Chap 21. <3

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"I heard you like Yeonie. On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like her?" In-ha asks and I glare at her. She giggles at me.

"I would say, 7 and a half." Jungwon says with a little smile. Well, at least it's more than a 5. It's now Sunghoons turn

"Yeonie, truth or dare?" He says and I smile.

"Dare." I say with a confident look on my face.

"Ok. I dare you to kiss Jungwon on the cheek." Sunghoon says and my cheeks get hot.

"Hyung!" Jungwon yell-whispers at Sunghoon while shoving him. Sunghoon chuckles while In-ha giggles.

"Fine." I say, looking at Jungwon. His cheeks are a light shade of pink and his ears are red. I move myself closer to Jungwon so it can be easy. I quickly give him a peck on the cheek. It actually wasn't that bad.

"I don't know why that was that big of a deal. We've kissed before." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"What!!" In-ha suddenly yells out of nowhere. Oh, right. I forgot to tell her that we kissed, on the lips.

"When were you planning on telling me that you kissed Yang freaking Jungwon from Enhypen!?!?!?" In-ha says, more like yells, while looking at me with wide eyes. I giggle and shrug my shoulders, smiling innocently. I hear Jungwon and Sunghoon laugh in the background.

"Well, how are we even friends?" She says, dramatically.

"Oh come on, don't be dramatic! It was just a kiss." I say and her eyes go wide. She then points to her lips.

"Was it here?" She says and I slowly nod my head. She throws both her hands in the air, letting them fall and rest on her lap. I start laughing at her reaction.

"Whatever, what else should we play?" She asks and we shrug our shoulders.

"Do you have a jewelry maker?" Sunghoon asks In-ha.

"Do I look like a middle schooler? But yes, I do." She says and we laugh. She gets up and walks towards her closet. She takes out two boxes. She lays them down on the floor in front of us. She then shows us all her supplies.

"Let's make friendship bracelets!" Jungwon says and we giggle at his cuteness.

"I have an idea!!" I say and they all look at me.

"How many ideas do you have a day? You've come up with I don't know how many things!" Sunghoon says.

"This cutie is filled with smart ideas." Jungwon says, ruffing my hair. I blush at his words and actions.

"W-well. We could write our names on paper and put it in a cup. Whoever's name we pull, we have to make them a bracelet with our name on it. Sounds good?" I say and they all nod. I go downstairs and get a plastic cup from the kitchen. I go back upstairs and go to In-ha's room. I sit down and put the cup in the middle of us. They already wrote their names and wrote mine for me. Sunghoon puts the papers in the cup.

"I'll pick first!" I say and they agree. I pull out a piece of paper and check the name. It says 'Jungwon'.

"I got Jungwon!" I say and he smiles. Sunghoon grabs the cup and pulls a piece of paper.

"I got Yeonie." Sunghoon says with a light smile. I smile at him and In-ha takes the cup. She picks out a piece of paper.

"I got Sunghoon!" She says.

"Yes!" Sunghoon whispers, but we all hear it. We all laugh at his reaction. Jungwon just takes the last piece of paper.

"Obviously, it's In-ha." Jungwon says.

"Ok, now we make bracelets with our names on it." I say.

"We should play some music!" In-ha says and we all nod our heads. She takes out her phone and goes to apple music.

"We should listen to the new group Enhypen. Have you heard of them?" Sunghoon says and we laugh.

"No Enhypen. I've heard enough of their music!" Jungwon says and we nod while laughing. In-ha plays some music on shuffle. We start getting the supplies we want or need. I make the bracelet with green and white beads in a back and forth pattern. In square letters, I spelled my name and put a heart next to it. We eventually all finished the bracelets.

"Now give the bracelets to the person you got." I say and we all hand the bracelets to each other. Sugnhoon gave me his and I gave mine to Jungwon.

"Omg! I love the colors!!" Jungwon says and I giggle. He gets up and runs behind me. He suddenly wraps his arms around my neck from behind and kisses my cheek. My cheeks start feeling really hot. The others chuckle here and there.

"Y-your welcome." I say as he sits back down. I look at the bracelet Sunghoon gave me and it has lilac and blue beads. Also, some pink flower beads scattered around. It was really cute.

"Thank you Sunghoon!!" I say as I reach both my hands out for high fives. He gives me a high five.

"Thank's In-ha, I really like it!" Sunghoon says to In-ha and she blushes. In-ha then looks at the bracelet given to her by Jungwon.

"I really like it! Thanks Jungwon!!" She says and he nods cutely, giving her a bright smile. We all put on the bracelets. We just dance and sing to the music together. We got really comfortable with each other pretty quickly.

"Guys! You wanna watch a scary movie?!?" Sunghoon asks out of the blue. I nod my head aggressively with a smile, agreeing with Sunghoon's idea.

"OHHH!!! Yes, let's watch a scary-" In-ha cuts me off.

"Nope!" She says. She gets up and sits on her bed. I get up and sit next to her.

"Eonni! Come on!! It soun-" She cuts me off again.

"You know I don't like scary movies." She says, crossing her arms.

"In-ha. It's still light outside, it won't be that bad." Sunhoon says, pointing at her window.

"I don't really like them either but we won't pick one that's too scary!" Jungwon says to her. She lets out a deep sigh and uncrosses her arms.

"Fine!" She says, and me, Jungwon, and Sunghoon celebrate.

We take the snacks we have left and go downstairs. We sit down in the living room. Yet again, me and Jungwon make sure Sunghoon and In-ha sit next to each other. We pick a movie and put it on. My hands are resting next to me, on the couch. I'm not paying much attention to my hands until I feel something light brush against my pinky. I don't pay attention to it because it's probably nothing. 

Then, I feel Jungwon's hand brush against mine and my body freezes but my eyes stay glued to the TV. Suddenly, Jungwon grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. I quickly look up at Jungwon and he's just watching the movie. I look back at the movie and try to pay attention. Eventually, I'm able to pay attention. The movie finishes and we all look at In-ha. 

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