Chap 38. <3

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I eventually had to leave on Sunday because I had school but I went back everyday after school. It is now friday and I am back at the hospital, visiting him.

"When did they say you could leave?" I ask him.

"Tomorrow." He says.

"I know you've probably heard this from many different people, in many different ways, but you need to take care of yourself. I don't mean, 'you need to stay healthy so you can do your job', I mean you need to maintain a good weight, eating is ok. But be healthy for you. Take care of yourself for your sake. Drink water, get more sleep. Please, just be safe. It makes me sad knowing the amount of pressure you put on yourself. Remember I told you, all the members come to you to take things off their chests and rant and tell you their worries. But, you can come to me for all of that. You're not alone. If you ever feel like it's too much sometimes, take a break. But do it for you, not for anyone else. I will never know what it's like to be the leader, but I do know that you don't have to struggle alone, ok?" I say and he nods, tears running down his face. I pull him in for a hug and we stay there for a while.

"I'm sorry." He says, repeating himself.

"Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong, ok? I love you." I say and he nods.

"I love you too." He says. "It is just too much sometimes. But, I'll try. I promise." He says and I nod as we break the hug.

"Are you guys done?" We hear his manager say. We both nod.

"Well, I've spoken to, you know, the big boss. Jungwon, your dating ban is lifted, so are the rest of the members'. We won't disclose your relationship to the public until you guys are ready. But, we would advise that you guys wait more than a year." He says and we smile.

"We can wait till we're 30." I say and Jungwon laughs.

"Good. Then it's done. Make sure you don't get caught by the public and you should be fine. I'm here to pick you up a day early. And yes, I'm allowed to." He says and Jungwon looks happy.

"Also, by special request from the big man, Yeonie, do you mind living with the boys? And, depending on how well this next come back does, you guys will move into a bigger dorm." He says and we both look at each other, shocked.

"I'll have to speak with my mother." I say and he nods.

"About that, we've spoken with her about all the legal stuff, including this. She says it's all up to you." He says and I nod, still in shock.

"I'll, um....go pack?" I say and he nods. Jungwon hugs me with joy.

"You're gonna live with us!" He says, happily.

* Two weeks later *

Jungwon's P.O.V

We released our new album three days ago and it's already doing well. Yeonie moved in with us and it's been awesome. Sometimes she goes to practice with us and it just makes it really fun. We even do school from home together.

"Jungwon! Hurry, the movie is starting." Yeonie yells from the living room. I go over and sit next to her as we all watch a movie. In-ha noona is over as well. She's sitting next to Sunghoon and they're cuddling- wait what?

"Wait you guys- are you cuddling?!" I ask, looking at the two in shock.

"You didn't know, wonnie? They started dating the day you fainted." Yeonie says.

"It's been three weeks. Sunghoon, you didn't want to mention that?!" I say, still in shock.

"I kinda thought Yeonie would tell you." He says

"Not my story to tell, Sunghoon." Yeonie says.

"To be fair, it's technically two weeks since you were in the hospital for one week." In-ha says.

"Two weeks is still a lot noona!" I say.

"Wait, did you forget you didn't tell us you and Yeonie started dating?!" Sunghoon says.

"Hey, that was only like two days, and we told In-ha eonni the same day." Yeonie says.

"Can you guys shut up so we can watch the movie?" Jay hyung says.

"Someone's mad he doesn't have a girlfriend." Yeonie says.

"Not everyone is lucky, Yeonie. Or, you know, has powers handed from generation to generation!" Jay says.

"Sorry Jay oppa." She says and he chuckles.

"Can we watch the movie now?" He says and she nods. I giggle at her.

"You're cute, you know that?" I whisper to her. Her cheeks get red and it makes me laugh.

"Whatever." She says as she blushes. "You're cute too." She whispers. I smile as we cuddle, watching the movie.

----------------------The End!! <3-------------------

This was very fun to write and I want to thank everyone who voted or even read it! I'm sorry if it's cringy, I started writing this like a year ago. T-T I'm currently writing another Jungwon ff. To the 1 person who is probably reading this, if you have any suggestions on other ff and other members, please leave a comment! Bye!

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