Chap 14. <3

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"What's up?" I ask him.

"Nothing, just wanted to know when Jungwon is coming back to the dorm." He says.

"You're such a mom." I say with a chuckle. He laughs a little.

"Whatever, when's he gonna be home, Yeonie?" Heeseung asks. I look down at Jungwon, calmly laying on my lap.

"Not for a while. We're watching a show." I say.

"Oh ok. Why did you pick up the phone tho?" He asks.

"Because he is really focused on the show and told me to answer it." I say plainly.

"Oh ok! Then bye!" He says.

"Bye!!" I say, hanging up the phone.

"Was that Heeseung hyung?" Jungwon asks. I hum as a response.

"Oh ok! Can I get my phone, I wanna play some music." He says, lifting his hand to receive his phone. I hand him his phone, still playing with his hair. He starts playing some music while we just sit and calmly listen to it. He sits up out of nowhere.

"You wanna dance?" He asks me. I shake my head.

"Jungwon, I can't dance." I say.

"Oh come on!! It's easy!!" He proudly says.

"That's because you're a K-pop idol! And you were like born to dance! I don't know if you see yourself dance, but you are extremely good at dancing. Therefore, it's easy for YOU to say dancing is easy." I say, surprisingly all in one breath.

"Oh come on, Ni-ki, Jay, and Heeseung are way better than me!" He says.

"Like I said, I don't know if you've seen yourself dance but you make dancing look easy. You look so light when you're dancing, like you weigh nothing. I could never dance as well as you." I say, crossing my arms. He rolls his eyes and walks up to me. He grabs my arms and loosens the cross they were once in.

"Come on!! Just dance a little! It's fun!" He says, swaying my arms along with his. I can't resist his cuteness, but I can stall the situation.

"Jungwon, are you hungry, because I am." I say to him. He stops swinging our arms and stands still.

"I know you're stalling, but I am hungry. Let's eat something." He says, skipping out of the room. He's so cute sometimes. Jk, all the time!! It's already 8:00 in the night so I actually am hungry for dinner. I follow him back downstairs.

"Wonnie, what should we have?!" I whine to him. He slouches, indicating he doesn't know either.

"I don't kno- OH!! We should order pizza!" He says, pointing his finger up. I happily nod my head in agreement. I grab my phone from the living room.

"I just want plane cheese." Jungwon says. I nod my head and call the pizza place by my house. I order the pizza and we wait for it to get here. We both sit down on the couch.

"What should we do?" Jungwon asks. I shrug my shoulders. Suddenly, an idea pops in my head.

"We should play three round rock, paper, scissors! The loser has to open the door when the pizza gets here!" I say and he nods. I put my hand out and hover my other hand on top. Jungwon does the same.

"Rock, paper, scissors, say shoot!!!" We say in unison. I do rock, he does paper.

"Yay!!! I won!!!" He brags. I roll my eyes at him.

"Rock, paper, scissors, say shoot!!!" We say again. This time, I do scissors, and he does paper. The next round will be the tie breaker.

"Rock, paper, scissors, say shoot!!!" We say together. I do paper and he did rock. I won!!!

"Yay!!! I won hahaha!!" I say. He huffs cutely and crosses his arms.

"Fine, I guess I'll have to answer the door!" He whines. I pinch his cheek and his cheeks go red.

"It's ok! Not a big deal." I say, going on my phone.

"Hay!! That hurt!!" He says, rubbing his cheek with a pout. I giggle at his cuteness.

"Where? Here?" I say, pinching his cheek again. He moves my hands.

"HAy!! StOp!!" He whines. I laugh at him but stop. He suddenly ruffles my hair, messing it up.

"Haha that's what you get!" He says, sticking out his tongue while I glare at him. We then hear the doorbell ring and a smile forms on my face.

"Hehe you have to get the door." I say while his smile disappears. He gets up and goes to the door. He then comes back with a box of pizza and puts it down on the table.

"Oh, did you pay with your money?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Oh I'll pay you back-" He cuts me off.

"It's ok you don't have to. Think of it as a treat!" He says and I give in. I would probably be fighting forever if I keep the argument going so I just give up. We eat the pizza while watching youtube videos. Once we're done, we go back to my room.

"So, can I ask you a question?" Jungwon asks me. I nod my head.

"Who looked the best in the 'Fever' music video?" He asks. This is my time to tease him. 

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