Chap 7. <3

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Yeonie's P.O.V

I get a message from Jungwon on Instagram, telling me to bring him back, but his time with Sunoo. I give in and just bring him here.

"What the hell!!!" Sunoo says, shocked. This means that Jungwon told him. He even took a picture of the pinky promise but broke it!! Whatever, it's not like I mean anything to him. I'm just a fan who is in love with him. Who he accidentally got involved with. Yeah.

"What do you want. Jungwon?" I ask, visibly annoyed.

"I jus-" Jungwon was cut off by a confused Sunoo.

"Wait, so you're Yeonie? And you actually have powers? And I'm not dreaming?" Sunoo asks and I nod with a slight smile. He's too cute, how can I stay mad.

"It's true, whatever this promise breaker said to you, it is all true!" I say, looking at Jungwon.

He frowns his eyebrows and pouts. He walks up to me and grabs onto the sleeve of my sweater. What is he doing, he never acts like this, at least not with me. Maybe he's just like me, and hates when people are mad at him.

"Oh come on! Yeonie-ah, don't be mad at me!" He says, cutely. Great, now how am I supposed to stay mad at him.

"Yeonie-ah?" I ask and he nods. I roll my eyes. "You're just using my feelings to your advantage. That's not fair, Jungwon!" I whine. He smiles.

"I had to rant to someone! And Sunoo hyung just so happened to ask me what was wrong! Plus, I trust him." He says and I look at Sunoo who is just nodding his head.

"Ok, whatever! It's fine." I say and he smiles at me again.

"Ok, will you go now?" I ask.

"Hey, you're the one who can do that, not us." He says, sarcastically.

"Haha, very funny! Bye!" I say. He openes his mouth to say something but I don't give him time. He's gone once again.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't upset. But the problem is, I don't know why I'm upset. He just told Sunoo, that's it. It might not even be that, it could be something else. I wasn't exactly happy before he asked me to bring him back. And I still don't know how I have these powers. Whatever!!! Ugh. I'll just go to bed since I have another day of school tomorrow.

* The Next Day *

I wake up to an annoying alarm ringing in my ear. I turn it off and get up. I do my morning routine and eat breakfast. I head to school. So far, Ae-ri has not bothered me again, which makes sense because I used my powers without even noticing. I've been spending time with In-ha, but not as much as before because I'm scared Jungwon will just appear. Sometimes I can't control my thoughts. Speaking of thoughts, mine are interrupted by In-ha.

"Hey. whatcha thinking about?" In-ha eonni asks me, who is in deep thought.

"Oh, nothing!" I say, which is clearly a lie.

"Oh ok well, wanna hang out after school? I have a surprise!" She says to me and I nod my head.

"Sure, I hope it's good cause you know how I feel about surprises!" I say to her and she smiles.

I wanna try to forget about the Jungwon situation. I feel like I should stay in my place as a fan. He didn't ask to get involved with me. Even if I didn't do it on purpose, I should still try not to involve myself with him. Plus, I have other things to worry about, like school and trying to control my powers. Once my first couple of classes are done, I head to the lunchroom.

"Hey Yeonie, you wanna sit with me and my friends?" In-ha asks me, since she knows I'm still trying to become comfortable with her friends. I nod with a smile, taking my food tray and going with her to a table.

"Oh look, it's Yeonie!" Seoyeon says to Ree-ha. I smile and sit at the table.

"Hi guys!" I say while waving at them. We end up talking and becoming a little closer. I hope they can eventually consider me their friends. Anyways, I headed to my last set of classes. Eventually, they end so I go to the front gate of the school. I see her coming closer to me with a smile.

"Hey eonni! So, where are we going today?" I ask her.

"We are going to the ice cream shop! I have to tell you something!" She says, excitedly. Now I really want to know what the surprise is. I nod my head and we make our way to the shop that's not that far from our school. We finally arrive and find a seat.

"Which flavor do you want eonni, I'll go order." I say to In-ha as she nods her head.

"I'll have the same as always." In-ha says and I nod.

She loves chocolate-chip cookie dough. That is her favorite, but sometimes she likes trying different flavors. I like butter pecan and mint chocolate. That's funny because Jungwon doesn't really like mint chocolate. Ughh, I really can't 'not' think about him. Can I? Whatever! I go and order and come back to our seat with the ice cream.

"Here." I say, handing In-ha her ice cream. "So what's the surprise?" I ask, curiously.

"Hey are we late?" Seoyeon eonni says, walking into the shop with Ree-a eonni.

"No, you're just on time!" In-ha eonni says.

"Oh hi guys! I didn't know you guys would come." I say and they laugh.

"Are you serious! We wouldn't miss your birthday!" Ree-a eonni says.

"Thank you guys!" I say with a smile.

"Well, Since it's your birthday, I have a birthday gift for you!" She says.

"Ok, what is it?" I ask, looking at the three girls sitting at the table.

"I won an ENHYPEN fansign, for you and me! Happy birthday!!" She says, smiling. My mouth is just open and my eyes are wide. How did she manage to do that!! Omg!!!

"How- you- you didn't!!!" I say, barely managing to let anything out. They all nod their heads rapidly. 

"I did, and the fansign is this weekend!!!" She says as I'm just sitting there, in shock. 

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