his cheeks go pink. I giggle at him. I get the sudden urge to kiss his cheek, so I do. I give him a quick peck on the cheek. His eyes go wide and his cheeks get even more pink. I try my best not to laugh.

"Oh my gosh. You know what, now I'm not leaving." He says, smiling while looking at me. I let out a soft sigh while smiling at him. We just stay there, staring at each other. No one says anything, we just stare. We both end up leaning towards each other. Then I close my eyes and feel his lips on mine. 

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