Chap 26. <3

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* I made up this v live. It never happened btw *

Ok, well I guess it's time to watch the live. I go to the V live app on my computer and join the live. I text Jungwon that I'm in and I can see him look at his phone and smile. He looks up at the camera and waves. All of the members are in the live. Jungwon whispers to the members and shows them his phone. I guess he's telling them I'm watching the live. The rest of the members wave and say hi. They wait for some more people to enter the live, so I text Jungwon in the meantime.

'I like your outfit'. I text him

'Thanks. I like yours'. He texts back

'Dude. you can't even see my outfit wym?'. I text

'Lol ik but you always look good so I bet you look good now.' He texts

'Yeah, right -_-'. I text

'Wtvr. Is In-ha watching?' He texts

'Yeah she was the one who told me to join the live.' I text

'Oh ok. I'll tell Sunghoon hyung hehe ;)' He texts. I look back at my computer and I see Jungwon whisper something to Sunghoon. Sunghoon smiles and looks back at Jungwon's phone, then smiles wider. Looks like someone has a crush on my best friend.

'What was that smile that Sunghoon just did?' I text him

'Lol He has a crush on In-ha' He texts

'I can tell' I text him. I look back at the live and see Sunghoon glaring at Jungwon then looking at the phone.

"It's not funny." Sunghoon says, a little too loud. The other members look at the two and wonder what the fuss is about. Jungwon shows them his phone and they all start chuckling. Sunghoon crosses his arms but still chuckles a little.

'Looks like we got Sunghoon hyung mad lol' He texts me.

'Yeah I guess so haha :)' I text back.

I look at my computer and Heeseung says they are gonna start the live. They start goofing around and playing games. They then play music and sing. They also play some trivia and I give Jungwon some answers so he could win hehe. Me and Jungwon were texting a lot and at one point, everyone in the comments were asking Jungwon who he was texting and telling him to show them the messages. Of course, Jungwon just put away his phone and denied it.

The v live ended and Jungwon told me he was gonna call me when he got home. So now I'm just watching a show but I'm really tired because it's 10:00 at night. Unfortunately, I gave in and fell asleep. But, I wake up due to an abrupt loud noise. It's my ringtone from my phone. I pick up my phone and quickly answer the call to stop the noise.

"Hello?" I say with a raspy voice, indicating I was just sleeping. I don't know who called because I didn't check the ID caller.

"Hi- oh. I'm sorry, were you sleeping?" The familiar voice says with a chuckle at the end. It's Jungwon.

"I was, but it's ok. I'm awake now. Did you get home?" I say, adjusting to being awake.

"Oh ok then. Yes I did get home. We actually got home a little while ago but I had something to do. Did you go to bed or did you just fall asleep while watching kdramas again?" He asks me. It's like he already knows me.

"Yeah I fell asleep watching a kdrama again hehe." I say with a little laugh.

"Sounds like you." He says, then laughs. He just loves making fun out of me, doesn't he?

"Haha, very funny." I say, sarcastically. He laughs a little.

"Is that Yeonie?" I hear another familiar voice ask in the background of the phone call.

"Yeah. Wanna say hi hyung?" Jungwon asks one of the members. By the voice, I can tell it's Jake.

"Sure!" I hear Jake say. Jungwon hands Jake the phone.

"Hey! What's up?" Jake asks. I'm not gonna freak out but Jake from my ult group is literally asking me how I am!!

"Hey! Nothing much. I fell asleep while watching a kdrama but Wonnie woke me up by calling me ." I say. Jake chuckles.

"Well I think we're about to go to bed now so have a good night." Jake says.

"Thanks Jake! You too!" I say to him. Jake gives the phone back to Jungwon.

"Well I guess we should hang up since you guys are going to be-" Jungwon cuts me off.

"I don't want to hang up yet. Can I go over there for a quick minute?" Jungwon asks me. It's really hard to say no to Jungwon. So I won't but I won't say yes either.

"How about we just facetime?" I say to him.

"But I want to see you in real life, like face to face." He says, kind of whining. Now I really can't say no.

"Fine! I'll bring you here." I say. I don't even let him answer. I hang up the phone and he's in my room.

"Hi!" He says with a wide smile.

"Hi." I say, chuckling at his cuteness. He sits on the edge of my bed.

"My schedule is pretty tight this week so this might be the only time I can see you this week. So I wanted to see your pretty face in person really quickly." Jungwon says. I giggle at his words.

"It's a week, not a month. And, trust me, you're not gonna miss me that much." I say and he laughs a little.

"I guess I did sound a little dramatic." He says and I laugh with him.

"A little?" I ask him and he nods while we both laugh. He moves a little closer to me and pushes the hair out of my face, placing it behind my ear and patting my head. I feel my cheeks get hot so I lower my head.

"You're so cute ugh!" He says, pulling me into a hug. I just stay there in Jungwon's arms.

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