Chap 35. <3

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"By the way Jungwon, where did you sleep last night? You know since you weren't at the dorm." Sunoo asks him. I know they know where he was but they want to tease him and I'm all for it.

"Uh...." Is all that comes out his mouth.

"He slept at my house." I say with a smirk. They know I'm down to tease him with them.

"What? Jungwon, I thought you were innocent!" Jay says with a shocked face on.

"Well-" Jungwon's attempts at defending himself were cut off.

"You know he said he loved you today!" Jake says out of nowhere.

"Oh, I know he does." I say, looking at Jungwon, then back at jake.

"What is this, an expose Jungwon sesion?" Jungwon asks, feeling attacked.

"Well, yes." I say, giggling at his expression.

"Well, you said 'I love you' first." He says, and all eyes are on me.

"Yeah, and you asked me if you could be my boyfriend." I say.

"And you said yes." He says, staring at me, not caring about anything else.

"Exactly." I say with a smile.

"Exactly." He says, smiling at me.

"What the f-" Ni-ki is cut off by Heeseung's hand on his mouth.

"Wait, you guys are dating now?!" Sunghoon asks. Me and Jungwon look at them, realizing what we did.

"Surprise?" I say. We suddenly hear Sunoo shriek and kick his legs.

"I've been rooting for you two since the day Jungwon told me about how he magically appeared in her room and now I don't know how to act! Omg I said that all in one breath!" Sunoo says, his face red with a wide smile.

"I think he likes our relationship more than we do." I say, looking at Jungwon.

"You guys are just so cute!" Sunno says, his wide smile never leaving his face.

"Thanks hyung." Jungwon says, chucking at the older one.

"Well I'm kind of mad you didn't tell me you were going to ask her." Jay says with a pout.

"I told you I wanted to ask her for like this whole week!" Jungwon was defending himself. "And plus, she thought my sister was some secret girlfriend and I was some two timer messing with her feelings." He says, smiling at the thought.

"To be fair, dispatch is good at deceiving. And you've never shown who your sister is to the public." Sunghoon says.

"Right! It was easy for me to feel like that. I cried in front of In-ha eonni's friends. I felt so embarrassed!" I say, shaking my head.

"It's ok, Yeonie." Jungwon says, hugging me while my face get's red.

"OMG, do you guys have nicknames for each other!?" Sunoo says, moving so he's sitting closer to us.

"Well I call him wonnie." I say, looking at Sunoo.

"We all call him that sometimes. You guys need something special that only you two call each other!" He says.

"Well I like when she calls me wonnie so that's final. I guess maybe nienie- oh no that's horrible." Jungwon says, making all of us laugh.

"Or how about a nickname that isn't related to her name." Sunoo says.

"Um, In-ha eonni is good at coming up with nicknames, I should bring her here. If that's ok with you guys." I say.

"Totally fine." Sunghoon says.

"That didn't really apply to you Sungoon, you have made it very clear how much you want to see her." I say, laughing at how quick I reacted to his words.

"Well, you're lucky I have nothing to say back." He says, crossing his arms. I get out my phone and call In-ha.

"Hey! What's up?" In-ha says.

"Oh nothing, just hanging out with Enhypen, Wanna join?" I say with a smile.

"WHAT?! Heck yeah, take me to wherever you are!" She says. I laugh at her reaction.

"Wait! I don't know if I'm ready!" She says.

"Don't be silly, I'm taking you here now. Bye!" I say, and suddenly, a panicking In-ha is sitting right next to Sunghoon, exactly where I wanted her.

"You ok, In-ha?" Sunhoon says, holding her hand. I want to squeal so bad but I have to keep it in.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Hi guys, I'm In-ha. We've met before but you guys probably don't remember me." She says, sort of stuttering here and there.

"I remember you. I was sitting next to Sunghoon when you did that mirror thing." Jake says.

"Oh, yeah." In-ha chuckles and just nods, not knowing what to do.

"Sunhoon hyung has a crush on y-" Niki is cut off by Sunghoon's hand on his mouth.

"Don't listen to anything he says, his mouth just runs meanlesly!" Sunghoon says, awkwardly chuckling.

"So, we were just going over nicknames that Jungwon should call Yeonie." Sunoo says and In-ha smiles.

"Oh, did they tell you? They are so freaking cute it makes me want to scream and throw up at the same time." In-ha rambles and Sunoo agrees. They then begin to go on rants about how cute they think me and Jungwon are.

"You should have seen them the day we went to the arcade! They were such a couple! Aww my heart goes crazy, it's like your own k-drama!" In-ha says.

"Alright, we get it guys! You think we're cute! I still don't have a nickname for Yeonie." Jungwon cuts off their never ending rambles.

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