Chap 31. <3

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Jungwon's P.O.V

We finally stop laughing, catching our breaths. I get a new marshmallow and place it above the fire. We just sit there, enjoying the weather and each other's presence. After making a couple s'mores and eating them, we go back inside once we finish.

"What time is it wonnie?" I hear Yeonie say and my eyes go wide. She's never called me this before.

"Wonnie?" I ask her and her cheeks go pink. I smile at her reaction.

"Y-yeah, do you not like it?" She asks, looking down.

"No, I like it. It's cute." I say and she smiles. "It's 8:37. Wow I didn't realize we were out there for that long." I say in shock.

"Yeah, I'm kind of tired." She says, making her way to the staircase. I follow her up the stairs to her room.

"Wait, did you bring clothes in that bag?" She asks, pointing at the bag I brought to her house. I slowly nod.

"So you brought pj's?" She asks and I nod again.

"You can change to be more comfortable. I'm also gonna change. You know where the bathroom is." She says, walking into her bathroom with her clothes in her hand. I grab my bag and leave the room, heading to the bathroom outside.

Yeonie's P.O.V

I finish changing and walk out of my bathroom. I see Jungwon already laying on my bed. I walk over to him with a smile. He lifts the covers so I can go under them with him. I know we've known each other for some time now but I can't help how fast he makes my heart beat.

"You wanna watch a movie before bed?" Jungwon asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yep!" I say, grabbing the remote from my night stand and turning it on. We end up watching a k-drama. We are about 6 episodes in when I start feeling really tired. My eyes are heavy and I'm yawning every 5 seconds.

"Aww, are you tired?" Jungwon asks with a chuckle. I nod my head and he smiles.

"Lay down, we should go to sleep." He says and I nod, scooching myself down from my sitting position. Then I realize, we're gonna sleep in the same bed. I hope he's not uncomfortable with it.

I'm a little worried that he's gonna feel uncomfortable with us sleeping in the same bed but my sleepiness takes over and I feel my eyes shut. I feel the weight of the bed get lighter and someone moving around the room. Then the bed sinks in again. The light gets turned off. I wake up for no reason and see Jungwon laying on the bed so I lay back down. I suddenly feel him wrap his arms around me and hugging me, making my heart race but slowly calm down as I fall back asleep.

* The morning *

I wake up to my alarm for the week days. I grab my phone, turning the alarm off. It's 7:00 right now. I forgot to turn it off for the weekend. I feel Jungwon squirm around while hugging me tighter. I giggle at his cuteness. I turn around to face him as he slowly wakes up. He opens his eyes and smiles. His eyes then go wide and he let's go of me, realizing how close we are. I chuckle at him.

"It's ok, I don't mind." I say and he smiles, hugging me again.

"What time is it? Why did your alarm go off?" He asks.

"It's 7 in the morning. I forgot to turn off my alarm for the weekend." I say, starting to close my eyes as I feel tired.

"Well, once I wake up, it's hard for me to fall asleep. Plus, I'm normally awake at this time." I hear him say as I hug him with my eyes closed.

"I'm sorry, that was my fault." I say, feeling myself fall asleep.

"It's ok, it's not your fault- are you asleep?" He says with a giggle.

"Mhm." I say, feeling my tiredness take over me.

"Oh ok, then I'll let you sleep." He says, pulling me closer to him and cuddling me as I finally fall back asleep. 

Jungwon's P.O.V

I just watch her peacefully sleep while slowly feeling my eyes get heavy. I end up falling back asleep as well, smiling at what I was just looking at.

We eventually wake up around 9 o'clock. We brush our teeth and eat breakfast.

"What should we do today?" Yeonie asks me as we sit down on the couch, hugging.

"We could do something just the two of us, or we could do something with In-ha noona and the guys. Which one?" I ask her.

"Well, as much as I would love to spend time with the guys and In-ha eonni, I want to spend today with only you. Maybe, we could spend the day together and then invite them over later. We could invite them when it's dark, everything is better in the night." She says, smiling cutely at me. I really do love this girl.

"That sounds fun! But what do we do until then?" I ask her.

"How about you teach me to dance?" She says.

"Wait, I didn't know you wanted to learn to dance." I say, kinda shocked.

"I said I couldn't dance, not that I didn't like dancing. You're like the best dancer I know." She says. Aww, she's so sweet.

"So you really want me to teach you? I feel like you're better off learning from Ni-ki or Heeseung hyung." I say.

"I want to learn from my boyfriend." She says, shyly giggling at the word 'boyfriend'

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