Chap 11. <3

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We get up and make our way to the members. I am in front of In-ha so I would see the members first. I'm next to talk to Jungwon so I go up to him.

"Hi!" I say. He is looking at my album so he still doesn't know it's me.

"Hi! What's- Yeonie?" He asks, looking up at me. I smile at him.

"What are you doing here?" He says to me.

"My friend surprised me with this as a birthday gift." I say as he signs the page I opened my album to.

"Wow, well it's nice seeing you. When is your birthday?" He says.

"It was the 18th. Tuesday." I say and his eyes go wide.

"You could have told me. I could have said happy birthday at least. Well, happy birthday then." He says and I smile. Time to do the mirror thing.

"Yeah, actually, I came here with my boyfriend." I say, his head shoots up, looking at me.

"Really, you have a boyfriend? Where?" He asks, looking a little nervous. I smile and take a small mirror out of my purse. I hold it up to his face.

"Here!" I say, giggling. He smiles and sighs with relief.

"Oh ok! Good." He says, patting my head. Excuse? Come again! My heart starts beating a little faster.

"Y-yeah umm. So thank you and I hope I see you again!" I say, winking at him. Obviously, I will probably see him again. I move on to Heeseung.

"Hi Heeseung!" I say, waving at him. He smiles but, when he sees me, his eyes go wide. He waves at me.

"Yeonie, what are you doing here?" He whispers to me. I laugh at his cuteness.

"I wanted to see you again!" I say, opening my album to the page I want him to sign. I hand it to him and he signs it.

"Oh well it was nice seeing you again. I have a feeling I'll see you pretty often." Heeseung says, smiling at me. I nod my head and walk to the next person. It's Jay.

"Hi- Yeonie?" Jay says. Why are they all so surprised?

"Hi, don't be surprised, I got enough of that from Jungwon and Heeseung." I say and he laughs a little, then nods. He signs the page.

"My friend surprised me with this as a birthday gift." I say and he nods.

"When is it?" He asks.

"May 18th." I say, plainly.

"Oh it passed already! Well happy birthday!" He says and I smile.

"Thanks!" I say and he nodsThe time runs out so I move onto Jake.

"Hey Jake!" I say. He looks at me and frowns his eyebrows. Then, his eyes go wide. I giggle at his actions.

"It's funny because, so far, everyone has had that reaction." I say, handing him the book to sign. He laughs a little.

"Well hi then! What's your name?" He asks, as a joke. I smile at him.

"My name is Yeonie!" I say and he signs the page. We laugh and then talk a little. I have to go to the next person so I move on. I look at Sungoon and smile.

"My friend surprised me for my birthday, so don't be surprised." I say before he even saw me. He smiles and nods.

"Did it pass already?" He asks, signing the page. I nod my head.

"It was the 18th." I say and smile. He nods his head.

"Oh well then happy birthday!!" He says, giving me the photobook. I forgot to tell him something so I say it really quickly.

"You will see my friend next and you're her bias. She's the one that was with me on the picnic." I say to him. He smiles and nods, looking at In-ha, then back at me.

I then move onto Sunoo. He looks at me with a big, bright smile. He waves at me cutely and grabs the book to sign it.

"Hey!!! What brings you here?" He asks, jokingly. We talked a little and then I moved onto Ni-ki.

"Oh! Hi Yeonie noona!" He says. Noona? He just called me noona.

"Noona?" I ask. He nods.

"Jungwon told me you're older than me, and that I should call you noona." He says while he signs my book.

"That makes me feel old. Just call me Yeonie, ok?" I say and he nods. He signs the page. We make a couple jokes with each other. My time is up with the boys so I walk back to my seat.

The rest of the girls go up excitedly to see the boys. All I could do was stare at Jungwon. I watch how he acts with the other girls. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a tad bit jealous but, what can I do, he not my boyfriend or anything. I'm just a fan. I snap out of my thoughts when I see Jungwon staring at me. In-ha elbow me in my side.

"Jungwon is staring at you!!!" She says, but I'm too busy staring at him.

He looks back at the girl in front of him. She's the last girl left to see the boys. She moves onto Heeseung, leaving Jungwon staring at me with a smile. I feel my cheeks get hot when he leans close to Heeseung and whispers something into his ear, leaning out and smirking at me.

I see Heeseung chuckle a little and I feel a little embarrassed. Heeseung then looks at me, smiles while shaking his head slightly, and looks down at his hands. I have no clue what they are talking about but Jungwon is gonna hear it from me later. 

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